20 positive reviews

Sergey (my.com)
Oct 05, 2015
Very accurate, committed, with the strong attention to the details. One of the best translators I worked until now.
Excellent translator. Very reliable.

Mika Liu (All Languages)
Nov 13, 2014
Frederic is a reliable and experienced French translator. I trust that he produces quality work. I highly recommend him to anyone who wishes to use his service.
Frédéric provides excellent EN-FR translations (tourism, travel guides). Great style! Absolutely reliable. We are happy to have him in our team.

Angelos (unlocked International GmbH)
Jan 20, 2014
Frederic has been translating for us for almost one year. He delivers great quality, is a great communicator and always respects the given deadlines. He has consistently displayed expertise in the subject and outmost professionalism and reliability.
RS Translations
Jan 01, 2014
High quality and timely delivery. Thank you, Frederic
Diligent and focused on details. Good turnaround time and prompt response.
Very happy to be working with Fred. A good linguist and a reliable professional.
Asiatis Translation Agency
asiatis (Formerly atraduire.com/atraduire-bourgogne.com / 3wCommunication SARL)
Avg. LWA : 5 (2 entries)
Jul 03, 2013

Avg. LWA : 5 (2 entries)
Bon traducteur, réactif et soucieux des détails. Très professionnel.
A very good and reliable translator. Thanks Frederic!
Very reliable, spot on wording in the field of action sports. Highly recommended!
Very professional, accurate, fast and punctual!
Mr. Brunet is a very reliable translator. His translations are always of high quality and delivered before the deadline. Thanks Frederic!
Easy to work with and fast turnaround time.
Great provider, the project required constant communication and good quality and Frederic provided both. I hope we can work again soon,Thank you!
Outsourcer feedback
(Those who did not leave a comment)
Apr 22, 2013
Tradophenia (X)
Willing to work with again: Yes
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