Chinese to English: Classical Chinese to English translation General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature | |
Source text - Chinese 孝悌忠信人之本,禮義廉恥人之根。家和萬事興,子孝雙親樂。勤爲無價宝,慎乃護身符。人常嚼得菜根,則百事皆可爲。長短家家有,炎涼處處同。常於有日思無日,莫把無時作有時。積榖防饑兒傍老,安樂須防患難來。利不苟貪终少祸,事能常忍便身安。黄金千两未爲貴,得人一語勝千金。無益之言莫妄說,不干己事勿妄爲。心不負人,面無慚色。富不儉用貧時悔,入奢容易反儉難。貧居鬧市無人識,富在深山有遠亲。仁義盡從貧處断,世情顯见有錢家。求人須求大丈夫,濟人須濟急時無。快意事不常得,便宜處莫再返。勤儉常豐,老可不窮。知足常足,終身不辱。知止常止,終身不恥。貪心害己,利口損身。居必擇鄰,交應擇友。人無遠慮,必有近憂。人生智未生,智生人已老。莫信直中直,須防仁不仁。對面共語,鑑貌辨心。事非經過不知難,老來方悟少時非。我子若孫,三復斯言,莫作河漢。 | Translation - English Be filial to your parents, be nice to your siblings, and be honest and trustworthy. These are the basic principles of living in the world. Behave with good manners, hold on to justice, and have a sense of honor. That’s how you keep a foothold in society. Harmony is the foundation of a prosperous family. A devoted child brings endless joy to his parents. Nothing is more precious than a diligent spirit. Being prudent is the safest way to conduct oneself. Those who are never picky about food are able to accomplish great achievements. Every family has household conflicts. One can never avoid the fickleness of human nature. Be prepared for the hard times when you are well off. Stop squandering when you are already financially strained. Save grains against famines, and raise kids for old age. Beware of setbacks when everything goes on smoothly. Misfortunes rarely fall on those who are not greedy. Peace and safety prefers those who are able to tolerate. An inspiring word is worth more than a thousand taels of gold. Refrain from talking nonsense or interfering with others’ affairs. Those who have no guilt in heart can always hold their heads up. Be economical when you have plenty, so you wouldn’t regret in poverty. Extravagant habits are easy to take up but hard to give up. A poor person in bustling downtown barely receives any greetings; a wealthy guy in remote mountains is not short of caring relatives. Friendship rarely stands the test of harsh circumstances; people can’t help flattering the wealthy. Seek help only from those who are honest, and lend a hand only to those who are in imminent crises. Happiness is rare in life. Good fortune seldom visits you twice. A thrifty, hardworking person is never in want in his old age. Be content with what you’ve got, and you’re not to be humiliated. Know when and where to stop, and you’ll never step into troubles. Avarice is dangerous, so are sharp words. Be prudent when choosing a neighborhood; be cautious when making a new friend. A person is subject to either long-term concerns or short-term troubles. Years are gained easier than wisdom. Intelligence usually matures too late. Do not place confidence in those we don’t know. Always be on guard against those who might harbor evil designs. Observe his expressions and identify his intentions when conversing with others. Hardship becomes known only after experienced. People become more reflective in old age. All my sons and grandsons shall go over the above thrice and never forget any of them. |
English to Chinese: Website translation General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: IT (Information Technology) | |
Source text - English The integrity of any website is defined by how convenient it is for all visitors. While regular people usually find no difficulties reviewing the content, users with disabilities require special care. The XXXXX company wants to ensure website accessibility for all visitors and strives to achieve it with all means possible. | Translation - Chinese 任何一家网站的信誉都取决于它对于所有访问者的便捷程度。普通人士在浏览网站内容时通常不会遇到困难,但残障用户可能需要特殊关照。XXXXX公司志在保障所有访问者便捷地使用本网站,并采取任何可能措施实现这一目标。 |
English to Chinese: Marketing article translation General field: Marketing Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations | |
Source text - English The globe is annually covered by a range of technological solutions with emphasis on augmented reality (AR). They affect practically every sphere of life. The expenses of China on AR and VR will exceed 65 billion USD by 2023. Specialists have announced that the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of expenses on AR and VR in China would reach 84.6% from 2018 to 2023, staying on the level of 78.3% on the global market. | Translation - Chinese 每年,全球都会涌现一批增强现实技术解决方案,影响着我们方方面面的生活。预计到2023年,中国在增强现实和虚拟现实技术方面的投入将会超过650亿美元。专家估测,2018到2023年间,中国在增强现实和虚拟现实技术方面投入的复合年增长率将会达到84.6%,而全球市场的平均值则为78.3%。 |