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Spanish to English: ES-EN Tax Translation General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Law: Taxation & Customs
Source text - Spanish CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (CNNExpansión) — A partir del 2014, los contribuyentes cautivos tendrán un doble impacto en su bolsillo ya que deberán pagar una tasa de Impuesto Sobre la Renta (ISR) más alta que la actual y podrán realizar menos deducciones, de acuerdo con las modificaciones a la Ley del ISR avaladas por la Cámara de Diputados.
Según lo aprobado, las personas que tengan ingresos anuales superiores a 500,000 y hasta 750,000 pesos deberán pagar una tasa de ISR de 31%; quienes reciban ingresos de entre 750,000 y hasta 1 millón de pesos, de 32%; los que perciban entre uno y hasta tres millones de pesos pagarán una tasa de 34% y quienes ganen más de tres millones, 35%.
Los contribuyentes que tengan ingresos menores a 500,000 pesos pagarán impuestos como hasta ahora, a una tasa máxima de 30%, detalla la propuesta que deberá ser discutida todavía por la Cámara de Senadores.
Además de elevar la tasa, se pone un límite al monto de las deducciones personales, lo que impactará negativamente a todos los contribuyentes, no sólo a los de altos ingresos, afirmó el socio de Impuestos de Deloitte, Luis Liñero.
Una persona podrá deducir únicamente la cantidad que resulte menor entre el 10% de su ingreso anual total y el monto equivalente a cuatro salarios mínimos anuales del Distrito Federal, que representa actualmente 94,549 pesos.
De esta forma, si un trabajador tiene ingresos por 1 millón de pesos y realizó gastos deducibles por 115,000 pesos al año, sólo podrá deducir 94,549 pesos, además de que deberá tributar a una tasa de 32%, desde la máxima actual de 30%.
Translation - English MEXICO CITY (CNNExpansión) - From 2014, the taxpayer will face a double hit on their pocket as they will be forced to pay a higher rate of Income Tax (ISR) than they currently do, and will be able to make less deductions, according to amendments to the Income Tax Law endorsed by the Chamber of Deputies.
In accordance with the legislation, people with an annual income of between 500,000 and 750,000 pesos will pay an Income Tax rate of 31%; those with an annual income of between 750,000 and 1 million pesos will pay 32%; those who receive between one and three million pesos will pay a rate of 34% and those who earn more than three million, 35%.
Taxpayers with an income of below 500,000 pesos will continue to pay income tax as they currently do, at a maximum rate of 30%, as outlined in the proposal which still needs to be considered by the Senate of the Republic.
In addition to raising the rate, they have put a limit on the amount of personal deductions, which will have a negative impact on all taxpayers, not just on those with high incomes, confirmed Deloitte taxation partner, Luis Liñero.
An individual may deduct only whichever results in a lesser amount between 10% of their total annual income and an amount equivalent to four times the minimum wage in the Federal District, which currently represents 94,549 pesos.
Thus, if a worker with an income of one million pesos has tax-deductible expenses of 115,000 pesos per annum, they will only be able to deduct 94,549 pesos, in addition to being taxed at a rate of 32%, an increase on the current rate of 30%.
Portuguese to English: PT-EN Debt Translation General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Portuguese SÃO PAULO – Por mais que as dívidas sejam altas, os consumidores que estão endividados podem conseguir reduzir as obrigações ao negociar com os bancos. Caso do aposentado Osvaldo Quirino, que tinha uma dívida de R$ 26,5 mil por conta de um empréstimo consignado e conseguiu negociar o débito no Feirão Limpa Nome Online do Serasa e irá pagar somente R$ 500.
Além do desconto de 98%, Quirino também conseguiu um abatimento de 75% nas dívidas do cartão de crédito. "Também negociei o cartão de crédito, que de quase R$ 5 mil passou para R$ 1.300, parcelados em 10 vezes", afirma o aposentado.
O Feirão Limpa Nome Online é uma oportunidade do endividado renegociar suas dívidas sem precisar sair de casa, que está sendo oferecida pelo Serasa Experian pela primeira vez. O evento está acontecendo desde o dia 14 de outubro e funcionará até sábado (26). Nos dez primeiros dias do evento, mais de meio milhão de brasileiros acessaram o site da empresa.
Até o momento, o estado de São Paulo lidera o ranking com o maior número de acessos, 39,8% de participação, seguido por Rio de Janeiro (12,1%), Minas Gerais (8,7%) e Bahia (5,7%).
Como participar
Os interessados devem se cadastrar na página do Serasa, escolher e clicar no nome de uma das empresas participantes. Ao fazer isso, o consumidor verá uma página listando as dívidas que ainda estão em aberto e os canais de atendimento disponíveis. A partir daí, basta entrar em contato diretamente com as empresas para negociar possíveis descontos no débito.
Translation - English SÃO PAULO - No matter how high the debt, consumers who do find themselves indebted may be able to reduce their obligations by negotiating with the bank. Such was the case of retiree Osvaldo Quirino, who was indebted to the sum of R$26,500 due to a payroll loan and managed to negotiate the debt via Serasa's 'Clean Up My Name' online campaign, and will now pay only R$500.
Along with this 98% discount, Quirino also obtained a 75% reduction on his credit card debts. ''I also negotiated on the credit card, which went from nearly R$5,000 to R$1,300, paid in ten instalments'', confirmed the retiree.
The 'Clean Up My Name' online campaign is an opportunity for those in debt to renegotiate their debts without having to leave the house, the first time this has been offered by Serasa Experian. The event has been taking place since October 14th and will run until Saturday (26th). On the first ten days of the event, more than half a million Brazilians visited the company's website.
So far, the state of São Paulo leads the ranking for most visitors to the site, with a 39.8% share, followed by Rio de Janeiro (12.1%), Minas Gerais (8.7%) and Bahia (5.7%).
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of Nottingham
Years of experience: 14. Registered at Jan 2014.
Portuguese to English (The University of Nottingham) Portuguese to English (Instituto Camões) Spanish to English (University of Nottingham) Spanish to English (Centre de Idiomes de la Universitat de Valencia)
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
I offer professional translation services from Spanish and Portuguese (European and Brazilian) into English (British and US). I am experienced in working with a wide variety of documents including business/commercial (company reports, Articles of Association, audit reports), financial (banking Ts and Cs, financial reports), real estate, legal, tourism and EU documents and directives. I also have extensive experience in sports translation, having carried out ad-hoc translations for football clubs in the UK and Spain, and having worked for a major sports broadcaster on FIFA World Cup 2014 translations, and the build up to the 2016 Olympics.
I am a native English speaker educated to degree level at the University of Nottingham, where I was awarded a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish and Portuguese. During my studies and subsequently, I have spent extensive time studying and working in Valencia, Lisbon and Belo Horizonte, developing a strong understanding of the culture and language of each country, in both a professional and social environment.
I am adept at working to agency and client deadlines and would be happy to complete a Confidentiality Agreement in advance of working with you. For those clients that require the use of CAT tools, I currently use Trados Studio 2014.
Please don't hesitate to contact me to discuss any future projects. I will always do my best to accommodate your time and budget requirements.
Keywords: Spanish, Portuguese, English, translation, transcription, editing, proofreading, copy-editing, TRADOS, sales. See more.Spanish, Portuguese, English, translation, transcription, editing, proofreading, copy-editing, TRADOS, sales, real estate, sports, tourism, medical. See less.