My academic background is a 4 year linguistic degree in Czech and translation studies from the University of Copenhagen, completed in 2004. This included an in-depth course on Danish grammar, language use and language history, ensuring perfectly written Danish throughout.
As for my English and German skills, I have had the chance to refine my cultural and linguistic knowledge by first living and working in London, since relocating to Munich, Germany. The latter turned into a 13 year long stay, which gave me plenty of time to add German to my list of working languages. Spring 2017 I decided to move back home to Copenhagen and now do all my work from a fabulous home office overlooking the Copenhagen habour.
My passion for the other Scandinavian languages started out as an early obsession with Swedish and Norwegian literature, films and music, and has since been perfected through various permanent roles working as part of dedicated, trilingual Nordic teams. I also attended a course on Swedish literature (taught in Swedish) while at uni.
As for specialised areas these are marketing/editorial, creative transcreations and (SEO) copy writing, especially related to active holidays, sports, travel and leisure. You can check out my writing by visiting my travel blog:
I also offer precise and well researched translations of patient-facing content within the field of clinical trials and studies (ICFs and PILs). Again with the added bonus of being very well written which translates into trust and credibility.
I am also very experienced when it comes to education and E-learning content, examples of this type of work include the translation of several nursing course books from German to Danish (Thieme I care series), Kahoot! educational content and kids' e-learning material for the European Space Agency. I have also translated several children's books and have just landed a publishing deal for a YA novel of my own.
Due to the radpid development of machine translation and other digital language technologies I decided to start studying part time for a BA in Education at Copenhagen University College back in 2019 and finally achieved my QTS (qualified teacher status) in June 2024. This means that I am now a fully fledged Danish, English and German teacher, and I look forward to embarking on this new and exciting career with a part time job at the German international school of Sankt Petri (located in the heart of Copenhagen) starting August 2024. I will still be running my translation business on the side and expect this combination of teaching and translating to be a match made in heaven!
I am also available for onsite linguistic work and have so far done several IT related stints in Prague and Frankfurt as well as audio recordings in Cologne.
Software: SDL Trados 2019 (own license), Crowdin, Lokalise, memoQ, MemSource, PhraseApp, Smartling
Customer quotes and reviews:
'Hej Ditte, kunden er meget glad for kvaliteten og hele opgaven tilfalder derfor os. Tusind tak for fantastisk arbejde'
'I have read the danish translation, and I only have one comment. Is is a VERY good translation'
'The linguist has followed the very extensive instructions perfectly. A lot of research has gone into this text resulting in very relevant, comprehensive and interesting content. And it is presented in a positive, friendly yet factual style perfectly in tune with the style guide. Great job!'
'Du hast die Website von XX ins Dänische großartig und in einem beeindruckenden Zeitraum übersetzt. Hier hast du prima Qualität abgeliefert, danke!'
'This is an excellent translation - well done! The style is in line with the brand's tone of voice and the language is varied, natural and flows well.'
'God oversættelse! En fryd for øjet'
'Content and style is excellent, the articles are very well written and interesting to read.'
'Die Sprachspezialist*innen, die deine Arbeit überprüft haben, bewerteten sie im Durchschnitt mit 5 von 5 Punkten. Weiter so!'
'This marketing translation is superb. The language is creative an innovative'
'Det er virkelig elegant skrivning, og det mener kundens reviewer også (selvfølgelig, for andet kan man ikke mene!)'
'The style is spot on and in line with previous translations for this client - this project was a joy to read!'
'Alles nur 5'er: Eine super Bewertung für dich!
'Artiklerne fra Ditte er virkelig gode. Godt indhold, flydende sprog og med interessante oplysninger - og med så få "småfejl", at jeg har måttet tjekke mine briller, og om jeg reelt havde trackchanges på. I mine øjne rigtigt godt arbejde.'
'I thought this was a great translation, and the translator did a good job of matching the client’s style and tone of voice'
'Unser Revisor für Dänisch hat Deine Übersetzung mit "sehr gut" bewertet. Also vielen Dank Ditte für die tolle Qualität!'
'Excellent articles again, very well-written and relevant'
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