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Source text - Italian Nella piccola città della concia, in uno dei tre centri conciari più importanti d'Italia, a Solofra nasce Confezioni in pelle "*****", una ditta che si avvale della collaborazione di personale tecnico altamente qualificato con esperienza trentennale nel settore dell'abbigliamento in pelle, con l'obiettivo di sottolineare la grandezza della moda della pelle, che conferisce eleganza e fascino a chi la indossa.
Translation - English In the little city of tanning, in one of the three most important tanning centers in Italy, in Solofra is established “*****” LEATHER CLOTHING MANUFACTURER, a company that make use of collaboration of qualified technicians with thirty-year experience in the field of leather clothing, with the purpose of stressing the greatness of leather fashion, which grants elegance and charm to whom wears its garments.
Italian to English: TV show subject General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - Italian Karla, 13 anni, capita in palestra quasi per caso e la scherma diventa la sua disciplina. Accompagnata sempre dalla sua timida amica Ginny, formerà insieme alla precisa Lilli, una squadra vincente. Il cuore vuole la sua e Karla s’innamora di Leo, spadaccino infallibile e fidanzatino di Sophia, la temibile avversaria francese, reginetta indiscussa della palestra del maestro Bernard. Karla le darà filo da torcere, in una continua sfida, in pedana e per l’amore di Leo, il quale non rimarrà indifferente alla bellezza semplice della spadaccina italiana. Anche a casa la situazione non è facile: i genitori sono divorziati, Karla e Max, il suo fratellone combina guai, vivono con la madre. Il padre si fa vivo raramente e solo attraverso costosi regali. Karla arriverà a giocarsi la finale dei mondiali juniores, sognando le Olimpiadi.
Translation - English Karla (13) happens to be in a gym and, almost by chance, she finds out that fencing is her favourite sport. She teams up with her shy friend, Ginny, and a thorough girl, Lilli, achieving excellent results. But the heart wants what it wants, and Karla falls in love with Leo, an excellent swordsman who is also Sophia’s fiancé. Sophia is the fearful French opponent, the undisputed star of master Bernard’s gym. Karla will give her a hard time as they will continuously fight on and off the fencing mat, both for victory and Leo’s heart, while the young Italian swordswoman’s simple beauty will not leave the French boy indifferent.
Karla’s family situation is also critical: her parents are divorced and she lives with Max, her clumsy brother, and her mother. Her father rarely shows up and tries to bribe them with expensive gifts. Karla will reach the final match of the junior world championship, dreaming of the Olympics.
English to Italian: Mesmeric Revelation (E.A. Poe) General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English Whatever doubt may still envelop the rationale of mesmerism, its startling facts are now almost universally admitted. Of these latter, those who doubt, are your mere doubters by profession — an unprofitable and disreputable tribe. There can be no more absolute waste of time than the attempt to prove, at the present day, that man, by mere exercise of will, can so impress his fellow, as to cast him into an abnormal condition, of which the phenomena resemble very closely those of death, or at least resemble them more nearly than they do the phenomena of any other normal condition within our cognizance; that, while in this state, the person so impressed employs only with effort, and then feebly, the external organs of sense, yet perceives, with keenly refined perception, and through channels supposed unknown, matters beyond the scope of the physical organs; that, moreover, his intellectual faculties are wonderfully exalted and invigorated; that his sympathies with the person so impressing him are profound; and, finally, that his susceptibility to the impression increases with its frequency, while, in the same proportion, the peculiar phenomena elicited are more extended and more pronounced.
Translation - Italian Qualunque ombra di dubbio possa ancora avvolgere la logica fondamentale del mesmerismo, le sue sconcertanti realtà sono oramai accettate universalmente. Coloro i quali ne dubitano ancora sono scettici di professione, una congrega di inutili e screditati individui. Non vi è maggior perdita di tempo della ricerca di una prova concreta che, ai giorni nostri, un uomo, con il puro e semplice esercizio della volontà, possa influenzare un suo simile al punto di indurlo in uno stato paranormale i cui segni ricordano assai quelli della morte, più che ogni altra condizione normale a noi conosciuta; che, in questo stato, la persona influenzata riesca a far uso, con gran sforzo e scarso risultato, dei propri organi sensoriali, continuando comunque a percepire, con raffinata percezione e attraverso canali che si presuppongono sconosciuti, questioni che vanno al di là della portata degli organi fisici; che le sue facoltà intellettive, inoltre, siano magnificamente esaltate e rinvigorite; che cresca, dentro di sé, una profonda simpatia nei confronti della persona che lo sta influenzando e che, infine, la sua suscettibilità a tale influenza incrementi di pari passo con la frequenza con cui viene esercitata mentre, nella stessa proporzione, quei particolari fenomeni dedotti ragionando diventano più estesi e più intensi.
2005 - Diploma di Maturità Scientifica 84/100 Liceo Scientifico Statale "V. De Caprariis" Atripalda (AV)
2004 - Certificate of English studies - Goldsmith's College (London) Level: Upper-Intermediate - Mark: Excellent
2005 - Certificate of English studies - Trinity College (Dublin) Level: Advanced - Mark: Excellent
2012 - Literary Translation Certificate (English to Italian)
After some short-timed private works as English teacher and translator, I worked as:
English translator for the site
English translator and interpreter for Guida Confezioni in pelle – Solofra (AV) –Italy, in particular, I worked as interpreter in the SIMM fair 2008 in Madrid (Semana Internacional de la Moda de Madrid) for the same company.
In late 2008 I have worked as outsourcer for the firm "AIM Danismalik" (Turkey) translating various genres of text: general english, automotive, tech, manuals, legal, computer, etc...
From October to November 2009 I have worked as dubber and proofreader for the development of the Italian version of the PC strategy game "GeoPolitical Simulator" by the French company "EverSim".
From 2010 to 2012 I have worked as a full-time translator and subtitler for SupremeMasterTV, a satellite and web TV.
English (written and spoken): Excellent
French: Elementary
O.S.: Windows 98/XP/Vista, Mac OSX excellent skills
MS Office/OpenOffice package: good skills
Nuendo 3/Cubase SX3: excellent skills
Logic Pro 9: good skills
Adobe Premiere Pro: good skills
Adobe After Effects: good skills
Adobe Photoshop: decent skills
Jubler for Mac (subtitler): good skills
From 2003 I begin to travel in English-speaking countries in order to improve my speaking abilities; in particular, I visited: Canada, USA, England and Ireland.
I am a bass-guitar player; in 2006 I signed a contract with “VideoRadio Edizioni Musicali Milano” and recorded an album at B3 Studio in Milan with the help of sound engineer Enrico Bezzini.
In 2007 I begin to write for a local newspaper of “Associazione per la Libera Espressione”.
I'm currently studying at Università degli studi di Salerno (University) for the Foreign Languages & Cultures Degree (English and French).
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