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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Translation, Website localization, Software localization, Subtitling, Training
Specializes in:
Law (general)
Law: Contract(s)
Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
Law: Taxation & Customs
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Also works in:
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Business/Commerce (general)
Finance (general)
Computers (general)
Construction / Civil Engineering
Education / Pedagogy
Engineering (general)
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Human Resources
International Org/Dev/Coop
Investment / Securities
IT (Information Technology)
Medical (general)
Printing & Publishing
Science (general)
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Tourism & Travel
English to Spanish - Standard rate: 0.10 USD per word / 35 USD per hour
Translation Volume: 7 pages Completed: Dec 2005 Languages: English to Spanish
Tecnolog�a Gen�tica y Valores Morales.
You can see this translation here:
No comment.
Translation Volume: 5 pages Completed: Oct 2005 Languages: Spanish to English
Official Transcript. Sworn Translation.
Education / Pedagogy
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2 pages Completed: Oct 2005 Languages: Spanish to English
Bachelor in Business Administration Program.
Education / Pedagogy
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2 pages Completed: Aug 2005 Languages: Spanish to English
Commercial Airline Pilot Qualifications
Aerospace / Aviation / Space
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2 pages Completed: May 2005 Languages: Spanish to English
Birth Certificate. Sworn Translation.
Law (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2 pages Completed: May 2005 Languages: Spanish to English
Police Record Certificate
Law (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 4 pages Completed: Mar 2005 Languages: Spanish to English
Birth Certificate
Law (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 3 pages Completed: Mar 2005 Languages: Spanish to English
Birth Certificate. Sworn Translation
Education / Pedagogy
No comment.
Translation Volume: 4 pages Completed: Mar 2005 Languages: Spanish to English
Certificate of Marriage. Certificado de Matrimonio.
Law (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 6 pages Completed: Mar 2005 Languages: Spanish to English
Official Transcript. Sworn Translation
Education / Pedagogy
No comment.
Translation Volume: 5 pages Completed: Mar 2005 Languages: Spanish to English
Official Transcript. Sworn Translation.
Education / Pedagogy
No comment.
Translation Volume: 7 pages Completed: Mar 2005 Languages: Spanish to English
Official Transcript. Sworn Translation
Computers (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 3 pages Completed: Mar 2005 Languages: Spanish to English
Diploma. Architecture.
No comment.
Translation Volume: 58 pages Completed: Nov 2004 Languages: English to Spanish
Estados Contables Consolidados.
No comment.
Translation Volume: 6 pages Completed: Nov 2004 Languages: Spanish to English
Official Transcript. Sworn Translation
Education / Pedagogy
No comment.
Translation Volume: 20 pages Completed: Sep 2004 Languages: English to Spanish
Financial Instruments. Sworn Translation
No comment.
Translation Volume: 6 pages Completed: Mar 2004 Languages: Spanish to English
Official Transcript. Sworn Translation
Food & Drink
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2 pages Completed: Sep 2003 Languages: Spanish to English
Certification of Services. Letter by Lufthansa.
Business/Commerce (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 3 pages Completed: Apr 2003 Languages: Spanish to English
Official Transcript. Sworn Translation.
Education / Pedagogy
No comment.
Sample translations submitted: 1
English to Spanish: Letter for Airlines Company (certified legal translation)
Source text - English
Frankfurt, March 18th, 2006.
We hereby confirm that Mr. XXXXXXXX, born April 27th, XXXX, Personal ID 16 XXX K, is employed with our company as a Boeing 747-400 Flight-captain in permanent position.
Further we certify, that Captain XXXXXXXX has never been involved in any incident or accident during his duty.
He reached XXXXXXXX flying hours within the worldwide network of our company.
With best regards,
Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx
Manager Dept. Pilots B747-400
Vista buena.
Embajada de la República Federal de Alemania en Buenos Aires, 04.xx.06
Translation - Spanish
TRADUCCIÓN PÚBLICA--------------------------------------------------------------------------[En el margen superior derecho aparece un emblema:] XXXXXXXXX.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Aparece texto en un tercer idioma.] Vuestra referencia: [En blanco]. Nuestra referencia/Fecha: FRA NJ vg/w. Teléfono/Telefax: + (49) 69-XXXXXXXXX.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frankfurt, 18 de marzo de 2006.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A quien corresponda-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por medio de la presente, confirmamos que el señor XXXXXXXXX, nacido el 27 de abril de XXXX, con identificación personal 16 XXX K, es empleado efectivo en nuestra empresa con el cargo de Comandante de Boeing 747-400.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Asimismo certificamos que el Comandante XXXXXX no se ha visto involucrado en incidente o accidente alguno en el ejercicio de su función.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ha alcanzado XXXXX horas de vuelo dentro de la red mundial de nuestra empresa.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cordiales saludos,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Aparece una firma ilegible]-----------------------------------------------------------------------XXXXX. Gerente del Departamento de Pilotos B747-400. XXXXXXXXX German Airlines.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[A la derecha aparece una nota manuscrita en idioma castellano:] Vista buena. Embajada de la República Federal de XXXXXXXXXXXX, en Buenos Aires, 04/ [Ilegible]/2006. [Sigue una firma ilegible]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[En el margen inferior izquierdo aparece texto en un tercer idioma.] Por favor ver al dorso detalles corporativos, dirección e información adicional.---------------------------------[En el centro aparece un emblema en cuya parte superior se lee una frase en un tercer idioma y en su parte inferior dice:] Buenos Aires. 8.--------------------------------------------- [A la derecha aparece un emblema:] Miembro de XXXXXXXXXXXX.---------------------
Es traducción fiel al idioma castellano de la parte pertinente del documento original redactado en idioma inglés que he tenido a la vista y al que me remito en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, República Argentina, a los 24 días del mes de septiembre de 2006.----------
Translation education
Other - Traductora Pública (Sworn Translator)
Years of experience: 33. Registered at Dec 2001.
English to Spanish (Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina) English to Spanish (Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires) Spanish to English (Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires) Spanish to English (Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA))
CTPCBA - Col. Trad. P�b. Bs.As.
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
GABRIELA ANDREA GONZALEZTraductora Pública en Idioma Inglés(Certified Translator - English language)
Egresada de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, en 1999.
(Graduated in 1999, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina).
Lengua materna: español (Mother tongue: Spanish).
Traducciones legales, comerciales, literarias y técnicas.
(Legal, business, literary and technical translations).
ALGUNOS CURSOS DE POST-GRADO (Some Post-graduate Courses):
- Elementos de mercado para traductores, 1995, CTPCBA. (Business and market tools for translators, 1995, CTPCBA).
- Management para profesionales, Secretary Bureau, 1998 (Management for professionals, Secretary Bureau, 1998).
- Subtitulado de Películas de Video, Centro de Estudios Ingleses, 1998 (Subtitling Video Films, The English Studies Center, 1998).
- Management para traductores, CTPCBA, 2000 (Management for translators, CTPCBA, 2000),
- Traducción de textos médicos, CTPZN, 2001 (Medical translation, CTPZN, 2001).
Tarifas y plazos de entrega convenientes(Advantageous prices and delivery times)
Envíeme su mensaje y con gusto responderé su consulta.
(Please kindly send me your message and I will be glad to answer your enquiry):