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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Education / Pedagogy
Also works in:
Tourism & Travel
Computers (general)
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
IT (Information Technology)
Investment / Securities
Internet, e-Commerce
Law (general)
Business/Commerce (general)
Medical (general)
Finance (general)
English to Spanish - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 USD per word / 19 - 25 USD per hour Italian to Spanish - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 USD per word / 19 - 25 USD per hour Portuguese to Spanish - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 USD per word / 19 - 25 USD per hour
English to Spanish: Welcome to Uruguay Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - English Uruguay is located in South America, between Brazil and Argentine. Uruguay has 3 million inhabitants. Its capital is Montevideo, which has almost 40% of the total population. It is a Spanish speaking country. The country is divided into 19 departments. Maldonado is one of them, and it's one of the most important touristic places, where people go to spend their summer holidays, at Punta del Este. P. del E. is one of the first southamrican touristic resorts.
Translation - Spanish Uruguay está situado, entre Brasil y Argentina. Tiene 3 millones de habitantes. La capital es Montevideo, la cual alberga casi el 40% de la pobación total del país. Es un país donde se habla el idioma español. El pais se divide en 19 departamentos. Maldonado es uno de ellos y es uno de los lugares turísticos más importantes, donde la gente pasa sus vacaciones de verano, en Punta del Este. P. del E. es uno de los principales centros turísticos de Sud América.
English to Spanish: Teamwork Tackles The Quality Goal
Source text - English Sample Texts
Specialty: Information Technology
For companies struggling with shrinking budgets and shortened schedules, the overhead of maintaining a separate testing team may no longer be an option. But how do you get testers and developers to play on the same team and still keep their eye on the ball?
Do your testers and developers function well together? And just how close should they be?
Para las empresas que luchan con presupuestos reducidos y contra calendarios recortados, la pretensión de mantener un equipo de testeo separado quizá no pueda ser más una opción. ¿Pero cómo consigue uno, que los equipos de prueba y desarrollo jueguen en el mismo equipo y a la vez mantegan sus ojos en la pelota? ¿Sus testers y desarrolladores, funcionan bien juntos? ¿Y qué tan cerca deberían estar?
English to Spanish: Human Nervous System
Source text - English Specialty: Biology
From: English
Human Nervous System
Man's nervous system, like those of other vertebrates, includes such neural structures as the brain, spinal cord, and nerves; these serve to receive stimuli, to process and store their effects, and to generate behaviour (output). Abnormal development or injury in the human nervous system can lead to difficulties that range from the grossest defects (e.g., crippling, idiocy, and death)
Translation - Spanish To: Spanish
El Sistema Nervioso Humano
El sistema nervioso del Hombre, como aquellos de otros vertebrados, incluye estructuras neurales tales como el cerebro, la médula espinal, y los nervios; éstos sirven para recibir estímulo, para procesar y almacenar sus efectos, y para generar comportamiento (respuesta). El desarrollo anormal o lesión del sistema nervioso humano puede acarrear dificultades que van desde defectos complejos (p.ej. invalidez, retardo mental extremo, y muerte)
English to Spanish: Human Culture
Source text - English Specialty: Sociology
From: English
Human Culture
Culture may be defined as behaviour peculiar to Homo sapiens, together with material objects used as an integral part of this behaviour; specifically, culture consists of language, ideas, beliefs, customs, codes, institutions, tools, techniques, works of art, rituals, ceremonies, and so on. The existence and use of culture depends upon an ability posessed...
Translation - Spanish To: Spanish Cultura Humana
La Cultura puede ser definida como comportamiento perteneciente al Homo sapiens, conjuntamente con objetos materiales usados integralmente como parte de este comportamiento; específicamente, la cultura está formada por lenguaje, ideas, creencias, costumbres, códigos, instituciones, herramientas, técnicas, trabajos de arte, rituales, ceremonias y así sucesivamente. La existencia y uso de la cultura depende de una habilidad poseída...
I have been in contact with English language since 1980.
I have been teaching English since April 2001, and I have translated a few documetns from English into Spanish. (Both British and American English)
If you consider it feasible, I can provide you with a free sample of one of my translations or if you prefer you can email me a text between 250 and 400 words in English for me to translate into Spanish so that you can evaluate the quality of the translated sample.
I hope I'll be working with you,
Pablo (Paul)
P.S.: Translated text free of charge.
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Keywords: acquisition, aprendizaje, artículos en general, computing language, corrección de textos, edición de textos, educacion, educación, education, english into spanish. See more.acquisition,aprendizaje,artículos en general,computing language,corrección de textos,edición de textos,educacion, educación,education,english into spanish,english language,english teacher,english translator,english,enseñanza,espanhol nativo
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