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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Source text - English Whereas
- The Company has entered into a contract with XY (hereinafter referred to as "the Owner") covering the design, manufacture, supply, civil construction, mechanical and electrical erection, commissioning and defect liability warranty for a power plant to be located in Italy (such contract being hereinafter referred to as the "Main Contract"); and
- The Company wishes to contract certain erection works (hereinafter referred to as the "Works") for the power plant project under the Main Contract and has requested the Contractor to perform and complete the Works.
NOW THEREFORE it is hereby agreed between the Parties as follows:
1. This Agreement and all documents listed below (including any annexure or attachment thereto) shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and, save as expressly incorporated herein, shall supersede all prior communications, negotiations representations or agreements related to the Works, whether written or oral. No agreement or understanding purporting to vary, delete or extend this Agreement or its appendices shall be binding on either party unless agreed in writing and signed by a duly authorised representative on behalf of each party.
Translation - Italian Premesso che:
- L’Appaltatore principale ha sottoscritto con XY (da qui in avanti “la Proprietà”) un contratto che copre progettazione, fabbricazione, fornitura, edilizia, montaggio meccanico ed elettronico, commessa e garanzia in caso di difetti di fabbricazione per la centrale elettrica che sarà situata in Italia (da qui in avanti il presente contratto verrà definito “il contratto principale”);e
- L’Appaltatore principale intende subappaltare parte dei lavori di costruzione (da qui in avanti definiti “i lavori”) per il progetto della centrale elettrica, in base al contratto principale e ha fatto richiesta al subappaltatore di effettuare e completare i lavori.
PERTANTO si conviene tra le parti quanto segue:
1. Il presente accordo e tutti i documenti sotto elencati (compresi annessi e allegazioni) costituiranno l’intero accordo tra le parti qui citate e rispetto all’oggetto del presente contratto e, salvo ove espressamente incluso nel presente contratto, sostituirà tutte le precedenti comunicazioni, trattative, dichiarazioni e accordi relativi ai lavori, siano esse verbali o scritte. Nessun accordo o intesa che abbia scopo di modificare, cancellare o estendere il presente contratto o le sue appendici dovrà essere stretto tra le parti a meno che non venga concordato per iscritto e firmato per conto di entrambe le parti da un rappresentante debitamente autorizzato.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Scuole Civiche di Milano - Politecnico della Cultura, delle Arti, delle Lingue (former ISIT) - Milan, Italy
Years of experience: 22. Registered at Dec 2007.
I am an Italian native translator, working mainly from English and Spanish into Italian. Occasionally I also translate the other way round - but that's not the rule - and however only when I'm sure that my work will be proofread by a native speaker.
I have dedicated my whole life to studying languages and improving my skills in the field.
I graduated from the Advanced School for Interpreters and Translators of Milan.
Due to my passion for travelling and languages I spent some time of my life in London (UK) and Barcelona (Spain), which made me a flexible, open-minded person.
I spent the first 4 years after graduation working for mulinational companies and law firms, which gave me the possibility to get in touch with different working fields so to improve my specialized vocabulary.
My areas of specialization are several:
- Legal ( contracts, memoranda & articles of association, claims, certificates, etc.)
- Business and Finance
- Cinema, Film, TV and Drama (also adaptation and subtitles)
- Medicine
- Tourism and Travel
- Textiles, Clothing, Fashion
However, due to my specialized training as translator, I can handle any type of text.
In recent years I've been constantly cooperating with the non-profit organization "C.O.E. - Centro per l'Orientamento Educativo". For them I have worked as both a translator and interpreter during the "African and Latin-American Film Festival".
In 2010, I have completed the two-year course of a Master of Arts in Translation. I have successfully completed both the first year focussing on literary translation and the second year focussing on cinema and adaptation and taking my Master of Arts degree in Traslation for Cinema and Adaptation with outstanding results (108/110).
Should you have any queries about me or my job, or wish to ask for a free quote, do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail.
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