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Russian to Portuguese: General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Russian Não choreis: ajoelhai-vos
frente ao turbilhão de chamas,
ao trovão das canções seráficas,
ao dilúvio das cósmicas semanas!
Translation - Portuguese Не плачьте: склоните колени
Туда — в ураганы огней,
В грома серафических пений,
В потоки космических дней!
English to Portuguese: Before February General field: Other Detailed field: History
Source text - English Nicholas sat atop a hodgepodge of territories and peoples — a short sample of his official title runs “Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russians, of Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod, Tsar of Kasan, Tsar of Astrakhan, Tsar of Poland, Tsar of Siberia, … and Grand Duke of Smolensk, Lithuania… and so forth, and so forth, and so forth.”
Translation - Portuguese Nicolau sentou-se sobre uma miríade de territórios e povos - um breve exemplo de seu título oficial seria "Imperador e Autocrata de todas as Rússias, de Moscou, Kiev, Vladimir, Nóvgorod, Tsar de Kasan, Tsar de Astracã, Tsar da Polônia, Tsar da Sibéria, ... e Grão-duque de Smoliénsk, Lituânia ... e mais, e mais, e mais."
English to Portuguese: A revolução democrática antiburguesa”: uma leitura da Revolução Russa General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: History
Source text - English I prefer using the Russian term vlast to the English term “power”—e.g., “soviet power” equals sovetskaia vlast’—because the subtle differences between the two terms distorts our thinking about the issues at play in 1917 when we use the English term. Here, however, I will use the two terms more or less interchangeably.
1917’s unwritten constitution and the fight over “agreementism”: A “vlast-eye” narrative
The key source of conflict was over what was called at the time the krizis vlasti, the crisis of power. The issue was often framed as follows: dvoevlastie, dual power, dual sovereignty, is a contradiction in terms—if the buck stops here and over there, then who makes the ultimate decision, the one that really counts? [...]
Translation - Portuguese Prefiro empregar o termo russo vlast ao termo “poder” – isto é, “poder soviético” equivale a soviétskaia vlast –, porque as diferenças sutis entre os dois termos distorcem nossa forma de pensar sobre as questões em jogo em 1917. Aqui, entretanto, empregarei os dois termos de maneira mais ou menos intercambiável.
A constituição tácita de 1917 e a luta contra o “acordismo”: uma narrativa “vlastocêntrica”
A principal fonte de conflito estava no que era chamado, à
época, de krízis vlasti, crise de poder. Geralmente, a questão
era formulada da seguinte maneira: dvoievlástie, um poder
dual, uma soberania dual, é uma contradição em termos – se
o cachorro tem dois donos, então quem toma a decisão final, a
que realmente importa? [...]
Translation education
Master's degree - University of São Paulo
Years of experience: 7. Registered at Feb 2014.
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I've been working in the publishing market as a proofreader and translator since 2018. I majored in Literature and Languages at FFLCH-USP, specializing in Russian language and literature. In 2019, I spent a year living in Russia and studying the language at Moscow State University, which deepened my knowledge of Russian. My translation focuses are literary and academic translations, but I also work with all kinds of translation. I am currently working with agencies such as Inlingo as a game localizator.
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