This event is part of CAT Tool & Software Day Sep 28, 2012 Search registrants See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directoryResults (8,327) (Members shown first) |
 | Dina Essawy  Translation is the key to the world Native in Arabic  , English  Freelancer | Bio: Literature is my life. Hence my passion for translating. I see it as means of transferring cultures and ideologies from one place to another as well as spreading knowledge. Message: Hello, I am glad of this opportunity to meet other translators and gain more professional experience! |
| |  | paris9 (X)  Native in French  , English  Freelancer | Bio: Shortly after I graduated as a liaison interpreter and translator (English/Spanish), I had a temporary job in an Armament and Defence company, as an interpreter and translator. I was in charge of interpretations during daily meetings as well as the translation of data.
I worked for 4 years in an international insurance company mainly dealing with industrial and financial groups. I was in charge of the translation of loss prevention reports and underwriting documents, which introduced me to various fields such as engineering, boilers and heavy machinery maintenance, climatology, earthquakes, fire and flood prevention. I also was in charge of short missions of interpretation with foreign customers.
I eventually chose to leave the company and launch a small freelance translation company, so as to have a better control over my personal time as well as enlarging translation fields and knowledge.
After 25 years of translations (French/English/Spanish) not only in the above-mentioned fields but also in the most diversified areas, such as cinema, cooking, tourism, business and marketing or childcare, I eventually started learning Chinese in order to have something more to offer. I attended a 3 year course at evening school and passed a standard Chinese Test. Then I learnt business Chinese and passed a business Chinese test, which entitles me to make translations from and to Chinese, mainly in business, commercial, financial, insurance and environment fields.
I also offer a proofreading and writing (or rewriting) service as well as short missions of liaison interpretations in all these languages.
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|  | | GD-Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Belo Horizonte, Brasil, 18 years of experience |
|  | skpasha  Expert in providin absolute best product Pakistan Native in Urdu  , Punjabi  Freelancer | BA-Sindh university, 23 years of experience |
| |  | Oleksandr Myslivets  Certified Engineer. Technical Translator Ukraine Native in Russian  , Ukrainian  Freelancer | Message: Hello world :-) |
|  | | Stratford University, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), City University London, University of Michigan, MA-University of Split, ATA, Croatian Chamber of Commerce Foreign Language Affiliation, Association of Court Interpreters and Translators- STIP, IAPTI, 23 years of experience |
|  | bl2004  ENGLISH < > BULGARIAN translations Native in Bulgarian  Freelancer | 45 years of experience |
|  | Maria Lucia Cumo  creative, resourceful and reliable Brazil Native in Portuguese  Freelancer | Brazilian Gov't, OTHER-Alumni, ATA, ABRATES, 39 years of experience |
|  | Mireille Ansah  Lit. Translator/Network Marketing Pro Native in French Freelancer | MA-University of Cote d'Ivoire, 37 years of experience |
|  | | 22 years of experience |
|  | | 10 years of experience |
|  | Andrey Romanenko  Native bilingual, Ukrainian/Russian Poland Native in Russian  , Ukrainian  Freelancer | Kiev National T. Schevchenko University, OTHER-Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 26 years of experience |
|  | Ghenwa Khayat  Multilingual language expert. United Arab Emirates Native in Arabic (Variants: Lebanese, Standard-Arabian (MSA))  Freelancer | BA-Université Saint-Joseph, ATN / APTS, 19 years of experience |
|  | Michele Lemaire (X)  Precision, Honesty, Reliability (quoted) Native in French  , English  Freelancer | Bio: MD, with 10 years of clinical practice as a neuropsychiatrist in Belgium (EU), and 15 years of experience as a physician working for the pharmaceutical and medical device industry with a specialty CRO in the US, Certified Professional Translator (GTI), French native, tr...uly bilingual and bicultural (EU-US), EN<>FR translator specializing in the following fields: medical, clinical, pharmaceutical, social sciences, movies (subtitles, scripts) and literary texts. French conversation coach.
In addition to the medical/clinical/technical ad hoc translations I have done during my work as a consultant for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, my interest in translation was (and still is) entertained by my desire to share good French not translated movies/articles/books with my American friends (and with our children whose main language is English, due to our move when they were little,) and doing the same, in reverse, for my French speaking family and friends. Due to the circumstances, I am daily navigating the two languages and cultures, and I find it fun and enriching.More Less Message: It will be nice to be part of this series of events and have an opportunity to know a little more some people of this immense global community. |
|  | | New York University - School of Continuing and Professional Studies, OTHER-New York University, 31 years of experience |
|  | | Nicolaus Copernicus University, University of Warsaw, Uniwersytet Gdański / Universität Danzig / University of Gdańsk, MA-Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń + PgDip in Legal and Business Translation, 15 years of experience |
|  | alphaword  TRANSLATE THE LANGUAGE NOT THE WORDS Native in French  , English  Freelancer and outsourcer | 36 years of experience |
|  | Jelena Gaveika  Medical translations Latvia Native in Russian (Variant: Standard-Russia)  Freelancer | Daugavpils Univerity (Translator), 16 years of experience |
|  | Raul Lecuona  Professor Venezuela Native in English  , Spanish  Freelancer | Bio: 16 years as a Translator and Interpreter Message: Welcome!!! I am sure it will be a great get together for all! |
|  | Indah Lestari  EN-FR-ID with 20-year experience Reunion Native in Indonesian  Freelancer | Message: Hello. I am a native speaker of Indonesian and have been translating since 2004. I would love to expand my opportunities to work in this field. |
|  | Ksenia Akulova  Linguist | LQA/Loc Specialist | RU/EN/DE United States Native in Russian  , English (Variant: US)  Freelancer | Specialist Diploma Linguistics & Translation CSU, MA-Chelyabinsk State University (State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education), Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, NLSC, 19 years of experience |
|  | jsoh  French/Spanish-English translator United Kingdom Native in English  Freelancer | University of Edinburgh, MA-University of Edinburgh, 15 years of experience |
|  | Ebelyn Menichelli  Experienced Engish-Spanish Translator Argentina Native in Spanish  Freelancer | SDL Trados Studio 2009 for Translators - Getting S, GD-IES Nº 28 "Olga Cossettini", Colegio de Traductores de la Prov. de Sta. Fe, 2° circ. (ARG), 14 years of experience |
|  | Kai Zhang  Simp&TrChinese in Med/Pharmo/Biotecho United States Native in Chinese  Freelancer | Bio: Name: Zhang Kai
Gender: Male
Mother language: Mandarin
Birth year: 1972
Nationality: China
Interested in medical translation from English to Chinese. Message: Trying my best to learn from my dear, professional fellow translators, and share my over 5-year experience in medical translation. |
|  | Carmen Garcia  30 years breaking language barriers Native in Spanish  Freelancer | Bio: EN-ES freelance translator for more than 20 years. Experience in business, education and journalism. Message: Hi all! It's awesome to be a part of all this! |
|  | Silvia Straub  Translator, Subtitler, Project Manager Native in Italian (Variant: Venetian)  Freelancer | Message: hi :) |
|  | isabelle gun (X)  The power of experience in communication Native in French Freelancer | Bio: Specialized in banking, finance and economics |
|  | Mariana Hungria  Excellence in translation services! Brazil Native in English (Variant: US)  , Portuguese (Variant: Brazilian)  Freelancer | BA-University of Campinas, 31 years of experience |
|  | Petra Dolezalova (X)  Native in Czech  Freelancer | 27 years of experience |
|  | Flávia Pritsch (X)  English and Portuguese Proofreader Brazil Native in Portuguese (Variant: Brazilian)  Freelancer | BA-Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 13 years of experience |
|  | Carina Lucindo  20 years of experience in translation Brazil Native in Portuguese (Variant: Brazilian) Freelancer | Universidade de Sao Paulo, BA-USP - Universidade de Sao Paulo, ABRATES, 21 years of experience |
|  | Ashley Armstrong  Communication is our business. United States Native in English Freelancer | GD-University of Florida Levin College of Law, 14 years of experience |
|  | Celly Utomo  Great quality, great price.. Indonesia Native in Indonesian  Freelancer | Bio: English-Indonesia translator and vice versa.. I'm currently working full time and freelance.. Message: Hi All.. I'm really looking forward to meeting you all and share wonderful experiences and stories in translating.. |
|  | | MA-Novosibirsk State University, 16 years of experience |
|  | | University of Salford, BA-University of Salford, 11 years of experience |
|  | Elena Bellucci  fast, reliable, accurate Native in Italian (Variants: Standard-Italy, Tuscan / Toscano)  Freelancer | University of Bologna, BA-Bologna University, 24 years of experience |
|  | Eleni M.  If it's all Greek to you, I can do it! United Kingdom Native in Greek (Variant: Modern) Freelancer | University of Michigan, BA-The Metafrasi School of Translation Studies, Athens (Greece), Greek Association of Italian Language Instructors, MET, 14 years of experience |
|  | | MA-St.Petersburg University, ATN / APTS, 49 years of experience |
| |  | Li Tin CHU  Conference Interpreter you will love!! Paraguay Native in Chinese (Variant: Mandarin)  , Spanish (Variants: Rioplatense, Dominican, Uruguayan, Honduran, Latin American, Argentine, Panamanian, Chilean, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Standard-Spain, Venezuelan, Ecuadorian , Nicaraguan, Canarian, Peruvian, Costa Rican, Salvadoran, US, Guatemalan, Mexican, Bolivian, Paraguayan, Colombian)  Freelancer | UN external language service provider, Alliance française Paris Ile-de-France (Ecole Internationale de Langue et de Civilisation Françaises), OTHER-National University of Asunción, Paraguay, 33 years of experience |
|  | | MA-Temple University, ITA, 11 years of experience |
|  | Vasiliy Voronenko  Medical translator - 15 year experience! Native in Russian  Freelancer | Russian School of translation, OTHER-Russian School of translation, 22 years of experience |
|  | Geoffrey Chan  Medical/Marketing/Tourism/Art Canada Native in English (Variants: UK, US) Freelancer | 12 years of experience |
|  | ashok jayanti  retired professor of physics India Native in Telugu  Freelancer | 28 years of experience |
|  | Francisco Javie  Help persons to communicate Chile Native in Spanish  Freelancer and outsourcer | Bio: An Educator as first training (BA U de Chile, Santiago - MA Universite de Louvain, Belgium) and a multicultural professional by experience and upbringing. English was spoken at home and have worked extensively in International Relations using English, French and Portug...uese, plus my native Spanish. I was registered as translator at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Chile 1992. Have been board person at the Santiago Association of Translators, today Chilean Association of Translators and Interpreters.More Less Message: Hello from Valparaiso, Chile! Wishing to learn from you, at your service, in Brazil and in Chile. We are a binational network of translators and interpreters, based in Valparaiso & Santiago, in São Paulo & Curitiba. Hola, Olá! |
| |  | Jeremiah Midkiff  25 yrs translating/interpreting, Safety United States Native in English (Variants: British, UK, US, US South, Canadian, New Zealand)  Freelancer | Bio: After six years in the United States Air Force as a linguist, I completed my BA in Spanish at the University of Texas at San Antonio. I have been fluent in Spanish for nearly 20 years, and I am very experienced in both translating and interpreting in both directions. I ...have spent years working with Spanish-speaking workforce both in and out of the US. I have lived and worked in Costa Rica, Spain, and Equatorial Guinea.More Less |
|  | Maggie di Paola  Legal, Education, Health Care Expert Argentina Native in Spanish Freelancer | Universidad Católica Argentina, Facultad de Filosofía y letras, BA-UCA (Universidad Catolica Argentina), 26 years of experience |
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