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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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4 projects entered 3 positive feedback from outsourcers 1 neutral feedback from outsourcers
Project Details
Project Summary
Translation Volume: 1120 words Completed: Mar 2008 Languages: German to English
Translation of Job Descriptions and Hiring Criteria
Translation of several job descriptions (managerial and administrative) and an evaluation form for the interviewer to rate the candidates based on a number of specific criteria.
Human Resources
neutral Blue Board outsourcer (50 to 100 entries): Punctual delivery and thoughtful comments on original
Translation Volume: 4600 words Completed: Oct 2007 Languages: German to English
20 page translation of master sales agreement
Law: Contract(s)
positive Blue Board outsourcer (50 to 100 entries): No comment.
Translation Volume: 3375 words Completed: Oct 2007 Languages: German to English
IT website content (SAP-related technical content)
Translation Volume: 10000 words Completed: Sep 2007 Languages: German to English
Translation of traning manual and case study
Computers: Systems, Networks
positive Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): Good, useful, professional work, and also punctual.
Sample translations submitted: 3
German to English: Sales Agreement - Law:Contracts
Source text - German Preise und Zahlungsbedingungen
Die in den jeweiligen Bestellungen genannten Preise verstehen sich ohne Mehrwertsteuer.
Sie sind Festpreise und schließen Nachforderungen aus. Zusätzliche oder
abweichende Lieferungen bzw. Leistungen werden nur vergütet, wenn hierüber zuvor
eine schriftliche Nachtragsvereinbarung getroffen wurde.
Rechnungen sind in zweifacher Ausfertigung unter Angabe von Bestellnummer, Bestelldatum und Mengenabgabe mit Einzel-und Positionspreis auszufertigen.
Im Falle einer von XYZ genehmigten Teillieferung sollte die Rechnung einen entsprechenden Hinweis enthalten.
Zahlungen erfolgen innerhalb von 30 Tagen ohne Abzug. Diese Frist beginnt zu laufen,
sobald die Lieferung bzw. Leistung vollständig erbracht und die ordnungsgemäß ausgestellte Rechnung bei XYZ eingegangen ist. Tritt ein Mangel auf beginnen die Fristen
dann nach vollständiger Beseitigung der Mängel zu laufen.
Der “Auftragnehmer” darf nur mit unbestrittenen oder rechtskräftig festgestellten Forderungen aufrechnen.
Translation - English Prices and Payment Terms
The prices designated in the respective orders do not include goods and services tax (GST), the European equivalent of value-added tax (VAT). The designated prices are fixed and exclude subsequent demands. Additional deliverables and/or services, or any such activities differing from agreed on services, will only be compensated if a rider, amendment or addendum pursuant hereto is executed prior to the performance of such services.
Invoices shall be provided in duplicate and state the order number, order date and quantity (with unit price and item subtotal).
In the case of a partial delivery, the invoice should contain a remark to this effect.
Full payment of all invoices shall be made within 30 days, without deductions. This period begins once the delivery or services are completed and the invoice is duly received. If a defect is discovered, payment deadline is suspended until the defect(s) are completely remedied.
The Contractor shall receive payment only for undisputed accounts receivables (invoices), or claims recognized by final declaratory judgment.
German to English: Computer systems: IT
Source text - German Leistungen – Wissensmanagement
Wissensbasierte Beratungssysteme
Wissen ist ein wichtiger Produktivitätsfaktor - flüchtig, nicht immer verfügbar, aufwendig in der Wiederbeschaffung, schwer zu verteilen. Unternehmenswissen über Technologien, Produkte und Lösungen ist meist verstreut in Datenbanken, Archiven, Dokumenten und vor allem in den Köpfen der Experten.
Ein wissensbasiertes Beratungssystem auf Grundlage einer zentralen Wissenbank zur Erfassung, Archivierung und Pflege von Wissen und Know-how bietet einen erheblichen Nutzen und Wettbewerbsvorteile.
Das Sammeln, Bewerten und Wiederauffinden von Wissen kann über eine zentrale Software abgewickelt werden.
Wir unterstützen Unternehmen beim Aufbau wissensbasierter Beratungsysteme. Neben wertvoller Erfahrungen, die wir bereits in erfolgreich abgeschlossenen Projekten gesammelt haben, können wir auf unterstützende eigene Softwarewerkzeuge zurückgreifen.
Translation - English Services – Knowledge Management
Knowledge-based consulting systems
Knowledge is an important productivity factor – it is transient, time-consuming to replace, not always available, and difficult to distribute. A company’s knowledge of technologies, products and solutions is usually scattered among databases, archives, documents and above all, it’s often retained only in the experts’ heads.
A knowledge-based consulting system provides substantial benefits and competitive advantage on the basis of a central knowledge database used to compile, archive and maintain knowledge, as well as know-how.
Centralized software can be used to gather, evaluate and reference knowledge.
We support companies in creating knowledge-based consulting systems. In addition to valuable experience gained from other successfully completed projects, we can also draw on the support offered by our own software tools.
German to English: Dialog settings - Computer Software:IT
Source text - German Die einzelnen Parameter des Dialoges werden in den folgenden Abschnitten beschrieben.
Einstellung für Standardpakete. Der Zeitplan für dieses Paket kann nur unter Zeitraum
definiert werden, alle anderen Einstellungen sind ausgegraut. Das Paket wird einmal
ausgeführt, es kann eine Aktion nach Erreichen des Enddatums definiert werden.
Alle Einstellungen sind verfügbar, Sie können einen individuellen Zeitplan für dieses Paket
Die Verteilung beginnt ab dem eingestellten Datum.
Kein Enddatum
Die Verteilung erfolgt solange, bis der Auftrag deaktiviert wird.
Endet am
Der Verteilungsauftrag endet an dem von Ihnen definierten Enddatum. Im Dialog
Verteilungsbefehl kann eine Aktion nach Erreichen des Enddatums definiert werden.
Einmalig ab
Startzeit für den Auftrag.
Hier können Sie einstellen, in welchem Intervall (Minuten, Stunden, Tage oder Wochen) der Auftrag ausgeführt werden soll. Das Paket wird zum ausgewählten Zeitpunkt immer wieder neu installiert.
Translation - English Each parameter of the dialog is described in the following sections:
One time
Setting for default packages. The schedule for this package can only be defined under “Frequency”; all other settings are grayed-out. The package is executed only once, and an action can be defined after reaching the end date.
All settings are available, and you can create a custom schedule for this package.
Distribution starts at the set date and time.
No end date
Distribution takes place until the task is deactivated.
End by
The distribution task ends by the specified date and time. In the Distribution Commands dialog, you can define an action to occur after reaching the end date.
Once from
Start time for the task.
Define the interval (minutes, hours, days, weeks) of frequency for the task. The package is always reinstalled at the selected time.
Years of experience: 28. Registered at May 2002.
I am an alumni of the Monterey Institute of International Studies, with an MBA in International Management, and began translating professionally while living in Switzerland & Germany from 1994-1998. After returning to the U.S. I was employed as a localization project manager at various technology companies in the United States, such as Sun Microsystems and Hewlett-Packard.
In 2003 I became involved in the Food & Wine industry, working in wine sales and promoting an e-commerce start-up venture which sells online video clips of cooking demonstrations by Las Vegas chefs. Currently, I provide globalization consulting services for small businesses wishing to expand their online presence to include foreign markets.
My translation experience includes: Technical whitepapers, software UI and documentation, license agreements, readme files, install programs; marketing collateral, sales proposals, press releases, and product feature summaries.
- Translated user interface and documentation (printed/online) for all components of German office productivity suite.
- Quality assurance testing on final product and approved localized packaging/artwork.
- CD testing for correct install and program execution in international locales.
- Translated online help for a German software game.
- Revised market research questionnaire in German for international research firm.
In addition to being fluent in German, I also am fluent in Swiss-German and have an intermediate comprehension level in French. I've traveled extensively througout Western Europe and Canada.
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
75% positive (4 entries)
Job type
Language pairs
German to English
Specialty fields
Law: Contract(s)
IT (Information Technology)
Computers: Systems, Networks
Other fields
Human Resources
Keywords: localization, globalization, international, MBA, IT, QA, html, software, user interface design, UI. See more.localization,globalization,international,MBA,IT,QA,html,software,user interface design,UI,marketing,research,market analysis,SWOT analysis,business plans,business presentation,corporate,shareholder communications,investor relations,contracts,multimedia, tourism,travel,political science,translator,linguist,fast service,quality, accurate,professional,travel writer,blog,nutrition,literature,letters,licenses,certificates,MIIS. See less.