Member since Jan '08

Working languages:
English to Hungarian
English to Albanian
English to Bosnian
English to Bulgarian
English to Croatian

Sandor Sojnoczky
One of Hungary's top LSPs

Szeged, Csongrad, Hungary
Local time: 17:26 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Hungarian Native in Hungarian
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Past 5 years
(59 entries)
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Total: 163 entries
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Hunnect Limited has
been operating in the linguistic services market since 2003 and has maintained
its position as one of the largest linguistic services provider in Hungary for
the tenth year with an annual throughput of over 25 million words. We are a
company with several departments, hundreds of subcontractors, offering more
than 70 target languages and a full range of linguistic services including: the
translation-editing-proofreading of practically any text of any size and
nature, machine translation and post-editing, interpreting, creative writing
and marketing adaptation, quality assurance of translations prepared by other
companies, DTP services done independently or as part of the translation

Keywords: medical translation, clinical trials, clinical studies, medical devices, pharmaceutical, pharma, from Hungarian, Hungarian, into Hungarian, translation. See more.medical translation, clinical trials, clinical studies, medical devices, pharmaceutical, pharma, from Hungarian, Hungarian, into Hungarian, translation, software localization, interpreting, e-learning, Eastern European languages, editing, proofreading, review, information technology, European languages, high quality, Hunnect, ISO 9001:2001, English, Albanian, Bulgarian, Bosnian, Czech, Estonian, French, Dutch, Croatian, Polish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Maltese, Hungarian, German, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Turkish and Ukrainian, machine translation, translation automation, post-editing, pre-editing, controlled natural languages, controlled languages, linguistic validation, fordítás, lektorálás, tolmácsolás, kiadványszerkesztés, nyelvi ellenőrzés, angol, albán, bolgár, bosnyák, cseh, észt, francia, holland, horvát, lengyel, lett, litván, macedón, máltai, magyar, német, olasz, orosz, portugál, román, spanyol, svéd, szerb, szlovák, szlovén, török és ukrán, gépi fordítás, utószerkesztés, előszerkesztés, kontrollált nyelv, kontrollált természetes nyelv, nyelvi validáció. See less.

Profile last updated
Jan 3, 2023