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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Translation, Interpreting
Specializes in:
Education / Pedagogy
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Also works in:
Law: Contract(s)
Law (general)
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Computers (general)
Medical (general)
Business/Commerce (general)
Spanish to English - Rates: 0.08 - 0.10 USD per word / 30 - 35 USD per hour English to Spanish - Rates: 0.08 - 0.10 USD per word / 30 - 35 USD per hour
Spanish to English: Legal half of a shared project
Source text - Spanish g) El Contratista, frente a cualquiera reclamación o demanda judicial, que eventualmente pudiera afectar a la Compañía, por obligaciones de las que él pudiera ser solidaria o subsidiariamente responsable, deberá asumir la defensa de sus propios intereses, comunicando oportunamente a la Compañía el texto del reclamo o de la demanda. Asimismo, a requerimiento de la Compañía deberá asumir también la defensa de éste. Aún cuando la Compañía no hubiese sido notificada en el respectivo asunto, y sin perjuicio de los demás derechos y facultades que indica este Contrato, la circunstancia de que el Contratista permanezca rebelde o acepte la demanda, faculta a la Compañía para pagar o conciliar con el reclamante o demandante. Si la Compañía efectuare pagos por las señaladas causas, tendrá derecho al reembolso anteriormente descrito. En todo caso, además de los intereses máximos convencionales, el Contratista tendrá la obligación de pagarle las costas en que la Compañía hubiere personalmente incurrido por causa de su intervención en el respectivo asunto, inclusive las extrajudiciales causadas por viajes y estadías, honorarios profesionales, gastos de representación y otros análogos
h) Cualquier pago que la Compañía efectúe por causa de responsabilidad solidaria o subsidiaria, incluso en los casos en que no hubiere sido notificado de demanda alguna, podrá recuperarlo, por compensación, con sumas retenidas, o imputándolo a garantías que el Contratista hubiere constituido en su favor y, si todo lo anterior fuese insuficiente, tendrá derecho al reembolso de cuanto hubiere pagado, con más intereses convencionales máximos;
i) La Compañía queda expresamente facultado para, sin perjuicio de las excusiones que pudiera invocar en su favor, asumir el pago de cualquiera deuda que el Contratista y, en su caso, los Subcontratistas, tuvieren para con trabajadores suyos, destacados al Servicio del Contrato, así como respecto de las pertinentes entidades previsionales y aseguradoras.
j) Mientras se encuentre subsistente el riesgo de hacerse efectiva la responsabilidad solidaria o subsidiaria contra la Compañía, el Contratista, incluso después de terminado el Contrato, deberá comunicar a aquél cualquiera alteración de su situación jurídica, como transformación de sociedades, disolución, fusión, absorción, cambio de domicilio o razón social, de socios y capital, así como respecto de cualquiera alternación relativa a su situación patrimonial, que pueda representar posibilidades de insolvencia, dejándose constancia que el Contrato es celebrado, precisamente, en razón de sus antecedentes jurídicos y patrimoniales. De consiguiente, si se produjeren las modificaciones señaladas y ellas no fueren comunicadas a la Compañía, se entenderá que el Contratista ha procedido de mala fe, quedando facultado aquel para ejercer las acciones que estimare más convenientes para la defensa de sus intereses, incluso impetrando precautorias de cualquiera clase;
k) Frente a la Compañía, el Contratista será solidariamente responsable con sus Subcontratistas, respecto de las obligaciones laborales, previsionales y tributarias que estos últimos pudieran contraer en favor de sus propios trabajadores destacados a la ejecución de la Obra o Servicio. Las obligaciones asumidas por el Contratista, deberán ser impuestas por éste a sus Subcontratistas.
l) Producido el finiquito del Contrato, las retenciones y garantías constituidas por el Contratista, serán liberadas o, en su caso, reducidas al capital, reajustes, intereses y costas estimativas de las obligaciones laborales y previsionales pendientes, sean propias o de sus Subcontratistas.
m) Por su parte, las facultades conferidas a la Compañía quedan entregadas a su exclusivo arbitrio, en términos que, del hecho de no ejercitarlas, no podrán derivarse responsabilidades o renuncias de ninguna clase. En cualquier caso, le queda reservado expresamente a la Compañía el derecho para intervenir en los asuntos judiciales laborales seguidos contra el Contratista y sus Subcontratistas, por trabajadores y prestadores de Servicios de aquél y éstos, aún cuando la Compañía no hubiese sido notificado en forma alguna, pudiendo actuar en defensa de sus intereses como tercero interesado en los resultados; y
n) Los pagos que efectuare la Compañía, por cualquiera causa que se relacione con su responsabilidad legal subsidiaria o solidaria, producirán la subrogación, en conformidad a lo dispuesto en el Código Civil, Código del Trabajo y demás normas aplicables a la materia de que se trate, debiéndose entender que ellos han sido autorizados expresamente por el Contratista, en cuanto él y/o sus Subcontratistas sean deudores de las respectivas obligaciones. Esta subrogación transferirá a la Compañía todos los derechos, acciones, privilegios y garantías que el acreedor hubiere tenido contra el Contratista y/o Subcontratistas suyos.
Translation - English G) The Contractor, set against any claim or legal action, that eventually could affect to the Company, by obligations of the ones that could be supportive or subsidiary responsible, he should assume the defense of his own interests, communicating opportunely to the Company the text of the claim or of the demand. Likewise, to request of the Company should assume also the defense of this. Still when the Company had not been notified in the respective matter, and without damage of the others right and faculties that indicates this Contract, the circumstance that the Contractor remain rebel or accept the demand, he authorizes to the Company to pay or to reconcile with the complainant or plaintiff. If the Company I performed payments by them indicated causes, he will have the right to the reimbursement previously described. In every case, besides the conventional maximum interests, the Contractor will have the obligation to pay him the coasts in which the Company there be personally incurred because of its intervention in the respective matter, inclusive the out-of-court caused by trips and stopovers, professional fees, expenses of representation and other analogous
h) Any payment that the Company perform because of supportive or subsidiary responsibility, even in the cases in which there be not been notified of any demand, will be able to recover it, by clearing, with sums retained, or attributing it to guarantees that the Contractor there be constituted in its favor and, if all the previous thing were insufficient, will have the right to the reimbursement of as much as there be paid, with more maximum conventional interests;
I) The Company remains explicitly authorized for, without damage of the excusiones that could invoke in its favor, to assume the payment of any debt that the Contractor and, in its case, the Subcontractors, had become noticeable, its workers to the Service of the Contract, as well as regarding the pertinent companies, divisions, and insurance companies.
j) While be found subsistent the risk to be done cash the supportive responsibility or subsidiary against the Company, the Contractor, even after finished the Contract, should communicate to that any alteration of its legal situation, like transformation of companies, dissolution, fusion, absorption, change of address or trade name, of associates and capital, as well as regarding any alteration relating to its hereditary situation, that can represent possibilities of insolvency, being left Constancy that the Contract is celebrated, exactly, with regard to its hereditary and legal antecedents. Of consequent, if the modifications indicated were produced and they not been communicated to the Company, will be understood that the Contractor has proceeded in bad faith, remaining authorized to exercise the actions that reckoned more convenient for the defense of his interests, even beseeching precautions of any class;
K) set against the Company, the Contractor will be jointly head with its Subcontractors, regarding the labor obligations, divisions and tax that these last could contract in favor of its own noticeable workers to the execution of the Work or Service. The obligations assumed by the Contractor, should be taxes by this to their Subcontractors.
L) Produced the closing of the Contract, the retentions and guarantees constituted by the Contractor, will be freed or, in their case, reduced to the capital, readjustments, interests and approximate coasts of the labor obligations and divisions pending, they be their own of their subcontractors.
M) In turn, the faculties conferred to the Company remain delivered to their exclusive will, in terms that, of the fact of exercise them not, they will not be able to be derived responsibilities or you resign of any class. In any case, remains reserved explicitly to the Company the right to intervene in the labor judicial matters you followed against the Contractor and its Subcontractors, by workers and lenders of Services of that and these, still when the Company had not been notified in any form, being able to act in defense of its interests as third interested in the results; and
N) The payments that the company performed, by any cause that relate to their legal subsidiary or supportive responsibility, they will produce the subrogation, in conformity to the arranged thing in the civil code, Code of the Work and other applicable norms to the matter that treat, should be understood that they have been authorized explicitly by the Contractor, as soon as he and/or their Subcontractors be debtors of the respective obligations. This subrogation will transfer to the Company all the rights, actions, privileges and guarantees that the creditor there be had against the Contractor and/or its Subcontractors.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Central Connecticut State Univeristy
Years of experience: 19. Registered at Apr 2008.
Spanish to English (Central Connecticut State Univeristy, CT) English to Spanish (Central Connecticut State University) Spanish to English (IMIA, verified) English to Spanish (IMIA, verified)
--Specialist in Law (documents related to immigration) and Education.
--Additional translation experience in Sales and Computers
--Additional interpreting experience in Medicine and small group meetings in various fields
**More specific details are available on my CV**
Working Languages:
--Translating: Spanish to English only
--Interpreting: Both (I work in
the consecutive mode.)
Academic background:
--Bachelor's degree in Spanish/Education
--Took courses in second language acquisition, Spanish linguistics, Spanish and Latin American civilization, Spanish and Latin American literature. Additional coursework in teaching.
-- Language degree (Bachelor's degree in Spanish)
--Passed state written exam for court interpreting, September 2009
Membership in organizations:
-- NETA (New England Translators Association)
Related experience:
Tutoring children in basic English-language academic skills. Many of my students speak Spanish as their primary language.
This experience, combined with my coursework in teaching, makes me especially qualified to interpret at parent-teacher conferences, PPT meetings, and similar appointments.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
0 positive (0 entries)
Job type
Language pairs
Spanish to English
Specialty fields
Law: Contract(s)
Other fields
Keywords: Spanish to English translator, Spanish translator, English mother tongue, USA resident, USA, interpreter, immigration, immigration law, legal, contracts. See more.Spanish to English translator, Spanish translator, English mother tongue, USA resident, USA, interpreter, immigration, immigration law, legal, contracts, translate contracts, birth certificate, teacher, tutor, ESL tutor, English as a Second Language, WordFast, Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Office, Education, education, Spanish to English, immigration, immigrant, student, transcript, immigration translator, immigration interpreter, translation, interpreting, long term collaboration, freelance translator, freelance interpreter, fast response to email, consecutive interpreter, consecutive interpreting, consecutive Spanish/English interpreter, Spanish, English, native English speaker, Adobe Acrobat, . See less.
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