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Search results: (398 matches)
Fun with language The serial comma strikes again
Orrin Cummins Mar 16, 2017
Fun with language What say you?
Orrin Cummins Sep 7, 2016
Getting established Translation exams - without a dictionary?! One point of view "I do not carry such information in my mind since
it is readily available in books...The value of a
college education is not the learning of many
facts but the training of the mind to
Orrin Cummins Apr 9, 2016
Translation Theory and Practice the client has modified the final text Exactly [quote]Kevin Fulton wrote: ... and your name
isn't listed as a translator, just forget about
it. As long as I've been paid, I honestly don't
care what happens after I deliver a trans
Orrin Cummins Jan 9, 2016
Lighter side of trans/interp Have I chosen the wrong profession? ("costumers") Hmm.. [quote]NancyLynn wrote: ...getting offers from
transaltors. [/quote] Is that the cousin of
trans fat?
Orrin Cummins Jan 9, 2016
Speech recognition Where are we heading? A caveat [quote]Michael Beijer wrote: [quote]Phil Hand
wrote: On the subject of speech recognition,
though, I'm starting to wonder if it's one of
those things that computers just won't be abl
Orrin Cummins Jan 7, 2016
Trados support Trados 2015: files not 100% translated or reviewed Unfortunately... [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: In fact, I don't
understand these states at all, or how a file
becomes "in-review". [/quote] Trados itself
doesn't either, and hasn't since at least as
Orrin Cummins Dec 15, 2015
Trados support Selectively adding terms when using multiple termbases in Studio 2011 A suggestion The way that I usually add terms is by selecting
the source and target text to add then
right-clicking one of them and selecting "Add New
Term." What if in addition to the "Add New
Orrin Cummins May 22, 2015
Trados support Multiterm 2014, Termbase (default): Added terms disappear when application closes. Here is something interesting After having the same problem and searching out
this thread, I noticed something just now. If I
try to add a term pair that does not appear in the
termbase, I get the unknown exception.
Orrin Cummins Mar 5, 2015
Fun with language Misnomers [quote]This thread is part of the Translator
playground: a place for translators to have fun,
to network, to learn, and to hone their
translation or linguistic skills. See the
Orrin Cummins Nov 13, 2014
Trados support Trados Studio 2014: - 10 (words), (Status: in review//Percentage: 0 %) Doesn't work for me Neither running the Translation Count nor Word
Count batch tasks will stop my Studio 2014 from
displaying "In Review" with a progress of 1% in
Files View, even though the entire file has b
Orrin Cummins Sep 25, 2014
Powwows Discontinue the use of 'powwow'. ... [quote]Elizabeth Tamblin wrote: You say we
shouldn't be touchy about real and perceived
slights, and yet there are many words that most of
us would not use, because they are offensive t
Orrin Cummins Aug 31, 2014
Hardware Best desktop computer + monitor setup for a translator (Aug 2014) I see [quote]Lincoln Hui wrote: [quote]Orrin Cummins
wrote: [quote]Lincoln Hui wrote: Since I've
done my part I'm going to hijack this thread a
little bit for some notebook advice. This
Orrin Cummins Aug 31, 2014
Powwows Discontinue the use of 'powwow'. ...
I guess you've never heard an English speaker
use the word "rendezvous" either, have you?
Orrin Cummins Aug 30, 2014
Hardware Best desktop computer + monitor setup for a translator (Aug 2014) ... [quote]Lincoln Hui wrote: Since I've done my
part I'm going to hijack this thread a little bit
for some notebook advice. This will be my
secondary computer (primary is a desktop), and
Orrin Cummins Aug 30, 2014
Hardware Computer for a starting translator ... [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: And since my
"professional" laptop broke a while ago and I
haven't bought a new one yet, I took an old
"charity shop" laptop with me on my month-long
Orrin Cummins Aug 29, 2014
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Why It’s So Hard to Catch Your Own Typos ... In my experience, the more time you put in between
the translation and the proofreading, the more
errors you will catch (especially logic ones or
awkward phrasing). The minimum for me seem
Orrin Cummins Aug 28, 2014 Translation Contests Some issues with how grading is handled OK Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree, then.
No big deal. I have yet to see the Japanese to
English pair in a contest, so my opinion may be
moot anyway (as is usually the case). I'
Orrin Cummins Aug 28, 2014 profile help Is the About Me section limited to gif files only? ... It could be a problem with the site. The tiny
profile pic thumbnail to the left of my name at
the very top of the screen hasn't showed for me in
about a year. I just see the empty box wher
Orrin Cummins Aug 28, 2014 Translation Contests Some issues with how grading is handled ... [quote]Łukasz Gos-Furmankiewicz wrote: My
problem is more with the 'interested parties with
relevant experience', as if some serious peer
review process were taking place, while in rea
Orrin Cummins Aug 27, 2014 Translation Contests Some issues with how grading is handled ... Perhaps the problem is the word "contest"? Because
I have to agree with Łukasz here: if we are going
to call this a contest, it shouldn't have entries
graded by other "contestants." That
Orrin Cummins Aug 27, 2014 profile help Is the About Me section limited to gif files only? I wonder Could it be a limitation on the dimensions of the
Orrin Cummins Aug 27, 2014
Hardware Best desktop computer + monitor setup for a translator (Aug 2014) It's true, identifying the bottleneck is critical [quote]José Henrique Lamensdorf
wrote: [quote]Orrin Cummins
wrote: [quote]José Henrique Lamensdorf
wrote: Though it has its own fan, and I had
carefully applied the thermal
Orrin Cummins Aug 26, 2014
Business issues Proofreader delivered work late I think what he meant was: [quote]Frankie JB wrote: I tell you what, I'm
not the best time-keeper in the world and it's not
so infrequent that I don't miss
deadlines. [/quote] Took me a few readings
Orrin Cummins Aug 26, 2014
Hardware Best desktop computer + monitor setup for a translator (Aug 2014) It has to do with the manufacturing chain [quote]José Henrique Lamensdorf wrote: Though
it has its own fan, and I had carefully applied
the thermal paste between the chip and the heat
sink, it failed. I saw so much activity in
Orrin Cummins Aug 26, 2014
Hardware Best desktop computer + monitor setup for a translator (Aug 2014) Another option Something that hasn't been mentioned is using a
tablet as your second monitor. I have the
larger-screen iPad 2, and sometimes I put the
source document on there so I can pinch-zoom in o
Orrin Cummins Aug 26, 2014
Business issues Translator not delivering Yes [quote]Tom in London wrote: The fact is that
the translator was asked, and he accepted, to do
the job in the time specified. Assuming that he's
a professional with plenty of experience,
Orrin Cummins Aug 26, 2014
Hardware Best desktop computer + monitor setup for a translator (Aug 2014) ... [quote]Meta Arkadia wrote: [quote]Hans Geluk
wrote: Instead of a landscape 24" screen, I should
probably spend a bit more and use a landscape 27"
as my main screen.[/quote] And then sp
Orrin Cummins Aug 26, 2014
Hardware Best desktop computer + monitor setup for a translator (Aug 2014) Some thoughts 1. Core i7 is probably a waste of money. The i5
does more than fine in the benchmarks I've seen,
even in games (which are far more stressing on
components than anything a translator is goi
Orrin Cummins Aug 25, 2014
Hardware Best desktop computer + monitor setup for a translator (Aug 2014) I'm going with this [url=]PCPartPicker
part list[/url] /
]Price breakdown by merchant[/url] [b]CPU:[/b]
Orrin Cummins Aug 25, 2014
Business issues Proofreader delivered work late ... [quote]Sheila Wilson wrote: I don't believe the
courts acknowledge a client's right to decide
whether or not to pay an invoice for work that's
been delivered. [/quote] I'm sure it wo
Orrin Cummins Aug 25, 2014
Translation news Skype's real-time Translator learns how to speak from social media ... [quote]Phil Hand wrote: As to the worry - I'm
not worried because of a philosophical belief in
the importance of desires to consciousness.
Basically, SkyNet won't happen because compute
Orrin Cummins Aug 25, 2014
Money matters How much can our rates be reduced? I've got you beat, Thayenga I got an email offer yesterday for a J -> E
translation job. It was a 56-page scanned PDF
(horrible quality) of fairly technical civil
engineering documents, so I didn't do a word
Orrin Cummins Aug 24, 2014
Translation news Skype's real-time Translator learns how to speak from social media You have a point [quote]Phil Hand wrote: I'm actually more
optimistic about the possibility of a Skype
translator working than you. Do you remember the
Google image game? Early on, G had the problem of<
Orrin Cummins Aug 24, 2014
Hardware Computer for a starting translator Hmm I'm not sure I agree with the sentiment that "any"
new computer is good enough for a translator. It
depends on what you will be using with it. I
went to a local electronics store a week
Orrin Cummins Aug 24, 2014
Translation news Skype's real-time Translator learns how to speak from social media ... [quote]Bernhard Sulzer wrote: Please
Orrin Cummins Aug 24, 2014
Translation news Skype's real-time Translator learns how to speak from social media ... [quote]Phil Hand wrote: Who in their right mind
thinks that allowing that drivel into their head
makes the world a better place?
[/quote] Hundreds of millions of people, it
Orrin Cummins Aug 24, 2014
Trados support Trados 2009 creates 1 million tags, mission impossible If nothing else works You can try running this XSL transform on the
word_file-page2.html BTW, are most of
Orrin Cummins Aug 24, 2014
Translation news Translators Without Borders helping to translate Ebola prevention messages But... [quote]LilianNekipelov wrote: Really needed.
They should warn people not to eat monkeys and
bats, especially. Perhaps they can send them some
food so they do not have to eat bats.
Orrin Cummins Aug 23, 2014
Translation news Skype's real-time Translator learns how to speak from social media ... [quote] Skype's real-time Translator learns how
to speak from social media [/quote] Oh, you
mean it's learning to translate from stuff like
this? [IMG]
Orrin Cummins Aug 23, 2014
Trados support Tag pairs with identical tag IDs What causes
this? [IMG][
/IMG] Even though Studio 2011 gave me an
error, it seems that I was still able to leave the
second 1200-pair out of
Orrin Cummins Aug 22, 2014
Trados support Selectively adding terms when using multiple termbases in Studio 2011 I was afraid of that I see, Giles. Thanks for letting me
know. Instead of switching back and forth
between "Default" termbases, I've been just
translating the entire document using the same
default term
Orrin Cummins Aug 22, 2014
Trados support Selectively adding terms when using multiple termbases in Studio 2011 As the title says, is this possible? Or if I have
multiple termbases open, can I only add new terms
to the one set as "Default" in the project
settings? I can't see anywhere to choose whic
Orrin Cummins Aug 22, 2014
Linguistics Questions: s-genitive vs of-genitive; compound words ... [quote]Phil Hand wrote: [quote]Richard Purdom
wrote: So, I doubt if a capacitor is the first
thing that springs to mind when dealing with a
motherboard, so I would use 'The capacito
Orrin Cummins Aug 21, 2014
Linguistics Questions: s-genitive vs of-genitive; compound words ... [quote]Eric Zink wrote: And an entire user
manual without apostrophe possessives? Yikes!
[/quote] Yes, it was allegedly because "not
everyone reading it will be a native English
Orrin Cummins Aug 20, 2014
Linguistics Have we said goodbye to "probably"? Think lower [quote]Tom in London wrote: But alas, that is
not the American English we mostly get in
commercial movies and TV programmes and I have a
theory that that's where less literate social
Orrin Cummins Aug 20, 2014
Linguistics Questions: s-genitive vs of-genitive; compound words It depends on what you are translating I have translated engineering manuals which
strictly forbade the use of the possessive
apostrophe. On the other hand, I have proofread
translations of political reports done by
Orrin Cummins Aug 20, 2014
Trados support Trados 2011: Importing multiple languages' SDLXLIFF files into a single TM Edit the .sdlxliff [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: Hello I have
several SDLXLIFF files whose translations I want
to add to a single, new TM. However, the SDLXLIFF
files have a variety of language codes, a
Orrin Cummins Aug 20, 2014
Linguistics Have we said goodbye to "probably"? ... I usually use "prolly" in my's
shorter and saves time and space.
Orrin Cummins Aug 18, 2014 suggestions Translator education: a possible solution to despicable job offers Well... [quote]Sheila Wilson wrote: How does that
differ from the million and one calls for tender
in the business world? [/quote] When I needed
my guitar re-bridged, I didn't post an offer
Orrin Cummins Aug 15, 2014

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