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This outsourcer has been banned...
Thread poster: Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Local time: 17:06
Member (2009)
English to Croatian
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On removing BB comments etc. Sep 10, 2022

I never had my 1 BB rating removed, regardless of the reasons for it (was not always non-payment, sometimes it was very late payment, general conduct and procedures, etc.). Besides, there is a separate section on BB for non-payments, but the other section provides a 1 rating option as well.

So, I was always completely free to express my opinion, as long as it’s in line with the BB rating drafting rules.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Walter Landesman
Michael Newton
Michael Newton  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 11:06
Japanese to English
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outsourcer banned Sep 11, 2022 indicates "indicate only likelihood of working again" (no editorials).

Yasutomo Kanazawa
Yasutomo Kanazawa  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:06
Member (2005)
English to Japanese
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Feeling being discriminated Sep 11, 2022

Baran Keki wrote:

Yasutomo Kanazawa wrote:

Hello Baran,

As you may know, outsourcers cannot be banned just because they offer low rates. Personally, I would like to see these people being banned, but offering low rates is NOT a crime on Proz. If this were the case, there would be no Indian agencies who can post jobs on Proz.

P.S. I don't work with Chinese agencies (as clearly stated on my profile), so personally, I wouldn't give a dxxn about it.

I know that they can't be banned on that basis, but the majority of the LWAs are given by translators living in Portugal, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy etc. (42 in all). The standards of living in those countries wouldn't allow one to subsist on 0.025 USD per word. So they must be offering them higher rates, but they're insulting me with this ridiculous rate. They can be banned on account of being the discriminating, racist, hypocritical b*stards that they are. Aren't we supposed to be living in a 'woke' world? What is this discrimination then?

If you feel that you are being discriminated by Chinese or other agencies where they pay a person living in a low-cost country less than a person living in a high-cost country, you should definitely go for Indian agencies. AFAIK, they never discriminate and offer 0.03 USD regardless of where you live.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:06
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
. Sep 11, 2022

In Portuguese we have a proverb which says literally "Words are like cherries", meaning that when you start talking about one thing subjects pop up and you end up with long conversations about something else, just like cherries coming out of the plate in chains when you pick one. So, this thread started with my question as to why a certain agency had been banned from posting jobs and is ending up talking about rates, discrimination and Indian and Chinese agencies…

Baran Keki
Baran Keki
Baran Keki  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:06
English to Turkish
If that's the case Sep 11, 2022

Yasutomo Kanazawa wrote:
AFAIK, they never discriminate and offer 0.03 USD regardless of where you live.

Then I'll go to my grave not understanding why a Finnish translator in Finland (which I'm told is one of the most expensive countries in the world) would give a 5 star feedback to an Indian agency that pays him 3 cents per word, or I'll lose my interest in everything that's related to economics.. either way, let them wax lyrical, I have never worked with an Indian or Chinese agency so far and I'm not planning on starting a collaboration with them anytime soon.

Baran Keki
Baran Keki  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:06
English to Turkish
Apologies Sep 11, 2022

Teresa Borges wrote:

In Portuguese we have a proverb which says literally "Words are like cherries", meaning that when you start talking about one thing subjects pop up and you end up with long conversations about something else, just like cherries coming out of the plate in chains when you pick one. So, this thread started with my question as to why a certain agency had been banned from posting jobs and is ending up talking about rates, discrimination and Indian and Chinese agencies…

I think Proz moderators would call it "derailing the topic"
I'm taking my leave from your topic as I don't seem to understand anything about economics...

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Yasutomo Kanazawa
Yasutomo Kanazawa  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:06
Member (2005)
English to Japanese
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Back to the original topic Sep 12, 2022

Teresa Borges wrote:

Today, I noticed something bizarre: the indication "This outsourcer has been banned..." in the BB of an agency with plenty of "5s" in 2022. At first, I didn't understand what was going on until I clicked on "Show all entries" and saw that between 2007 and 2010 things were disastrous and they had a profusion of "1s".

I've never worked with this agency, but it seems to me that:

1. To avoid any manipulations, when an agency is banned from advertising jobs it should not be possible to make entries until the situation is resolved;
2. When this happens, that indication should be removed, leaving, however, an indication that the agency was banned for a while, but is no longer so.

What do you think?


P.S. Please feel free to move this post as I'm not entirely sure where it will fit in...

As to your first suggestion, this is a tough one. If there were ten people who were not paid by a certain agency and only three have entered a "1" which led to being banned from Proz, and if the other seven people wanted to enter a "1" in order to make the agency to pay them, the remaining seven people cannot do that because making entries is not possible due to the reason you mentioned above. I'd rather prefer where people are allowed to make entries for agencies regardless of their status of being banned or not.

But I agree to your second suggestion; this would let people know that this agency was once banned from Proz X or XX years ago but no longer so and give us the chance to rethink twice before accepting jobs from this agency.

Regarding your doubt about this certain agency with bunch of "5"s in 2022, maybe they have learnt a lesson and started paying their translators promptly.

Lieven Malaise
Lieven Malaise
Local time: 17:06
Member (2020)
French to Dutch
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Possible Sep 12, 2022

Yasutomo Kanazawa wrote:
Regarding your doubt about this certain agency with bunch of "5"s in 2022, maybe they have learnt a lesson and started paying their translators promptly.

That is quite possible. One of my clients was a bad payer years ago, but hasn't been for a long time.

Michael Newton
Michael Newton  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 11:06
Japanese to English
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outsourced banned Sep 12, 2022

Thank you for the advice, Kanazawa-san. I'm going for the Indian agencies. $0.03 a word! Wow! Just wow!

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This outsourcer has been banned...

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