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Share your translation-related AutoHotkey scripts
Thread poster: CafeTran Trainer
Robert Pätzold
Robert Pätzold
Local time: 05:42
English to German
+ ...
Script for the replacement of words in text that is already there Jan 13, 2024

Even if this thread is a bit old, I would like to share a script of mine:

This is a script for the replacement of words in text that is already there. For example, for the correction of repeated wrong terms in a machine-translated segment.

It is triggered by putting the cursor at the end of a (wrong) word and hitting alt + j.

This is the script:

Send, ^+{Left}

... See more
Even if this thread is a bit old, I would like to share a script of mine:

This is a script for the replacement of words in text that is already there. For example, for the correction of repeated wrong terms in a machine-translated segment.

It is triggered by putting the cursor at the end of a (wrong) word and hitting alt + j.

This is the script:

Send, ^+{Left}

ClipSaved := ClipboardAll
Clipboard =

FileRead, vList, vListFile.txt

Send, ^c
FixString := Clipboard
Loop, Parse, vList, `r, `n
oTemp := StrSplit(A_LoopField, "`t")
FixString := StrReplace(FixString, oTemp.1, oTemp.2)
SendInput, %FixString%


This is the (example) replacement list named "vListFile.txt", which has to be put into the same folder as the script. There has to be a tab in the middle (Find[tab]Locate, etc.):
Find Locate
appear pop up
Inside From

Example text to use the script:

*Find "New" in the menu.
Inside the menu, click "AutoHotkey Script".
A window should appear.*

I put the cursor behind "Find", press alt + j, then behind "Inside", press alt +j, and then behind "appear", press alt + j.

I get:

*Locate "New" in the menu.
From the menu, click "AutoHotkey Script".
A window should pop up.*

Known problems:

1) With long lists, the replacements may be not correct, since the script goes through the entire word list and makes not just one replacement, but as many replacements as it can find.

Let's assume there is another replacement entry "Locate -> Search" in the replacement list. Then "Find" is no longer replaced by "Locate", but by "Search" (which is not what I want).

-----> How can the script be adapted to only replace one found entry and then stop? Stepan, maybe you have an idea? I see that you wrote lots of useful scripts...

2) Can we introduce case sensitivity?
3) Can we introduce functionality for 'multiple word' entries (in the source)?
(Workaround: Add a second script where the line "Send, ^+{Left}" is there twice and use another shortcut and another replacement list for two-word entries, etc. --- But isn't there a more elegant solution?)

I hope this script can be useful for other translators and that we can improve it... I am not very good at scripting, but searched the net and found useful bits and pieces which I used for my script. Thanks to all the original scripters.


CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Member (2006)
The other way around Jan 15, 2024

I would set this up the other way round: create a list sorted by decreasing length of source term and search for each source term in the populated target segment.

Robert Pätzold wrote:

Known problems:

1) With long lists, the replacements may be not correct, since the script goes through the entire word list and makes not just one replacement, but as many replacements as it can find.
2) Can we introduce case sensitivity?
3) Can we introduce functionality for 'multiple word' entries (in the source)?

1) Yes, via a counter
2) Sure
3) See above.


Robert Pätzold
Robert Pätzold
Local time: 05:42
English to German
+ ...
How exacty? Jan 15, 2024

Dear Hans,

thank you for your swift reply and your ideas. The sorting with the most complex entries at the beginning could indeed help, but I don't think that this would avoid multiple (unwanted) replacements on its own...

Since I am not good at programming, could you please help introducing the counter you mentioned so that I understand what the script exactly does?

And your ideas as to the case sensitivity and multiple-words entries, how would you change
... See more
Dear Hans,

thank you for your swift reply and your ideas. The sorting with the most complex entries at the beginning could indeed help, but I don't think that this would avoid multiple (unwanted) replacements on its own...

Since I am not good at programming, could you please help introducing the counter you mentioned so that I understand what the script exactly does?

And your ideas as to the case sensitivity and multiple-words entries, how would you change the script?

I'm sorry for asking so many questions...

Best regards

CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Member (2006)
AHK Forums Jan 15, 2024

Your best chance to get quick help is here:

Since I work on Mac, I develop those tools with Keyboard Maestro (which is not compatible with Windows).

You could also have a look at GT4T:
... See more
Your best chance to get quick help is here:

Since I work on Mac, I develop those tools with Keyboard Maestro (which is not compatible with Windows).

You could also have a look at GT4T:

Or QTranslate:

[Edited at 2024-01-16 09:30 GMT]

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 04:42
Dutch to English
+ ...
and here is my (not to) little AutoHotkey script! Oct 21, 2024

Hi res:

everything in with a "🔊" can be voice activated (using Talon Voice / )

[Edited at 2024-10-21 21:13 GMT]

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