Working languages:
English to French
German to French
French to German

Adrian Garcia-Landa
Creativity and Precision

Fontainebleau-Avon, Ile-De-France, France
Local time: 23:56 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: French Native in French, German Native in German
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What Adrian Garcia-Landa is working on
May 1, 2022 (posted via  On-site consecutive Interpretation in France, Burgundy. Products of a German manufacturer were used in a water purification station and there were technical questions by the operator. April 2022, French - German both ways. ...more »
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Interpreting: Into French and German (both native), from English, German and French. Highly experienced with consecutive interpretation on-site, for groups, audiences or interviews. Seasoned with simultaneous and chuchotage.  

Translation: I now mainly coordinate bigger translation projects for Advertising, Marketing and Publishing. I build translator-teams and overview consistency in style, terminology and timely delivery.

In Publishing, I work on graphically intense projects as Infographics, being able to adapt infographics or to create new ones from scratch.

Reference for Publishing

Wirtschaft Verstehen is a German book explaining the economy in infographics. Written by Thomas Ramge, designed by Jan Schwochow, it was published 2016 by ECON

L'économie comme vous ne l'avez jamais vue was the French version I adapted and translated for publisher Eyrolles in 2017

Understanding the Global Economy with Infographics was the US-Version I adapted for New York Publisher The Experiment.

Have a look at the English book    at the French book


Target: French & German
Source: English and German

Several years experience as a copywriter in an advertising agency

Clients, direct and via agencies

 * Volkswagen Press releases
 * Lufthansa Consulting
 * Media Markt Switzerland
 * Audi
* Mercedes
* Smart
 * Gaggenau
 * Austrian Airlines
 * Crédit Suisse

 * Osram

 * Deutsche Post World Net
 * German & Austrian Presidency of the European Union


  • University for Music and Performing Arts, Vienna,
    Section Film and Television, Screenwriting (1993 – 2000)
  • University Paris-IV Sorbonne, Paris, Philosophy (1992)
  • Baccalauréat, Lycée François Ier, Fontainebleau (1989)
  • Entire schooling in France, French-German school of Fontainebleau


  • Technical Translator for Philips Speech Processing, Localization of the speech recognition software FreeSpeech (January – June 1998), Vienna
  • Technical Translator for Software Daten Service, software company belonging to the Raiffaisen Bank - Localization of the banking software GEOS (July 1999 – June 2000), Vienna
  • Since 2003 freelance translator specialized on Advertising (Media Markt Switzerland, Audi, Mercedes, Smart, Austrian Airlines, Crédit Suisse, Osram, Deutsche Post World Net, German Presidency of the European Union)
    o Marketing- & Press releases (German EU Presidency) and Film subtitling

Translation Award
Translation Prize 'Theater-Transfer 2010' granted by the Goethe Institut Paris and Institut Français Berlin, for the translation of the play Sonne, Wolke, Amerika by Austrian Author Bernhard Studlar. 


Copywriter for Austria’s advertising agency Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann
Vienna (2001 – 2004).


  • Media Markt Switzerland,
  • XXXLutz (Furniture), 
  • Julius Meinl (Coffee),
  • Vöslauer (Mineral water),
  • Wiener Städtische (Insurance),
  • Kleidermanufaktur Habsburg (revamped Austrian fashion). 


  • Bronze, creativ club austria 2005, category self-advertisement
  • Silver, creativ club austria 2004, category outdoor advertising - XXXLutz
  • Bronze, New York Festivals 2004, category TV-Spot – Media Markt Schweiz
  • Gold, Effie 2004
    * Nominee, cca 2004, category outdoor advertising - Julius Meinl
  • Nominee, cca 2004, category direct mail - Kleidermanufaktur Habsburg
  • Nominee, cca 2004, category billboard – Vöslauer
  • Nominee, cca 2004, category media design – XXXLutz

Since 2004 freelance copywriter. 


Market Researcher for

  • Ducker Europe Research, Consultancy specialised in the automotive and construction industry (2007 - ongoing)

  • Leo-Impact Consulting, Consultancy, automotive aftermarket, Berlin (2001 - 2007)
  • Döhle Inclusiv, Consultancy specialized in textile, Ingelheim (2001- 2004)
  • Kreutzer, Fischer & Partner, Consultancy, Vienna (2000 – 2004)


  • for
    „täglich Alles“, Austria’s late and only Pop-Art Newspaper (1994-95), circulation 300,000; Sunday edition 800,000
  • freelance journalist for Germany dailies, trade magazines and political foundations (since 2016)


  • Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Wordfast, Trados, Swordfish, MemoQ, Dejavu, Indesign, Photoshop, FileMaker Pro
    Driving License
  • Simple webdesign (Wordpress)
  • Audio-Editing & Podcasting
  • Blogging
  • Newsletters: content and technology (Mailchimp, Mailjet)


  • Fundraising, mainly EU-Funds
  • Project Conception & Team building
  • PR & Content Marketing for non-profit organisations
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 35
(All PRO level)

Top languages (PRO)
German to French31
French to German4
Top general fields (PRO)
Top specific fields (PRO)
Advertising / Public Relations10
Sports / Fitness / Recreation5
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters4
Transport / Transportation / Shipping4
Cosmetics, Beauty4

See all points earned >
Keywords: Advertising, Marketing, sub-titling, copywriter, agency, werbung, publicité, market studies, tv, radio. See more.Advertising, Marketing, sub-titling, copywriter, agency, werbung, publicité, market studies, tv, radio, spot, media, markt, switzerland, audi, Werbetexte, werbetexter, pub, claim, slogan, werbeübersetzung, traduction, publicitaire, werbeübersetzer, titre, accroche, sous-titrage, rapport, . See less.

Profile last updated
Jun 21, 2022

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