Translation, Website localization, Software localization, Editing/proofreading, MT post-editing, Training
German to English, Russian to English, French to English
Specializes in
Computers: Systems, Networks, Computers: Software, Patents, and 5 more.
We had a demanding project with a tight deadline. Translator delivered on time and accurate. Very professional. Thank you!
Very orofessional transaltor. I can only recommend him

He is a very good translator. We are looking forward to collaborating with him.
Geoff is very reliable and fast, he has professional tools and is skilled in using them. Quality results, highly recommended.
Will definitely offer more work to Geoff - large demanding project with a tight deadline, delivered on time and accurate. Many thanx!
very trustful and sympathic collaboration
Brainstorm Sprachdienstleistungen OG (Formerly: BrainStorm Sprachdienstleistungen GmbH)
Avg. LWA : 4 (1 entry)
Jun 21, 2007

Avg. LWA : 4 (1 entry)
High quality and friendly contact - Thanks Geoff!
Outsourcer feedback
(Those who did not leave a comment)
Feb 03, 2016
Ralph schmitt (Vertaalbureau De Keulenaar)
Willing to work with again: Yes
This sevice provider has not yet received any colleague feedback.
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