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English to Portuguese: A tourist in my own city / Turistando na minha própria cidade General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - English Tourists are one of the many things that Londoners love to complain about. Cluttering the pavements, snapping inopportune pictures, hogging precious tube seats with their ludicrously large backpacks; tourists are a necessary evil that Londoners have to dodge around, duck underneath and bear with through gritted teeth. Having lived near London my whole life I had assumed that I knew everything about this world-famous city. That was until I stepped into the shoes of a tourist, tied up the laces and followed a tour guide around London’s most photographed sites, accompanied by the very hordes that I previously despised.
John announced himself with aplomb. ‘Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to my tour of London.’ A drama student/tour guide, our leader for the day was a ball of energy. Words fizzled and spat out of his mouth like Boris Johnson in the prime of a nationalistic speech and he was dressed as if he planned to go shooting, complete with the tweed flat-cap and carrying a duck handle umbrella which he introduced as Rupert. He was in short the archetypal well-to-do gentleman of London. Hoisting the stick high into the balmy Sunday morning air he gaily announced, ‘If you find yourself lost, look for Rupert. Assuming that I don’t get robbed.’ And with that, he twisted around and sped off towards the Wellington Arch. Nervously but obediently we followed.
Holding up the impatient traffic, John ferried us across the road and we converged on Constitution Hill, a sizeable huddle of Europeans, Americans, Canadians, a few Israelis and the token Londoner, myself. Introducing myself to a couple of Russians, I received a strange look of surprise when I revealed that I’m from the very city that we were now about to tour together. There wasn’t the time for confused questioning however as John launched into a dramatic retelling of the Michael Fagan incident, showing us the walls of Buckingham Palace over which the drunken Irishman clambered in his rather ambitious quest to find somewhere to lay his head for the night.
Next, it was onto the front of the palace itself. Cue a 20 minute break during which 20,000 pictures of the same, slightly underwhelming building were taken by members of our tour group. Keeping my camera within my pocket may have felt like not succumbing to tourist levels, but what it really meant is that I was the taker of those 20,000 ‘look-where-I-am’ photos that will inevitably all become the cover photo of their subject’s Facebook profile.
John had more photo opportunities in store, but they certainly didn’t include smiling faces. As we continued down The Mall, the sound of trumpets could be heard and collectively, like a school of tuna being chased, we all turned to face the music and the parading guards. Though the guards are real soldiers in the British Army, the changing of the guards, as John informed us, is purely for tourist purposes. John regaled us with tales of the guards lashing out against pestering tourists- a timely warning for any of our group who fancied getting up close to the bear fur clad trained killers. Onwards we ambled down The Mall, through Admiralty Arch and into Trafalgar Square, the very centre of London from which all distances from the city are calculated.
The virtue of a city tour is that it serves a dual purpose as a history lesson as well as a chance to tick off a city’s sights in one clean sweep. From Trafalgar Square to the tour’s end at the Houses of Parliament, the great figures of British history emerged in stories and quotes so eloquently delivered by our thespian tour guide. Lord Nelson, Queen Victoria, Churchill, Henry VIII and even Guy Fawkes were all summarised and, despite the basic level of this education, it was thoroughly enjoyable. History was truly brought to life. Even though I was a tourist in disguise, surrounded by sights that I’ve seen a hundred times, I found myself learning new information, background detail that shed a new light on my perspective of London and nurtured a new found appreciation of the city I call my home.
Our penultimate stop was on a traffic island. Whilst workers shuffled past our large group, we gathered together in the shadow of Big Ben, London’s most iconic building, for a group photo; a commemorative souvenir marking our achievement in following an overexcited and enthusiastic Londoner for three hours whilst crowding the pavements, looking at a camera screen rather than what was in front of us and crossing the road long after the green man had faded into blackness. Yes, I was part of that gaggle of camera-toting, map-waving, meandering tourists preventing the poor London workers from rushing for their tube home by taking up the whole island. I’ll even admit that I may have taken just a few photos of cliché London sights (and posted them on Facebook). But, despite my initial reluctance to join the sightseeing half of London’s pedestrian traffic, I now feel even closer than ever before to my home city. I highly recommend trying it.
Greg’s tour was with Sandeman’s New Europe London tours. They lead a free tour of Royal London every day of the week starting from Wellington Arch at 11am and 1pm.
Translation - Portuguese Na lista das inúmeras reclamações dos londrinos, os turistas têm seu lugar garantido. Eles entulham as calçadas, tiram fotos inconvenientes, seus absurdos mochilões monopolizam os raros assentos vagos no metrô; os turistas são um mal necessário do qual os londrinos se esquivam, um mal que eles suportam com determinação. Por toda a vida eu morei perto de Londres e achava que sabia tudo sobre essa cidade mundialmente famosa. Até o dia em que resolvi entrar na pele de turista e seguir um guia pelas mais fotografadas atrações de Londres, acompanhado pelas multidões que eu outrora desprezara.
John se apresentou com desenvoltura: “Senhoras e senhores, rapazes e moças, sejam bem-vindos ao meu tour por Londres.” Nosso líder, um guia turístico/estudante de teatro, era a energia em pessoa. Uma metralhadora de palavras, como se fosse Boris Johnson no calor de um discurso nacionalista. E, ainda por cima, usava um traje completo de caça, com boina de tweed e um guarda-chuva com cabo em forma de pato, que ele chamava de Rupert. Resumindo, ele era o arquétipo do próspero gentlemen londrino. Com o guarda-chuva levantado aos amenos ares de uma manhã de domingo, ele anunciou alegremente: “No caso de se perderem, procurem pelo Rupert. Se eu não for assaltado.” E assim, ele se virou e saiu em disparada rumo ao Arco de Wellington. Obedientes, embora ansiosos, o seguimos.
Segurando o impaciente trânsito, John efetuou nossa travessia pela rua e nos acomodamos na avenida Constitution Hill. Eramos um grupo razoável de europeus, estadunidenses, canadenses, alguns israelenses e um simbólico londrino, eu mesmo. Quando me apresentei para um casal de russos, recebi um estranho olhar de surpresa ao revelar que sou morador da própria cidade onde estávamos prestes a fazer um tour juntos. Mas não havia tempo para perguntas embaraçosas, já que o John havia se lançado em uma dramática narração do incidente envolvendo Michael Fagan, nos mostrando as paredes do Palácio de Buckingham por onde o irlandês bêbado havia escalado em busca de um lugar onde pudesse passar a noite.
Em seguida, fomos para a frente do palácio. Era a oportunidade para um intervalo de 20 minutos para que todos no nosso grupo pudessem tirar 20.000 fotos do mesmo edifício, que é um tanto decepcionante. Ter deixado a câmera no bolso poderia ter me feito sentir que não sucumbira ao nível dos turistas, mas o que de fato resultou foi que virei fotógrafo de todas aquelas 20.000 fotos do tipo “olha onde estou” que inevitavelmente iriam parar no perfil do Facebook de cada um.
John tinha em estoque mais oportunidades para fotos, mas essas certamente não incluiriam rostos sorridentes. Ao continuarmos pela avenida The Mall, o soar dos trompetes nos fez virar todos ao mesmo tempo, como um cardume, e nos deparamos com a música e o desfile da guarda. Embora a guarda seja composta por soldados do exército britânico de verdade, a troca da guarda, como John nos informou, tem propósito puramente turístico. John nos deleitou com causos de guardas que se revoltam contra turistas que ficam incomodando — um aviso oportuno para o caso de alguém do grupo estar a fim de chegar pertinho daqueles soldados com uma pele de urso na cabeça e treinamento para matar. Dando prosseguimento, descemos calmamente pela The Mall, atravessando por baixo do monumento Admiralty Arch e até a praçaTrafalgar Square, o ponto mais central de Londres, a partir de onde todas as distâncias da cidade são calculadas.
O mérito de um city tour é que ele serve tanto como uma aula de história como uma chance de conhecer os principais pontos da cidade numa tacada só. Da Trafalgar Square até o final do tour no Palácio de Westminster, as grandes figuras da história britânica emergiam em causos e citações eloquentes nas palavras do nosso teatral guia. Lorde Nelson, a rainha Victória, Churchill, Henrique VIII e até Guy Fawkes foram todos rapidamente abordados e, apesar do nível básico dessa aula, foi realmente agradável. A história ganhou vida! Mesmo como um turista disfarçado, cercado de atrações que já tinha visto centenas de vezes, me peguei aprendendo coisas novas, detalhes que trouxeram à tona uma nova perspectiva sobre Londres e incentivaram uma recém-adquirida admiração pela cidade que eu chamo de lar.
Nossa penúltima parada foi numa ilha no meio de um cruzamento. Enquanto trabalhadores passavam pelo nosso grande grupo, nos juntamos à sombra do Big Ben, o edifício mais icônico de Londres, para uma foto em grupo; um suvenir para celebrar nosso sucesso em seguir um londrino animado e entusiástico por três horas enquanto entulhávamos as calçadas olhando mais para a tela da câmera do que para a frente e atravessando a rua bem depois do homenzinho verde do semáforo ter ficado vermelho. Sim, eu fiz parte daquele bando de gente com uma câmera no pescoço e um mapa na mão; turistas errantes impedindo os pobres londrinos de voltar logo para casa usando o metrô e ocupando a ilha toda. Eu até admito que tirei algumas fotos bem clichês de alguns pontos de Londres (e postei no Facebook). Mas, apesar da minha relutância inicial em me juntar à metade turística do trânsito de pedestres de Londres, agora eu me sinto muito mais perto da minha cidade natal do que antes. Eu super recomendo a experiência!
O tour em que Greg participou é da empresa Sandeman’s New Europe London. Eles fazem um tour gratuito pela Londres Real todos os dias da semana, começando no Arco de Wellington às 11h e às 13h.
Translation education
Graduate diploma - Estácio de Sá
Years of experience: 3. Registered at Aug 2020.
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I translate from English, German, and Spanish
into Brazilian Portuguese.
Full-time freelancer since August 2020, working
for international agencies and direct clients.
>>> My fields of expertise are:
Health Safety and Environment
ESG –Environmental
Social and Governance
and Leadership
ISO 9000
SOP – Standard
Operating Procedures
and Hospitality
and Environment
and Printing
>>> I am also skilled in:
reviewing, and proofreading in Portuguese (using either CAT
tools, Word/PowerPoint/Excel, Adobe Reader or InDesign)
(I already used many kinds of online CAT tools)
(I use Subtitle Edit but can adapt my knowledge to any other tool)
>>> Volunteer work in
Coursera: more than
41k words translated or reviewed from January 2022 to December 2023. I was
kindly invited to take part at the reviewing team in May 2022, work that I have
happily accomplished until the platform closed its volunteering project in December
Storyweaver –
Pratham Books: this is an interesting project where people around the world
can access a vast library for children, where volunteers can translate them to
make them reach more audience. Since September 2021, I have translated 4 books,
which you can see at these link:
CAT TOOLS: MemoQ (own license v. 9.10),
Smartcat, Memsource/Phrase, XTM, etc. (I am flexible and learn fast, so my
skills are transferable to work in any environment, online or offline)
DTP TOOLS:InDesign, Illustrator, PowerPoint, Word
Twenty years as a Relationship Coordinator at SENAI, the
major Brazilian national chain of vocational schools, aiming the development of
workers for factories. I was responsible for the market at Guarulhos/SP, the
7th biggest city in Brazil, where I was responsible for developing training programs
on demand for industrial companies, selecting and hiring specialized
instructors, selecting and sometimes even editing handouts for the classes.
During this period, I acquired a lot of knowledge about the production of car
parts, logistics, welding, plastics, industrial maintenance, metalworking, quality
assurance, automation, metrology, food processing, pharmaceutics, human
resources, EHS – Environment/Health/Safety, etc. I also dealt with apprenticeship
programs and its intricate regulations and laws.
Previously, as a Graphic Design novice, I have worked at a billboard
manufacturer during 1999, designing advertisement layouts for many kinds of stores,
restaurants, etc. View my creations here:
Diploma in Translation (Estácio University/380h/2022)
Complementary Degree in Education – licensing to
teach in vocational courses (Piracicaba's Methodist University/540h/2004)
Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design (São Paulo State
Translated from English into Portuguese: Casa da Solidão
(Living Alone), by Stella Benson. Buy it here:
Edited and proofread in Portuguese: Pense Novo – Seja Efetivo,
self-publication by Claudio Schmieg. Buy it here:
writing for translators (2024/Translator 101/8h)
English Level 3 for Civil Aviation Professionals(2023/ANAC/40h)
Post-editing certification(2022/RWS/1h)
Professional Translators Summit (2022/16h)
Naturally (2020-22/Isa Mara Lando Workshops/30h)
Translation (2021/Monique D’Orázio/16h)
Workshop (2020/Escola de Tradutores/8h)
How to Learn (Coursera/20h)
Translated Literature (Amanda Moura/10h)
Production (2020/UFRRJ/30h)
Word for Text Review (2020/UFRRJ/5h)
Language Orthographic Agreement (2020/Federal Senate of Brazil/20h)
webinars (2020-21/11h)
Academy webinars (2020-21/20h)
webinars (2020-21/7h)
BarCamp webinars (2020-21/6h)
Economy webinar (2020/2h)
Organizer (2020/30h)
Other CPD activities prior to 2020:
Entrepreneurship (20h), Unraveling Industry 4.0 (8h), Change
of Mindset – Arbinger Institute (3h), GTD – David Allen’s Getting Things Done
system (8h), Problem analysis and solution using quality tools (20h), Facilitator
in the DACUM methodology at levels 1, 2 and 3 (32h), Excellence in customer
service (20h), Time management (20h), Leadership development (15h), Oratory
(10h), Concepts on disabilities, inclusion and legislation (40h), Learning
mediator for vocational telecourse on mechanics (40h), Gastronomy techniques
(78h), Conflict management (16h), Analysis and problem-solving method in
quality assurance (16h), Advanced Microsoft Excel (40h), ISO 9001 internal
auditor (40h), ISO 9001 interpretation (16h), Negotiation and sales (12h), Quality
management analyst (240h), Braille writing system (264h), Marketing (99h), Desktop
publishing (54h).
I have a passion for organization, productivity, and methods
that foster continuous improvement. I firmly believe that by applying the
proper skills, creativity, attention to detail, and teamwork, we can make
everything more manageable, leading to increased happiness for all involved.
In my daily routine, I actively incorporate methodologies
such as David Allen’s GTD® (Getting
Things Done), TWI (Training Within
Industry), and FlyLady. These approaches not
only contribute to my personal fulfillment but also play a significant role in
cultivating a joyful and well-balanced life.