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Collegno, Piemonte, Italy
Local time: 22:06 CET (GMT+1)
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Rooted in the patent world, and with burgeoning expertise, we’ve branched out in every field. Helping you to communicate quickly and easily, candidly and effectively. From every language to every language.InnovaLang was founded in 2011 by a group of expert linguists and translators. We have two offices, an in-house staff of ten, dozens of translators and editors working regularly with us, and a freelance roster that runs into the hundreds.From our roots in the patent world (20,000+ patents translated) and the technical, scientific, legal and TTT (Travel & Tourism Translation) arenas, we’ve expanded over the years into every sector that needs translations, adopting selected technologies to keep enhancing our quality of service.
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    Keywords: innovation, language, patent, translation, quality, punctuality, biotech, telecommunication, communication, IP. See more.innovation, language, patent, translation, quality, punctuality, biotech, telecommunication, communication, IP, law, legal, paralegal, ICT, marketing, media. See less.

    Profile last updated
    May 5, 2021