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Search results: (40 matches)
Poll Discussion Poll: What did you do yesterday when there was no Quick Poll? I was confused. [quote]Emmanuelle Hingant wrote: Seeing the
question today, I thought we were some kind of
rats in an psychological experiment meant to see
how translators react when their routine is
Lorenia de la Vega Jul 12, 2007
Powwows Powwow: Vienna - Austria Time... I'm assuming late afternoon/evening-ish, because
the organizer is will be at conference in the
morning/early afternoon. Dagmar, do you know if
reservations are necessary at Wiedner Bräu
Lorenia de la Vega Jul 2, 2007
Powwows Powwow: Cape Town - South Africa Flexible dates. I decided to propose this powwow for the 19th, but
anytime from the 18-23 is really fine. I don't
know if anyone is out there in Cape Town, as my
agency has had a hard time finding
Lorenia de la Vega Jun 30, 2007
Powwows Powwow: Geneva - Switzerland Repost. For some reason, some of you either could not see
my previous post or it did not get mailed to you.
I am reposting it just in case. We will be
meeting at: Demi Lune Café Rue Etienn
Lorenia de la Vega Mar 16, 2007
Powwows Powwow: Geneva - Switzerland Place, time, numbers! I apologize for the delay in posting this, I have
been very sick. We will be meeting at: Demi
Lune Café Rue Etienne Dumont,
3 Vieille-Ville The time will be 18h00. They
have a
Lorenia de la Vega Mar 14, 2007
Linguistics Pathetic Anglicism? Meaning [quote]megane_wang wrote: Hey!! Who said
"Bizarro" is a modern anglicism in spanish? It
is not at all. "Bizarro" comes from italian
"bizzarro" -> "iracundo"; just have a look at
Lorenia de la Vega Mar 12, 2007
Business issues Blue board retaliation Okay, but... [quote]Vito Smolej wrote: And even if it were
not, if I stumbled upon a negative WWW, I would
murmur "Oops, huh?, wth ... let's check..." and go
see the BB entries for the offending WWW
Lorenia de la Vega Mar 11, 2007
Linguistics Pathetic Anglicism? How "bizarre"!!! ;-) This is happening with "bizarro" in Spanish, as
well. Bizarro means "generous, splendid" and it
used as "bizarre, odd". Definitely English

[Edited at 2007-03-11 00:11
Lorenia de la Vega Mar 11, 2007
Linux OS / Free software Are you a Linux Translator? I'm surprised to see so many use Linux! [quote]1. When and why did you decide to switch to
Linux and what Linux distribution are you
currently using? 2. Are you running any Microsoft
/ Mac programs for translation purposes? How
Lorenia de la Vega Mar 10, 2007
Business issues Blue board retaliation How about... [quote]Vito Smolej wrote: By not sending you
any orders any more? [/quote] How about by
leaving you a negative WWA score? They certainly
can do that. I worked for an outsourcer once
Lorenia de la Vega Mar 10, 2007
Linux OS / Free software Can you convince me to switch to Linux...? Ubuntu [quote]Rafa Lombardino wrote: Here's what you
can do if you're sick of viruses, trojans, and
other Windows inconveniences and uncertainties:
Run Linux as your operating system (I recomm
Lorenia de la Vega Mar 9, 2007
Linux OS / Free software Can you convince me to switch to Linux...? Who needs Trados? [quote]Klean Xhelilaj wrote: Hi there, I
would say that some apps. you can not use at all
in Linux as they are not available at all, e.g.
Trados. It depends if you need that, but
Lorenia de la Vega Mar 9, 2007 suggestions Suggestion for Project History True. [quote]Inga Pier wrote: I think this could also
be useful option for translation jobs as some
source texts do indeed contain different languages
or one job consists of some documents in
Lorenia de la Vega Mar 8, 2007
Off topic Possible scam? Good idea. I like your idea, Stéphan. It might be best to
simply contact ATA and enquire re: this course. It
seems like if it's valid, it'd be something
interesting to do, but if not, you'd end up d
Lorenia de la Vega Mar 8, 2007
Off topic Possible scam? International validity... And apparently, the certificate you get if you
"pass" has international validity... And as ATA
doesn't interest me much living in Switzerland, it
would be very cool to be able to use it fo
Lorenia de la Vega Mar 8, 2007
Off topic Possible scam? Possible scam? I got an email today for a legal training and
accreditation course... It said you were to
complete a test translation to see if you were
accepted, and then you'd complete 24 translation
Lorenia de la Vega Mar 8, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: Which Instant Messenger do you use the most? Gmail chat, almost exclusively Although I do occasionally use my MSN messenger
account and Yahoo!, with Gaim
( ) "Gaim is a
popular multi-platform instant messaging client
that support
Lorenia de la Vega Mar 7, 2007 suggestions Suggestion for Project History Suggestion for Project History Most of the interpreting jobs I take on are from
more than one language into my A languages (for
example, a conference in Spanish and French into
English, or one in Portuguese and French i
Lorenia de la Vega Mar 7, 2007
Powwows Powwow: Geneva - Switzerland Time and place. ;-) Regarding the time and place: I am waiting for the
end of this week before confirming the time and
the venue, as long as that is all right with most
of you. Before confirming, I would like
Lorenia de la Vega Feb 27, 2007
Powwows Powwow: Geneva - Switzerland Hosting out-of-towners I forgot to click on the box when creating the
powwow, but I just wanted to mention that I am
willing and able to host anyone who is coming to
Geneva for the powwow who doesn't live here.
Lorenia de la Vega Feb 16, 2007
Off topic Your favourite TV series ever Addicted to... Heroes. I think the show is really entertaining,
you never know what's going to happen, who's going
to die, and Hiro is hilarious. It's the same
formula as Lost, basically, a person of eac
Lorenia de la Vega Feb 15, 2007
Spanish Alemán-Español 0,05 € / Resto de idiomas 0,08€ El pez que se muerde la cola [quote]Maria Bellido wrote: Estoy de acuerdo
contigo, Bernadette, es una discriminación
hacerlo de esa manera. Si en Mexico son las
tarifas más baratas, entonces que busquen
Lorenia de la Vega Jan 25, 2007
Spanish Alemán-Español 0,05 € / Resto de idiomas 0,08€ Combinaciones populares También pasa aquí en Ginebra. Las combinaciones
de lenguajes más "populares" por así decirlo son
las peores pagadas, encabezando esa lista, inglés
>español, español > inglés. Cr
Lorenia de la Vega Jan 25, 2007
Interpreting Interpreting: simult. or consecutive more often? About 90% simultaneous, 10% consecutive. Before moving back to Europe, I worked in Cancun
for two years. I think I did simultaneous almost
excusively, except for a few and far between
things such as depos. Since I moved back t
Lorenia de la Vega Dec 16, 2006
Money matters Requesting advice on becoming a 'member' of the ProZ 'community' Limitations Hey, Jackie. I don't think your limitations are
really limitations... I have been contacted
DIRECTLY by agencies through my profile,
acencies who do have a BB record (and it wa
Lorenia de la Vega Dec 15, 2006 Translator Coop Conditions for winning the campaign prizes? Certainly they know *someone* Certainly if someone joins, they're
actually translators. And if they are, they must
have worked with *someone* or for *someone* in the
past. If they have, WWA gives you the optio
Lorenia de la Vega Dec 14, 2006
Powwows Powwow: Geneva - Switzerland Photos I'm glad you had fun. :) I just wanted to post a
message asking those of you who took cameras if
you would mind emailing the pictures to me so I
can upload a few on the powwow page, as I o
Lorenia de la Vega Dec 11, 2006
Powwows Powwow: Geneva - Switzerland Telephone Just a last minute note for you all. I will have
my mobile with me, the number is 076 531 6077, in
case anyone gets a little lost or anything, please
don't hesitate to call. :) See you!
Lorenia de la Vega Dec 9, 2006
Powwows Powwow: Geneva - Switzerland Fête de l'Escalade Hello all! I just got a call from la Demi Lune,
telling me they didn't realize when I made the
reservation that is was the weekend of l'Escalade!
They will not be open until 18h, but I had
Lorenia de la Vega Dec 8, 2006
Powwows Powwow: Geneva - Switzerland Time and place confirmation. Sorry for the delay, I haven't had access for a
bit. I wanted to confirm the time and place for
everybody. The place is a cafe called La Demi
Lune, on Rue Etienne Dumont 3. It's in the
Lorenia de la Vega Dec 8, 2006
Powwows Powwow: Geneva - Switzerland Times... Before confirming the time/address, I would just
like final feedback from all of you. Some have
mentioned they would not be able to attend in the
evening. What time, then, anywhere from 12
Lorenia de la Vega Dec 4, 2006
Off topic 7 language translator, funny video Haha! I had a good laugh! Lorenia de la Vega Nov 27, 2006
Interpreting volunteer conference interpreting- any ideas? ICV [quote]felicityjane wrote: I've recently
completed my studies in translation and
interpreting, and have heard that volunteering for
charities and NGOs can be a good way to gain
Lorenia de la Vega Nov 27, 2006
General technical issues Bad internet connection Useful with slow and troublesome connections. [quote]Yolande Haneder wrote: It may be quicker
but if you can't connect yourself to the Internet,
I don't understand how you can send a file then
(skype is an Internet-based service)?
Lorenia de la Vega Nov 27, 2006
General technical issues Bad internet connection Skype Skype is a VoIP (Voice Over IP) program and
network. First of all, you can download it
ws/skype3beta.html And then install it. Once it
Lorenia de la Vega Nov 27, 2006
Powwows Powwow: Geneva - Switzerland Yes I completely agree! That's why I want people to
confirm their attendance as soon as they can, so I
can pick the best place for us to have space, etc.
Lorenia de la Vega Nov 8, 2006
Powwows Powwow: Geneva - Switzerland Possible venues? I have two possible venues for our powwow. One is
a café in the Old Town in Geneva, and another is
a small conference room downtown. I had also
considered suggesting a potluck meal, but I
Lorenia de la Vega Nov 8, 2006 job systems Blue board entries (how to change an e-mail address) Thanks! Thanks for the quick response. Will do! Lorenia de la Vega Oct 18, 2006 job systems Blue board entries (how to change an e-mail address) Blue board entries (how to change an e-mail address) I'm not sure if this is the appropriate forum for
this, but I was wondering... I entered a
client's information on the blueboard, and
included their email address, for example,
Lorenia de la Vega Oct 18, 2006 Translator Coop Site links will start pointing to new profile format bug? I am not able to access my old profile view or
anyone else's for that matter. Is this a bug?
Lorenia de la Vega Oct 6, 2006

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