2010 Sao Paolo conference: E-handout for my presentation
Thread poster: José Henrique Lamensdorf
José Henrique Lamensdorf
José Henrique Lamensdorf  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:05
English to Portuguese
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In memoriam
Aug 2, 2010

Hello folks,

It was a pleasure having been with you there.

As I mentioned several useful software tools there, the links to their respective web pages are available at:
... See more
Hello folks,

It was a pleasure having been with you there.

As I mentioned several useful software tools there, the links to their respective web pages are available at:

The PDF, of course, requires Acrobat Reader. The titles on the left, in spite of being black, are "clickable", and should lead your default browser there.

In any case, I'll repeat them here (though this thread will soon be buried under several others, I hope).

Princípios de Tradução de Áudio (e Vídeo)
apresentada por José Henrique Lamensdorf na
Segunda Conferência Brasileira de Tradutores do ProZ.com
31/7 e 1/8 de 2010, em São Paulo - SP

Links úteis

Artigos no meu website a respeito:
Guia de localização de vídeo empresarial - http://www.lamensdorf.com.br/guia.html
Trabalhando com gravações de áudio - http://www.lamensdorf.com.br/audio_br.html
Elementos de tradução de vídeo - http://www.lamensdorf.com.br/videobas_br.html
Como gravar palestras para legendagem - http://www.lamensdorf.com.br/palestras_br.html

Express Scribe - http://www.nch.com.au/scribe/

Acoustica - http://www.acondigital.com/us_Acoustica1.html

WavePad - http://www.nch.com.au/wavepad/

Audacity - http://audacity.sourceforge.net/

Tudo o que você pode querer saber sobre áudio/vídeo digital:
VideoHelp - http://www.videohelp.com

[Subject edited by staff or moderator 2010-08-16 17:43 GMT]


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2010 Sao Paolo conference: E-handout for my presentation

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