Cracow Translation Days 2013
Thread poster: Anne Diamantidis
Anne Diamantidis
Anne Diamantidis  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:38
Member (2007)
German to French
+ ...
May 3, 2013

The Cracow Translation Days will be held from 6–8 September 2013.

"The Cracow Translation Days are an international conference for professional translators that offers
more than just plain vanilla. With a focus on professional education, networking and intercultural
exchange, this is not just another conference in an impersonal convention centre, where the goal
seems to be to attend as many talks as possible in as little time as possible. The Cracow Translation
Days give priority to quality, not to quantity.

The organisers have chosen a special location for a special conference, the Benedictine abbey of
Tyniec, 13 km southwest of Cracow, and put together an extensive social programme in and around

Registration for this non-profit conference is now open. Abstracts for talks, workshops or
roundtables are being accepted until 31 May 2013.

For more information, please visit:"

(Please note that I am not affiliated with the organizers and their companies)

[Edited at 2013-05-03 11:24 GMT]


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Cracow Translation Days 2013

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