Member since Jan '08

Working languages:
English to Russian
Russian to English
Ukrainian to English

Sergei Vasin
27 years in IT, Telecom and Marketing

Khmelnytsky, Khmel'nyts'ka Oblast', Ukraine
Local time: 06:29 EET (GMT+2)

Native in: Russian Native in Russian
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27 years in translation industry translating documentation and localizing websites for the following areas:

Technical: Telecommunications, IT (Information Technology), Computer Hardware, Computer Software, Computer Networks, Internet, Household Appliances
Business: Advertising, Marketing, Commerce, e-Commerce, Correspondence, News, Press Releases, Legal Information
Financial: Accounting, Banking
Legal: Contracts

I've been a full-time freelance translator since January 2009 involved in the following activities:

-- Translating, localizing, editing and proofreading websites.
The latest list of projects includes translating, localizing and editing websites for the following companies:

- a leading provider of payment platforms for multi-level marketing companies and direct sales associations
- a UK-based sports retailer operating official online stores of several world-famous soccer clubs and some major North American sports leagues
- a global online shopping platform paying its users cashback for purchasing goods and services via its affiliate links
- a multinational financial services company processing payments that involve company's branded debit and credit cards
- a leading manufacturing company specializing in production of plumbing products, furniture and cabinetry
- a Fortune 500 and one of the US's largest builder of quality homes
- one of the world’s largest cruise lines
- a multinational telecommunications company and network infrastructure provider supplying solutions for cable TV networks, wireless networks, data centers and intelligent buildings
- a multinational hotels company that owns, manages and operates several thousand hotels all over the world under multiple world famous brands
- a company designing speech and video surveillance analysis software and hardware
- one of the largest global online fashion stores selling branded fashion goods and its own range of clothes
- a leading apparel and retail company selling high quality products including apparel, sportswear and denim as well as accessories and home furnishings
- a company designing and manufacturing prestige makeup, skincare, fragrance and hair care products
- a leading international software company designing online reputation management, social media monitoring and guest satisfaction surveys solutions for hotels and restaurants
- a private IT company providing Internet security solutions for consumers and businesses
- an international company designing software for business support systems, customer relationship management and operations support systems
- a multinational retailer specializing in clothing, footwear, accessories and home products
- an international manufacturer of interactive classroom solutions: interactive whiteboards, visualizers, projectors, educational software
- a world-leading software manufacturer providing virtualization, cloud computing, backup and recovery solutions
- one of the world's largest international airlines
- an international world-famous business jet aircraft company
- an international airline alliance
- a major international financial services company
- a number of European-based popular and reputable hotel management schools and culinary institutes
- a wide number of hardware and software design companies

-- Translating and editing marketing documents.
The latest list of projects includes:

- a book of tips and ideas on creating an "organised" home and storage solutions for clothes and shoes
- brief descriptions of multiple software applications distributed through online application stores
- a biography book of a world-famous Swedish graphic designer and commercial poster artist
- a company overview and product catalogue for a leading manufacturer of lighting equipment for trucks
- a book about furnishing homes encouraging readers to create safe and stimulating surroundings for their children
- a book on sustainability in connection with food containing a number of recommendations as well as hundreds of recipes with follow-up instructions describing how to use leftovers from the main recipes, recycle and compost kitchen waste, provide optimum storage of food and optimize home cooking
- a set of educational documents - useful phrase explanations, fun facts about newly learned words, descriptions of key words on various topics, tips on effective learning - for an online English school offering E-learning for adults
- a book of tips for arranging balconies and terraces to be used for different activities such as cooking, eating, playing, working and sleeping
- general descriptions of condominiums built by a construction consortium
- a book of tips for arranging everyday meals, setting table and cooking food and a book of baking recipes
- ready-to-cook food packages - list of ingredients, cooking instructions, nutritional information, general and storage instructions
- brief general descriptions for some beauty care products - eye definers, eye pencils, nail polishes
- general descriptions for some wine aerators
- advertising materials for several world-famous home appliance manufacturers
- advertising brochures for a child entertainment center
- product notes for a number of hardware and software design companies
- brochures and scripts for a global construction company promoting the sustainability concept
- a number of marketing manuals for distributors of a world-famous IT company

-- Translating technical documentation:

- user guides, operation and maintenance manuals
- general and functional product (hardware and software) descriptions
- software strings
- technical specifications and datasheets

-- Translating legal documentation:

- non-disclosure agreements
- contracts of delivery
- service provision contracts
- license agreements

-- Translating business correspondence

Please find here my references under “Willingness to Work Again” title. Sample translations and CV with the details of my education and experience are available upon request.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 673
PRO-level pts: 536

Top languages (PRO)
English to Russian370
Russian to English133
Ukrainian to English11
English to Ukrainian10
German to Russian8
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Top general fields (PRO)
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Top specific fields (PRO)
IT (Information Technology)30
Computers (general)24
Business/Commerce (general)23
Electronics / Elect Eng23
Computers: Software18
Transport / Transportation / Shipping14
Pts in 24 more flds >

See all points earned >
Keywords: English-Russian, English, Russian, translation, proofreading, website localization, website translation, software localization, accessories, accounting documentation. See more.English-Russian, English, Russian, translation, proofreading, website localization, website translation, software localization, accessories, accounting documentation, advertising materials, aircraft company, airline, airline alliance, antispyware protection, antivirus and firewall protection, apparel, backup and recovery solutions, baggage rules, baking recipes, beauty care products, beauty products, bonus miles programs, book of recipes, branded clothes, business, business correspondence, business intelligence, business jet, business support systems, case studies, child entertainment center, clothing, cloud computing, company profile, computers, contracts, contracts of delivery, cooking instructions, cruise lines, customer management, customer relationship management, datasheets, denim, educational programs, educational software, E-learning, electronics, eye definers, eye pencils, FAQs, fashion goods, financial services company, food packages, food storage instructions, footwear, fragrance, frequent flyer programs, functional product (hardware and software) descriptions, furnishing homes, general product descriptions, graduate testimonials, guest satisfaction surveys, hair care products, hardware, home appliances, home cooking, home furnishings, hotel management school, interactive classroom solutions, interactive whiteboards, Internet security, invoices, IT, IT solutions, jewellery, legal documentation, legal information, license agreements, lists of ingredients, localization, maintenance manuals, makeup, marketing, marketing books, menswear, mobile operators, mobile phones, nail polishes, NDA, networks, news and events, non-disclosure agreements, nutritional information, online English school, online fashion stores, operation manuals, operations support systems, packing lists, PCB, press releases, product catalogues, product descriptions, products and services descriptions, projectors, recipes, recycling waste, religion, reports, reputation management, resource management, retail company, retailer, revenue management, safety instructions, security, servers, service management, service provision contracts, skincare, social media monitoring, software, software design, special travel needs, speech analysis, sports, sportswear, spyware blocking and removal products, statements, storing food, student testimonials, surveillance, sustainability, systems, technical documentation, technical specifications, telecom, telecom hardware design, telecommunications, ticketing information, tips on arranging everyday meals, tips on cooking food, tips on setting table, Ukraine hardware design companies, Ukraine software design companies, user guides, video surveillance analysis, virtualization, visualizers, Web forms, webstore, wine aerators, womenswear, англо-русский, английский, русский, перевод, письменный перевод, редактирование, локализация, общие и функциональные описания изделий, руководство пользователя, руководство по эксплуатации, руководство по техническому обслуживанию, технические условия, спецификации, соглашения о неразглашении конфиденциальной информации, договоры поставки, договоры оказания услуг, лицензионные соглашения, счет-фактура, упаковочный лист, переписка, телекоммуникации, электросвязь, телефонная связь, информационные технологии, сети связи, компьютеры, электроника, программное обеспечение, аппаратные средства, системы связи, сетевые системы, серверы, печатные платы, бизнес-тематика, локализация, контракты, договоры, соглашения, соглашения о конфиденциальности, бухгалтерская документация, операторы мобильной связи, услуги мобильной связи, мобильные телефоны, рекламные материалы, религия, спорт.. See less.

Profile last updated
Nov 29, 2024