Powwow Report for Canada - Toronto (Nov 19 2010)

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Report from  Hege Jakobsen Lepri
Friday night we met at a very crowded "Le Marche- Mövepick" restaurant in downtown Toronto. Despite the crowded space - and having to hunt down an extra table half way through the evening, we managed to have a good time, and actually stayed beyond 9 p.m. to chat.

We managed to touch on accounting practices as well as rules regarding the HST - and then went on to just chat about our daily challenges as translators.

The location has the advantage of being centrally located and easy to find. We also get individual bills without any discussion, and people can choose to anything from a full meal to just coffee. The drawbacks are that it is not inexpensive with the recently added 12% mandatory tip and that on a Friday night it is so crowded that it's hard to move around.
We may want to look into a different location for our next powwow.

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Amir Gavriely
Carolina Alfaro de Carvalho
Hege Jakobsen Lepri
Larissa Boutrimova
Gary Wellman
Elena Novski
Bianca Bold
Jamie McLennan
Jari Nieppola

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Nov 23 '10  Larissa Boutrimova: Thanks for organizing, Hege!
It was nice meeting again and I had a very good time.