Powwow Report for Италия - Cambiano (Torino, Italy) (May 18 2008)

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Report from  Marie Scarano
Sorry this has taken me so long to do, but I know I am in good company when I say that times are truly hectic!
In any case, thanks to all who braved the rain and mud to participate! It was a small but enthusiastic group. As always, it's great to meet old and new friends and colleagues. A special thanks to Maurizio for the pics. Great job, Mauri!
Paola has informed me that your creations are "cooked", so I can go by and pick them up. Just let me know how we can arrange to get them to you. Just call 011.944.2896 or 348.9152844 or write me at [email protected].
Let's do it again sometime...

Photos from  BdiL

Photos from  BdiL

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Marie Scarano
Mariella Bonelli
Ray King
Evelyne Antinoro
ilaria lanzoni

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

May 28 '08  BdiL: Problemi con le foto
Ho pastrocchiato con le foto. Qualcuno sa come: cancellare i doppioni e aggiungere commenti a quelle già inserite? Ne aggiungerò di nuove e metterò i commenti . Ciao Maurizio
May 23 '08  BdiL: Foto/photos
Non riesco a caricarle: mi dice duplicate upload detected quando faccio refresh. ??!!!? Maurizio
May 22 '08  BdiL: Foto/photos
Ciao. Devo potare un po' le foto prima di inserirle (troppo enormi) e sceglierne 12. Un saluto a tutti. Maurizio (BdiL) Gotta chop down the photos to a manageable size and pick the 12 to be uploaded. Bye everybody. Maurice (BTW, I had a lot of fun!)
May 19 '08  Mariella Bonelli: Ciao a tutti
È stato un powwow molto interessante. Nemmeno la pioggia è riuscita a fermarci! Mi ha fatto piacere vedere vecchie conoscenze e nuovi partecipanti. Alla prossima!