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English to Catalan: Contest Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English When she moved into his tiny house in Stroud, and took charge of his four small children, Mother was thirty and still quite handsome. She had not, I suppose, met anyone like him before. This rather priggish young man, with his devout gentility, his airs and manners, his music and ambitions, his charm, bright talk, and undeniable good looks, overwhelmed her as soon as she saw him. So she fell in love with him immediately, and remained in love for ever. And herself being comely, sensitive, and adoring, she attracted my father also. And so he married her. And so later he left her - with his children and some more of her own.
When he'd gone, she brought us to the village and waited. She waited for thirty years. I don't think she ever knew what had made him desert her, though the reasons seemed clear enough. She was too honest, too natural for this frightened man; too remote from his tidy laws. She was, after all, a country girl; disordered, hysterical, loving. She was muddled and mischievous as a chimney-jackdaw, she made her nest of rags and jewels, was happy in the sunlight, squawked loudly at danger, pried and was insatiably curious, forgot when to eat or ate all day, and sang when sunsets were red. She lived by the easy laws of the hedgerow, loved the world, and made no plans, had a quick holy eye for natural wonders and couldn't have kept a neat house for her life. What my father wished for was something quite different, something she could never give him - the protective order of an unimpeachable suburbia, which was what he got in the end.
The three or four years Mother spent with my father she fed on for the rest of her life. Her happiness at that time was something she guarded as though it must ensure his eventual return. She would talk about it almost in awe, not that it had ceased but that it had happened at all.
Translation - Catalan Quan la mare es traslladà a la casa ben petita d’ell a Stroud i es va fer càrrec dels seus quatre fillets, tenia trenta anys i encara era molt atractiva. Ella no havia conegut mai ningú com ell, suposo. Aquest jove més aviat purità, exageradament correcte, amb la seva gentilesa devota, els seus aires i modals, la seva música i ambicions, el seu encant, la manera viva de parlar, i el seu innegable atractiu, la va impactar tan bon punt el va veure. Així doncs, es va enamorar d’ell immediatament, i continuà enamorada per sempre més. I ella, de bon veure, sensible i adorable, també va atraure el meu pare. I es van casar. I després ell la va deixar – amb els seus fills i alguns més d’ella.
Després que ell marxés, ella ens portà al poble y esperà. Va esperar durant trenta anys. No crec que arribés mai a saber la raó per la qual la va deixar, encara que els motius semblaven prou clars. Era massa honesta, massa natural per aquest home poruc; massa remota per les lleis ordenades d’ell. Ella era, després de tot, una noia de camp; desordenada, histèrica, amorosa. Era desordenada i entremaliada com una gralla, va construir el seu niu de draps i joies, era feliç amb la llum del dia, xisclava en veu molt alta davant del perill, tafanejava i era insaciablement curiosa, oblidava quan s’havia de menjar o menjava tot el dia, i cantava quan les postes de sol eren vermelles. Vivia segons les sencilles lleis de la bardissa, estimava el món, i no feia plans, veia les maravelles naturals amb espiritualitat i mai en la vida no podria haver mantingut una llar ordenada. El que el meu pare desitjava era alguna cosa diferent, el que ella no li podria donar mai – l’ordre protector d’un suburbi impecable, el que va aconseguir al final.
Els tres o quatre anys que la mare va passar amb el meu pare la van alimentar durant la resta de la seva vida. La seva felicitat en aquells moments era una cosa que va guardar com si li assegurés la tornada d’ell algun dia. Ella en parlava quasi maravellada, no de que ja s’havia acabat, sino del fet de que havia arribat a passar.
Spanish to English: Specificity Detailed field: Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Source text - Spanish La especificidad se define como la capacidad de un método analítico para medir exactamente y selectivamente el analito, sin interferencias de impurezas, productos de degradación, excipientes o compuestos químicos relacionados que puedan estar presentes en la muestra.
Durante la validación de un método analítico es necesario llevar a cabo un estudio de especificidad para comprobar que el método es realmente capaz de discriminar entre el analito y otros productos susceptibles de estar presentes en la muestra. Para demostrar la especificidad del método se utilizan cromatogramas representativos que permiten identificar inequívocamente los componentes individuales. Esta identificación se basa en la comparación de los tiempos de retención obtenidos en el equipo HPLC. Se completó esta identificación realizando un espectro UV-Vis con un detector de diode array y realizando el peak purity test.
Translation - English Specificity is defined as the capacity of an analytical method to measure accurately and selectively the analyte without interferences from impurities, degradation products, excipients or chemically related compounds that may be present in the sample.
It is necessary to carry out a specificity study during the validation of the analytical method to check whether the method is really capable of discriminating between the analyte and other products likely to be present in the sample. Representative chromatograms are used to demonstrate the method’s specificity, which permits the unequivocal identification of individual components. This identification is based on the comparison of the retention times obtained by the HPLC equipment. The identification was completed by performing a UV-Vis spectrum with a diode array detector and a peak purity test.
I studied agricultural sciences and have a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Vermont. I moved to Spain 37 years ago; I started off working as a teacher of English as a foreign language. After 13 years of teaching, I entered the field of translating and interpreting in 1998. I'm currently working as a freelance translator in a veterinary pharmaceutical company, as well as collaborating on a sporadic, but continual basis with universities, museums and translation agencies.
I specialize in biological, pharmaceutical and general medical texts. The types of documents I have expertise in are: SOPs, clinical and field trial reports; toxicity, residue, safety and efficacy studies and expert reports. I've also worked on a wide variety of other subjects in my collaboration with various translation agencies.
My rates are competitive and I am a team player who is easy to work with and accustomed to providing solutions, and I'm more than willing to go the extra mile.
When translating into Spanish or Catalan, I work as a team with my wife Sílvia, who is Spanish. She has obtained the Proficiency Diploma from Cambridge University as well as passing the 5th level exam of English from the Official School of Languages in Girona. She currently works as a secretary and part of her job consists of translating documents from English to French or Spanish.
Keywords: John Cutler, Agriculture, Plant and Soil Science, pharmaceutical translations, veterinary translations/Agricultura, traducciones farmacéuticas, traducciones de medicina veterinaria/Agricultura, traduccions farmacèutiques, traduccions de medicina veterinària, Girona-Costa Brava Airport. See more.John Cutler, Agriculture, Plant and Soil Science, pharmaceutical translations, veterinary translations/Agricultura, traducciones farmacéuticas, traducciones de medicina veterinaria/Agricultura, traduccions farmacèutiques, traduccions de medicina veterinària, Girona-Costa Brava Airport, American Spain, Cycling Girona, Freelance translator, SOP, Expert Report, Clinical studies, field trials, interpreter, proofreader, Essex Junction Vermont, UVM graduate, Catalan to English translation. See less.
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