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Search results: (12 matches)
Linguistic diversity What "dialects" do you speak? All mixed up I have spent most of my life in Northern
California, where there is no remarkable accent
except for the habit of speaking quickly. However,
I spent three years (age 12-15) in Georgia (the<
Shannon Jimenez Jul 17, 2008
Money matters Anyone done tutoring before? Yes I enjoy teaching and live in a university town, so
I do quite a bit of tutoring on the side. The
going rate in my town is $30-$50/hr., which isn't
too bad, and students come to me (I tutor
Shannon Jimenez Jul 17, 2008
Interpreting Translators and interpreters: How different are we? Mostly a translator Your personality type is INFJ. Introverted (I)
71% Extraverted (E) 29% Intuitive (N) 64%
Sensing (S) 36% Feeling (F) 55% Thinking (T) 45%
Judging (J) 59% Perceiving (P) 41% ~S
Shannon Jimenez Jul 8, 2008
Multilingual families Wedding advice All good advice... I can give you advice from my two weddings (both
to the same man! A small civil ceremony in
Guatemala and a large church wedding in the US)
that involved Guatemalan and American guests and
Shannon Jimenez Jan 30, 2008
Being independent Corresponding writing in your "source" language and sounding professional I ask my husband I, too, know how you feel. I find writing in
formal Spanish difficult-- like most Americans, I
tend to jump right to the point, which can come
accross as rude in Spanish. I ask my husband
Shannon Jimenez Dec 14, 2007
Safe computing An Effective Way to Handle Multiple Passwords I second Roboform I have been using Roboform for about a year now
and it is a great program. Not only does it
remember all your login names and passwords, but
it can fill online forms for you as well (and d
Shannon Jimenez Nov 14, 2007
Trados support Trados and Word 2007 SDL Trados 2007 Just a quick FYI: SDL Trados 2007 has its own
"tab" in Word 2007. However, in my case, Trados
causes Word to crash more frequently (though with
Autosave I haven't lost any data). ~Shann
Shannon Jimenez Sep 19, 2007
Multilingual families What language do you speak to your partner? Mostly Spanish, some English My husband is Guatemalan and we met while I was
living in Guatemala. As he didn't speak a word of
English at the time, we spoke entirely in Spanish
for the first couple years of our relati
Shannon Jimenez Sep 12, 2007
Business issues Do you generate any business through your website? Don't forget to advertise I have a website I created myself on Microsoft
Publisher, which did not work very well because it
does not properly display international characters
in Firefox... so I spent some time and
Shannon Jimenez Sep 11, 2007
Professional development NYU Translation Program - How difficult is the exam? Spanish > English I'm enrolled in the Spanish to English program
now. I took the intro course this summer (required
for all the following courses) and will be taking
two more starting in October. The tes
Shannon Jimenez Aug 27, 2007
Translator resources American Indian Languages I agree [quote]Alan R King wrote: Although these
languages are very widely spoken by the
population, I encountered negative attitudes among
local village people (in Momostenango, for
Shannon Jimenez Aug 5, 2007
Translator resources American Indian Languages K'iche' Hi there, I'm new to ProZ and found this topic
interesting. I spent two years as a Peace Corps
volunteer in Guatemala working with indigenous
Mayans who spoke the K'iche' dialect (also
Shannon Jimenez Aug 5, 2007

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