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Rutecleia Barros
High quality service and professionalism

Gainesville, Florida, United States
Local time: 14:27 EST (GMT-5)

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Rutecleia P. Barros
English-Portuguese Translator
Specializing in forestry, natural resource management, climate change, business, international development, and social sciences

“High quality services, accuracy, and professionalism”

I am a native of Brazil and a resident of the United States for the past 20 years. I have been working as an English- Portuguese translator for 15 years. My services also include translation from Portuguese into English and Spanish into Portuguese, and Portuguese proofreading/editing. I work for organizations in the U.S. and abroad. The core of my business is to provide clients with high quality services.


M.A. International Development, Clark University, Worcester, MA (2000)

B.A. Social Science, União das Escolas Superiores do Pará, Belém-Pará,
Brazil (1991)


Forestry, environmental issues, agriculture, business, Latin America, tropics, international development and social sciences.


Serra, M.; Shanley,P.; Melo,T.; Fantini, A.; Medina, Vieira, P. From the forest to the consumer: the ecology, local management and trade of amapá amargoso Parahancornia fasciculata (Poir) Benoist in the state of Pará. In: Albuquerque, U.P.; Hanazaki, N. (Eds). Recent developments and case studies in ethnobotany. Recife. Sociedade Brasileira de Etnobiologia. Núcleo de Publicações em Ecologia e Etnobotânica Aplicada, 2010, p. 213 – 231.

Lentini, M. et al. 2005. The Expansion of Logging in the Brazilian Amazon. Imazon. v. 2, 4pp.

IMAZON - Instituto do Homen e Meio Ambiente da Amazônia (The Amazon Institute for the People and Environment). 2005. Report of Activities 2003-2004. 34 pp.

Zarin, D. J., Alavalapati, J. R. R., Putz, F. E., and Schmink, M., eds. 2004. As Florestas productivas nos neotrópicos: Conservação por meio do manejo sustentável? Ed. Pairópolis, São Paulo. 511p. (Translated from English into Portuguese by Rutecleia P. Zarin and Patricia Delamônica Sampaio).

Arroyo M., Paulina et al. 2002. Fazendo visível o invisível: os processos de institucionalização de gênero da Fundação Arcoiris, Ecociência e do Instituto Quichua de Biotecnologia, Equador. Published by the MERGE (Managing Ecosystems and Resources with Gender Emphasis) program. 19 pages. (translated from Spanish into Portuguese).



Book: Working Forests in the Tropics (requested by the School of Forest Resource and
Conservation, University of Florida)

Address to the Brazilian Academy of Letters (requested by faculty at the Center for
Translation Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Webpage document: U.S. Lacey Act (requested by the Environmental Investigation Agency – EIA, Washington, D.C.).

Report: The context of REDD+ in Brazil: Drivers, agents and institutions (requested by the Center for International Forestry Research – CIFOR (Jakarta, Indonesia).

Executive Summary: Organizational Prospectus and Needs Assessment
(Instituto Floresta Tropical (requested by the Tropical Forest Institute) - IFT, Brazil)


Article: The rights of Indigenous people in the Brazilian Constitution (requested by the Rights Resource Initiative, Washington DC)

Article: From the forest to the consumer: the ecology, traditional management and trade of Amapá amargoso Parahancornia fasciculata in the state of Pará (requested by Woods Wayside International, Houston – Texas)

Conference Talk: 2006 Conference of the Center for Latin American Studies (requested by the Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida)

Report of Activities 2003-2004 (requested by the Amazon Institute for the People and Environment) - IMAZON, Brazil)

Article: National Forests in the Brazilian Amazon: Opportunities and Challenges (requested by the School of Forest Resource and Conservation, University of


Report: CIFOR’ Strategy 2008-2018 (requested by the Center for International Forestry Research - CIFOR (Jakarta, Indonesia).

Simply REDD - CIFOR's guide to forests, climate change and REDD (requested by the Center for International Forestry Research - CIFOR (Jakarta, Indonesia).

Report: Simply REDD – CIFOR’s guide to forests, climate change and REDD (requested by the Center for International Forestry Research - CIFOR (Jakarta, Indonesia).


American Translators Association – ATA (since 2005)
American Sociological Association – ASA (since 2010)
Association of Translators and Interpreters of Florida - ATIF (since 2011)


2009- PRESENT: English-Portuguese Translator and Proofreader/Editor (independent contractor), Center for International Forestry Research – CIFOR (Jakarta, Indonesia).
Translated and edited materials in the areas of forestry, climate change, use of natural resource and community development.

2005- 2007: Program Assistant and Translator, Translation Studies Certificate Program and Translation Center, University of Florida (Gainesville, FL).
Interviewed potential candidates for admission in the program; participated in the preliminary selection process; and served as liaison between the program director, students, university offices, international visitors, and outside organizations.

2002: Research assistant, Forest Management Trust (Gainesville, FL)
Review of USAID’s support of natural forest management through an in-depth and retrospective analysis of relevant background materials.

1999: Administrative Assistant, Sustainable Harvest International
(Surry, ME)
Assist in the fundraising for outreach programs in rural communities in Central America.

1992-1994: Research Assistant, New York Botanical Garden (State of Pará and Amapá, Brazil)
Collection of socio-economic data in rural communities on the tidal floodplains of the lower Amazon. Duties included participant observation studies, demographic surveys, and interviews concerning land- and resource-use patterns.

1991-1992: Research Assistant, Emilio Goeldi Museum (Belém, Brazil)
Development of a subproject on the forms of social utilization of mangroves, as part of a larger study about the use of natural resources and the anthropology of riverine societies of the Amazonia.

1990-1991: Research Assistant, IDESP- Institute of Socioeconomic Development of Pará State (Belém, Brazil)
Collection of bibliographic material concerning land tenure, deforestation and environmental degradation in the State of Pará.


Available upon request
Keywords: Environmental issues, forestry, natural resources management, agriculture, Brazilian Amazon, social sciences, marketing, business, economics, international development. See more.Environmental issues, forestry, natural resources management, agriculture, Brazilian Amazon, social sciences, marketing, business, economics, international development, socioeconomic development, Latin America, tropical areas, translation, editing, proofreading, accuracy.. See less.

Profile last updated
Mar 30, 2023

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