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Language instruction
Spanish, English, Icelandic
Specializes in
Business/Commerce (general), Education / Pedagogy, IT (Information Technology), and 5 more.
Native in
Spanish (Variant: Standard-Spain) 

3 positive reviews

(3 reviews)

I am pleased to confirm that whenever I have had occasion to work with Fernán González on a Spanish/English<>Icelandic translation project he has always shown himself to be an excellent translator with highly professional attitude. He is extremely reliable and always meets deadlines punctually. I am happy to recommend Fernán and sure that his Spanish/English<>Icelandic translations will be of a high standard.
Fernán is a great professional. He outperformed the task assigned to him. He is reliable, accurate and punctual when returning the completed jobs. I would definitely work with him again. Thank you!
Great quality and smooth communication. We would definitely work with him again!

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