2010 Sao Paulo Conference: Suggestions - Speakers
Thread poster: Paul Dixon
Paul Dixon
Paul Dixon  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:28
Portuguese to English
+ ...
Nov 7, 2009

As agreed in today's Powwow, I am opening this thread to collect suggestions of speakers for next year's II Brazil National ProZ Conference. Answer in English or Portuguese.

Como combinado no PowWow de hoje, estou abrindo este thread para obter sugestões de palestrantes para o II Conferência Nacional do ProZ a ser realizado no ano que vem. Responda em inglês ou português.

[Subject edited by staff or moderator 2010-06-14 21:01 GMT]

Paul Dixon
Paul Dixon  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:28
Portuguese to English
+ ...
Oleg Rudavin Nov 7, 2009

My suggestion is that this famous translator could be invited to give a talk on the subject of his famous book, "Internet Freelancing: a Practical Guide for Translators". He has also recently (at the France Regional Event 2009) given an interesting talk: "From Newbie to a Six-Digit Annual Income", which could also be a good topic for discussion at our next Conference.


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2010 Sao Paulo Conference: Suggestions - Speakers

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