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Search results: (6 matches)
Romanian Traducere acte Trebuie doar menţionate.... Bună ziua, este suficient dacă traduceţi
textul (păstrând pe cât posibil formatul
originalului, deşi am întâlnit traducători
care nu dau o atenţie deosebită acestui aspect),
Péter Boldizsár Feb 12, 2013
MemoQ support "general error" when trying to open memoQ similar error Hy, I had a similar I think, at
least. When I was trying to open the program I
received a general error, that some of the
necessary files for running the program were
Péter Boldizsár Apr 30, 2010
Hungarian Memoq program Én így használom Ha nem a Hunspell féle szótárt használod,
akkor magátol nem történik semmi.... Ahhoz,
hogy helyesírási ellenőrzést végezz a
memoq-ban a microsoft word programodban aktiv kell<
Péter Boldizsár Apr 16, 2010
Hungarian Memoq program Megoldás Én is a memoq-t hazsnálom és az én gépemem is
németül van beállítva. Lehetséges a
helyesírást gépelés közben
ellenőrizni..... Extras....Optionen.....utána
pedig a ba
Péter Boldizsár Apr 16, 2010
Romanian Ajutaţi-mă să devin membru Cred ca se poate mai simplu Buna Monica, pana in data de 16 decembrie
exista un pret special pentru cei din
Romania...260 de lei. Persoana responsabila pt.
platile acestea preferentiale din Romania este
Péter Boldizsár Nov 25, 2009
Romanian Is this text available in English? Where could I buy the English version Hy everyone, I have searched the internet but
I really am under pressure, because a client of
mine asked me to find someone, who already has the
Insolvency Law translated, because he n
Péter Boldizsár Oct 19, 2009

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