English to Chinese: Introduction to Artificial Rock for Christie's General field: Art/Literary | |
Source text - English Since the Song Dynasty, the scholar’s rock has been revered as the physical embodiment of organic energy and nature’s creative powers. Carved by wind and water into myriad shapes and forms, these stones come in an innumerable variety of materials, with the traditional characteristics being their formation by natural means, and the aesthetic pleasure that they evoke. Scholar’s rocks were commonly placed in gardens and studies where they would inspire reflection and meditation, as their nooks, holes and jagged edges were thought of as tangible representations of the energy that flows within nature. | Translation - Chinese 宋代以降,供石便被尊为天然能量及自然神工的物质体现。供石石质种类繁多,经水蚀风刻呈万千姿态,以形态浑然天成,美感使人愉悦为传统特点。供石的涡、洞及嶙峋体态体现了自然中的气韵流动,最能引人遐想,催人深思,因而常见于花园或书房之中。 |
English to Chinese: Introduction to Wayne Goss Brush Collection for Beautylish.com General field: Marketing | |
Source text - English Master the art of makeup with The Collection, an eight-piece brush set created by makeup artist Wayne Goss and handcrafted in Japan by skilled artisans. Designed with versatility in mind, each brush features a carefully tapered shape to prevent fallout and ensure the smoothest, most even application possible. | Translation - Chinese Collection 化妆套刷,让你上妆得心应手,轻松自如。本八支套刷秉承一刷多用的理念,由化妆大师Wayne Goss精心设计,并由日本制刷匠人用心打造,独特锥形在每把刷头细致呈现,确保妆面均匀柔滑,防止落粉破坏妆容。 |
English to Chinese: Dubbing Translation of Loving Vincent for China Film Group Corporation General field: Art/Literary | |
Source text - English VINCENT (V/O):
Who am I, in the eyes of most people? A nobody. A non-entity. An unpleasant person. Someone who has not, and never will have, any position in society. In short, the lowest of the low. Well then, even if that were all absolutely true then one day I would like to show, by my work, what this nobody this non-entity, has in his heart.
| Translation - Chinese 文森特 (独白,读信)在世人看来,我是什么样的人?(01:24:23)是无名小卒,一个无足轻重,又讨人厌的家伙。(01:24:30)这样的人,社会难容,现在如此,以后也难有容身之处(01:24:30)总而言之,我就是最为低贱的下等人。01:24:43可是,(哭腔)即使这已成为了无可争辩的事实,总有一天,我也会用我的作品昭示世人,我这个无名小卒,这个区区贱民,心有瑰宝绚丽璀璨。
English to Chinese: Subtitling Translation to a Documentary from Discovery General field: Art/Literary | |
Source text - English In the episodes to come I'll live as a hunter gatherer,
a way of life that's changed little in 100,000 years.
Test my resilience with the French Foreign Legion
on one of the world's toughest assault courses...
Work as a Himalayan Sherpa 6 km in the sky.
I'll plunge deep below the waves,
confronting my fear of water to learn the skills of a traditional free diver.
And I'll examine the nature of human risk taking
by attempting one of the world's most dangerous jobs
as a Bollywood stunt man.
It will mean pushing my mind and body to the limit,
to try and prove ...
The human body can adapt to almost anything. | Translation - Chinese 在接下来的节目中 我会尝试成为狩猎采集员
我会考验我的适应力 加入法国外籍兵团
直面对海洋的恐惧 学习传统自由潜水的各种技巧
人类的身体 对于任何情况 几乎都能灵活适应