Is this text available in English? Thread poster: LukaszPL
Dear colleagues, one of my Clients asked me to translate a number of documents he received from a Romanian law firm in English. I have now noticed that two of the documents have filenames in English, but the content is Romanian. I need to know if this is available in English, or if I have to look for a Romanian>Polish traslator for this. The documents are (I'm not sure where the title starts/ends):
1. Parlamentul României
Lege nr. 85/2006
din 05/04/2006
Publicat i... See more Dear colleagues, one of my Clients asked me to translate a number of documents he received from a Romanian law firm in English. I have now noticed that two of the documents have filenames in English, but the content is Romanian. I need to know if this is available in English, or if I have to look for a Romanian>Polish traslator for this. The documents are (I'm not sure where the title starts/ends):
1. Parlamentul României
Lege nr. 85/2006
din 05/04/2006
Publicat in Monitorul Oficial, Partea I nr. 359 din 21/04/2006
privind procedura insolvenţei@
@Text actualizat la data de 26.11.2008. Actul include modificările din următoarele acte:
- O.U.G. nr. 86/2006 publicată în MOF nr. 944 din 22/11/2006
- Decizia nr. 1.137/2007 publicată în MOF nr. 31 din 15/01/2008
- O.U.G. nr. 173/2008 publicată în MOF nr. 792 din 26/11/2008.
Parlamentul României adoptă prezenta lege.
Dispoziţii generale
2. Parlamentul României
Lege nr. 64/1995 (r1)
din 22/06/1995
Republicat in Monitorul Oficial, Partea I nr. 608 din 13/12/1999
privind procedura reorganizării judiciare şi a falimentului@
@Text actualizat până la data de 12.05.2004, avându-se în vedere republicarea din Monitorul Oficial, Partea I, nr. 608 din 13 decembrie 1999, precum şi următoarele acte:
- Rectificarea din 28.02.2000
- O.G. nr. 38/2002
- Legea nr. 82/2003
- Legea nr. 149/2004.
Dispoziţii generale
I will be soooo grateful for letting me know if those exist in English, and even more grateful for finding them for me:)
Thank you. ▲ Collapse | | | Possible answer | Jun 3, 2009 |
Looking the issue up in the Internet, I have found that several companies are offering Romanian law in English and even in German, French, Spanish, etc.
However, none of the texts are free, nor very cheap.
Best of luck!
Bogdan | | |
Dear Lukasz,
I think a translation of your text could sound like this:
1. Parliament of Romania
Law no. 85/2006
as of 05/04/2006
Published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I no. 359 of 21/04/2006
regarding the insolvency procedure
@Text updated at 26.11.2008. The regulation includes the modifications from the following regulations:
- Government Emergency Ordinance no. 86/2006 published in the Of... See more Dear Lukasz,
I think a translation of your text could sound like this:
1. Parliament of Romania
Law no. 85/2006
as of 05/04/2006
Published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I no. 359 of 21/04/2006
regarding the insolvency procedure
@Text updated at 26.11.2008. The regulation includes the modifications from the following regulations:
- Government Emergency Ordinance no. 86/2006 published in the Official Journal no. 944 of 22/11/2006
- Decision no. 1.137/2008 published in the Official Journal no. 31 of 15/01/2008
- Government Emergency Ordinance no. 173/2008 published in the Official Journal no. 792 of 26/11/2008.
The Parliament of Romania issues the following regulation
General Provisions
2. Parliament of Romania
Law no. 64/1995
as of 22/06/1995
Republished in the Official Journal of Romania no. 608 of 13/12/1999
regarding the judicial reorganization and bankruptcy procedure
@Text updates by 12.05.2004, having in view the republication in the Official Journal, Part I, no. 608 of December 13th 1999, as well as the following regulations:
- the rectification as of 28.02.2000
- Government Ordinance no. 38/2002
- Law no. 82/2003
- Law no. 149/2004
General Provisions
1. Parlamentul României = The Parliament of Romania (that's for sure. See the following link, English version of course:
2. Then, you have Monitorul Oficial (MOF) = Official Journal of Romania
3. O.U.G = Ordonanţă de Urgenţă a Guvernului = Governance Emergency Ordinance.
I found the terms on the official Romanian sites. The rest is my tranlation. I hope you find it useful.
Best regards,
Camelia ▲ Collapse | | | Irina Lazarescu Romania Local time: 04:55 Member (2005) English to Romanian + ... some useful links | Jun 5, 2009 |
| |
Cristiana Coblis Romania Local time: 04:55 Member (2004) English to Romanian + ... what I would have done | Jun 7, 2009 |
In your stead, I would have asked the client to provide the English texts, as per agreement. I understand you were contacted to translate from English into Polish not from Romanian into Polish. It might have been a mixup with the files and they might have the English version after all. I do not see how you could translate from a language you do not know at all | | | LukaszPL Poland Local time: 03:55 TOPIC STARTER
Thank you for all your replies. We failed to find an official translation of any of these text, so we had to hire Romanian>Polish translator for this job. | | | Where could I buy the English version | Oct 19, 2009 |
Hy everyone,
I have searched the internet but I really am under pressure, because a client of mine asked me to find someone, who already has the Insolvency Law translated, because he needs it urgently.
Could anyone help me with an address or tel. number of an agency/company that has the English version and is willing to sell it.
Thanks a lot,
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