Trados 2009 creates 1 million tags, mission impossible
Thread poster: Miguel Fuentes
Miguel Fuentes
Miguel Fuentes  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:30
English to Spanish
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Aug 24, 2014

Dear colleagues,
I have a 145 page MS Word 2007 .docx source document that is very heavily formatted with multiple images inserted, text boxes, section breaks, text columns, automatic tables, and so on and so forth on every page. I think it comes from an InDesign file export.

When I create the project, the T 2009 Editor's window shows the source text with a ludicrous number of tags. It is literally two tags for each and every character in every word throughout the 145 pages!!!
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Dear colleagues,
I have a 145 page MS Word 2007 .docx source document that is very heavily formatted with multiple images inserted, text boxes, section breaks, text columns, automatic tables, and so on and so forth on every page. I think it comes from an InDesign file export.

When I create the project, the T 2009 Editor's window shows the source text with a ludicrous number of tags. It is literally two tags for each and every character in every word throughout the 145 pages!!!

I have tried many things, from clearing 'character spacing' in the source MS Word file to using other MS Word versions. No result so far, unless I wipe all format and do it on Note Pad

My client asked me to preserve the format in the target document and at this point I am getting really angry at Trados, for their support has been far from responsive.

Can anyone tell me what to do with the MS Word source file to prevent Trados from producing that absurd number of tags in the editor window?

Many thanks in advance!!


Emma Goldsmith
Emma Goldsmith  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:30
Member (2004)
Spanish to English
Code Zapper Aug 24, 2014

Have you tried getting rid of your tag soup with Code Zapper?

Link to Code Zapper and other ideas here:

By the way, your anger should be directed at the person who created your Word file. Trados only reproduces what it finds in that file.

Orrin Cummins
Orrin Cummins  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:30
Japanese to English
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If nothing else works Aug 24, 2014

You can try running this XSL transform on the .sdlxliff:

BTW, are most of them "cfa=true" tags?

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 05:30
Member (2009)
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2 options Aug 24, 2014

Try CodeZapper or TransTools ( ). Either of these will solve your problem.


Miguel Fuentes
Miguel Fuentes  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:30
English to Spanish
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BTW, are most of them "cfa=true" tags? Aug 24, 2014

Thank you Orrin, and yes, most are tags between every character. I think the posting indicated by Emma "Tag Soup" should be the answer... I am putting that to work right now... It's funny that when I apply MemoQ to the task, it generates only a decent number of tags, for boxes and pictures... So I guess memoQ is less sensitive to format than Trados.


Orrin Cummins wrote:

You can try running this XSL transform on the .sdlxliff:

[Editado a las 2014-08-24 15:24 GMT]

Miguel Fuentes
Miguel Fuentes  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:30
English to Spanish
+ ...
Dear Emma, Orrin, Michael, Aug 24, 2014

THANK YOU for showing me ways out of the ditch a bad file drove me into! I am putting to work your solutions, now confident to start on the right track.

My very best!!!


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Trados 2009 creates 1 million tags, mission impossible

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