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Editing/proofreading, Interpreting, Subtitling, Translation, Language instruction, MT post-editing, Website localization
Specializes in:
Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
Science (general)
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Cosmetics, Beauty
Also works in:
Food & Drink
Media / Multimedia
Real Estate
Names (personal, company)
Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
English to Korean - Rates: 0.06 - 0.08 USD per word / 25 - 34 USD per hour Korean to English - Rates: 0.08 - 0.10 USD per character / 28 - 37 USD per hour
Sample translations submitted: 3
Korean to English: Sample of Real Estate Translation General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Real Estate
Source text - Korean 수익환원법은 대상 물건으로부터 발생하는 수익을 기초로 대상물건의 가액을 산정하는 방법임. 대상 물건이 부동산인 경우, 발생 수익은 대상 부동산을 사용·수익하는 대가로 수취하는 임대료를 의미함. 시장에서 부동산의 임대료는 해당 부동산을 사용·수익하려는 시장참여자가 그 부동산으로부터 얻을 수 있는 효용에 따라 결정되므로 해당 부동산이 점유하는 부분의 층별·위치별 효용에 따른 격차가 반영되어 결정되는 것이 일반적임. 또한 임대차계약은 부동산의 유형과 관계없이 개인들 간의 자유계약에 의해 체결되는 것이므로 부동산의 유형에 따른 제약을 받지 아니함.
Translation - English Yield Capitalization method calculates the value of the subject property based on the profit earned from it. If the subject property is realty, the profit earned means rental income received in return of using and profiting from the subject property. In the market, the rental income is determined by the utility the market participant can obtain by using and profiting from the realty. Thus, the rental income usually reflects the differences in floor value and location value of the specifies realty. Furthermore, as lease is a free contract among individuals regardless of the type of realty, it is not limited by the type of realty.
English to Korean: Sample of TV Show Localization General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - English R: You lost?
P: No, I'm just checking something.
R: Looking at the map makes you look lost.
P: Yeah, I guess it does.
R: Where are you going?
P: To a party. What about you?
R: Couldn't hear you.
P: I just said that...
R: Working the door at my friend's place.
P: Oh, okay.
R: Esta Noche. 63 Mission. Do you wanna come? We've got a special tonight. Pretty blue eyes drink two for one.
P: Sounds fun, but um... I'm already late to my thing.
R: Benjamin Cazaan. Resident in Oncogy.
P: Oncology.
R: You a doctor?
P: Yeah. I'm still a resident, but uh... Yeah.
R: Good. Cause... I need some takin' care of.
R: Richie Donado Ventura. Resident in cosmetology.
P: Oh, you're still training.
R: I was cutting all my friends' hair so I figured I should start charging for it.
P: Yeah, you gotta watch out because people take advantage of you.
R: You've been hanging around with the wrong people tonight, sweetie.
P: You have no idea.
P: Uh, this is me.
R: Hey, doctor. If I call you, will you hang around with me? I'm serious.
(Script Dictated by Myself)
Translation - Korean R: 길 잃었어요?
P: 아뇨, 그냥 뭐 좀 확인했어요.
P: 지도를 보고 있으니까 길 잃어보여서.
R: 네, 그래보이겠네요.
R: 어디 가요?
P: 파티에요. 당신은요?
R: 잘 안 들려서요.
P: 방금 어디...
R: 친구 가게에 문지기 해주러요.
P: 아, 네.
R: 에스타노체. 미션 가 63번지. 올래요? 오늘 특별 행사 하는데. 푸른 눈이 아름다운 사람은 한 잔 가격에 두 잔 드려요.
P: 재밌겠지만... 제 약속에도 이미 늦어서요.
R: 벤자민 카잔. 중양학 레지던트.
P: 종양학인데...
R: 의사에요?
P: 네, 아직 레지던트지만 뭐... 네.
R: 잘 됐네. 나 돌봐줄 사람이 필요했는데.
R: 리치 도나도 벤투라. 미용학 레지던트에요.
P: 아, 아직 수련 중이시구나.
R: 친구들 머리를 다 제가 잘라주다보니, 돈을 받아야겠다 싶었죠.
P: 조심해야해요. 사람들은 다 이용해먹으려 들거든요.
R: 오늘 나쁜 사람들과 어울렸나보네요.
P: 말도 마세요.
P: 전 이제 내려요.
R: 의사 선생님. 내가 연락하면 나랑 놀아줄 거에요? 저 진지해요.
Korean to English: Sample of Cosmetics/Medicine/Life sciences Translation General field: Medical Detailed field: Cosmetics, Beauty
Source text - Korean 멜라닌은 피부에서 유익한 역할을 하기도 하지만, 과다하게 합성되면 다양한 문제를 야기할 수 있다. 예를 들어, 멜라닌이 너무 많으면 산화 스트레스가 발생한다. 또한 멜라닌은 기미, 잡티와 이로 인한 불균인한 피부톤 등 미적인 문제를 야기하기도 한다. 안타깝게도 우리는 오존층 파괴와 지구 온난화 등으로 인하여 점점 더 강한 자외선에 노출되고 있으며, 이로 인해 미백 제품에 대한 수요가 증가하고 있는 실정이다.
Translation - English Although melanin serves beneficial roles in the skin, it can also cause various problems when synthesized too much. For example, too much melanin can cause oxidative stress. Also, melanin causes aesthetic skin problems such as melasma, blemish, and therefore uneven skin tone. Unfortunately, we are getting more and more exposed to strong ultraviolet rays due to ozone layer destruction and global warming, and therefore, the need for skin lightening agents is ever increasing.
Years of experience: 4. Registered at Aug 2020.
I have lived in the United States for six years (from 13 to 19) so I am fluent in both Korean and English and have a good understanding of the American cultural and historical background. I have Master's degree in biological sciences and have worked in cosmetics industry for five years. Currently, I'm working in real estate industry for two years. As for translation and localization, I have several experiences of translating and localizing various contracts, science papers, mobile games, etc.
Keywords: english, korean, real estate, life sciences, cosmetics, biology, tv show, drama, movie, localization. See more.english, korean, real estate, life sciences, cosmetics, biology, tv show, drama, movie, localization, thesis, dictation. See less.