Member since Nov '12

Working languages:
English to Maltese
Italian to Maltese
French to Maltese
Italian to English
French to English

Availability today:

March 2025

Josephine Cassar
13 yrs. experience translating EU stuff

Local time: 11:28 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: English Native in English, Maltese Native in Maltese
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30 positive reviews
(2 unidentified)

6 ratings (4.66 avg. rating)

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What Josephine Cassar is working on
Jun 10, 2024 (posted via  Translation about a product that works as a pesticide for plants, fruit trees, herbs, vegetables, what it is, what it is composed of, how to use, recommendations, safety instructions. ...more, + 171 other entries »
Total word count: 577195

User message
Dedicated to delivering your message in simple and clear language
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified member
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. View now.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Transcreation, Transcription, Subtitling, Editing/proofreading, MT post-editing
Specializes in:
International Org/Dev/CoopLaw (general)
MarketingArt, Arts & Crafts, Painting

Volunteer translations

Volunteer professional humanitarian translation services-

Translators without Borders

Words translated: 71,230

Volunteer professional humanitarian translation services-

TWB Kató

Words donated: 14,623
Volunteer / Pro-bono work Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
Italian to English - Standard rate: 0.12 EUR per word / 40 EUR per hour
French to English - Standard rate: 0.12 EUR per word / 40 EUR per hour

All accepted currencies Euro (eur)
KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 565, Questions answered: 972, Questions asked: 121
Payment methods accepted Wire transfer, Bank transfer, TransferWise, SmartCat | Send a payment via ProZ*Pay
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 11
Glossaries Business/Financial, Art/Literary, Bring you over a surprise round, Business/Financial, Business/Financial-Tourism/Travel, Business/Financial/public Administration, Business/Financial; Law/Contracts, Education/Pedagogoy, Law/patents, Legal

Translation education Other - TRANSLATOR <i>Training</i>: FR>EN course with Suzanne James Associates
Experience Years of experience: 15. Registered at Nov 2012. Became a member: Nov 2012. Certified PRO certificate(s)
Credentials Italian to English ("O" level & "A" level)
English to Maltese ("O" level + MATSEC Malta)
Italian to English ("O" level & "A" level)
French to English (University of Oxford)
French to English (University of Malta-optional and special subject, )

Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Aegisub, CafeTran Espresso, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Acrobat Reader, Plunet BusinessManager, Powerpoint, Protemos, Smartcat, Subtitle Edit, Subtitle Editor, Trados Studio
Forum posts 751 forum posts
CV/Resume English (PDF)
Events and training
Training sessions attended
Powwows organized
Professional practices Josephine Cassar endorses's Professional Guidelines.
Professional objectives
  • Meet new translation company clients
  • Other - CPD-during Coronavirus, I completed 3 courses with TransLegal on legal English
  • Learn more about the business side of freelancing
  • Stay up to date on what is happening in the language industry
  • Meet new end/direct clients
  • Work for non-profits or pro-bono clients
  • Screen new clients (risk management)
  • Network with other language professionals
  • Get help with terminology and resources
  • Learn more about translation / improve my skills
  • Get help on technical issues / improve my technical skills
  • Learn more about additional services I can provide my clients
  • Improve my productivity

                        Send email tg1assp7b1ddqklxp8uh.jpg


I am bilingual - Maltese and English UK - due to family, residence, education and upbringing.

I am a translator and proofreader for:


I also do 

transcription for Maltese only; 

subtitling and 

transcreation especially for:

EN<MT (I not only adapt according to the culture but also according to the sector or market the translation is meant for.)


Italian: Native level due to proximity to Italy, love of music, art, Italian fashion, football and food, frequent trips to Italy because of art, art exhibitions, concerts, strong ties, TV shows, study of Renaissance during History of Art and Baroque in which I obtained my Masters.


French: Practically native level. I studied French at school and university, taught it (French language and culture) for a great number of years, lived in France for some time, obtained a scholarship to Grenoble university (certificate on profile)and voluntarily followed loads of refresher courses as I loved the language and these helped me to keep in touch and deepen my knowledge of the language and country. 


EU affairs:

GDPR, State Aid, Competition, Public procurement, Erasmus, Youth Training programmes, Sport, loads of video messages, and

  • Directives and legislation;
  • Budget and finance, social affairs;
  • Public health and consumer protection; 
  • Education, grants, research and innovation and environmental issues;
  • EPSO preparation tests;
  • Surveys;
  • Summaries of EU legislation in simple layman's terms;
  • Educational toolkits for educators and school administration in schools and for teacher training;
  • Issues that crop up between states or Preliminary rulings, decisions, appeals with referrals to lots of legislation, directives, regulations and their different implementation methods, surveys, questionnaires, toolkits for schools or businesses. These normally consist of really big volumes - each file would have about 29,800 - 36,500 or even 54000 words most of which need Trados 2017;
  • GDPR, consumer claims and EU directives, issues arising from these especially with regard to distance selling and consumer rights, Commission's, Council's and Parliament's roles, discussions and reports on the above, coding, patents;
  • Activity or competition videos.


  • Company reports, company contracts, company articles of association, profit and loss accounts, minutes of general meetings, bank statements;

  • Financial statements, annual reports, prospectuses, investment funds, press releases, presentations, request for proposals.


Marketing texts - I am the go-to person if you want to launch new products on the Maltese market.

Even if I did not specialise in marketing, I've received quite a lot of marketing texts to translate because of art so I have now become quite proficient. I also enjoy translating them because they allow me to use my creativity. These mostly concern advertising material about new products which are to be launched for the first time on the market. Be warned that the translation will not be literal.

Legal texts -

from court sentences, wills, inheritance and Notary's or Solicitor's or banks' inheritance documents to indictments, charge sheets, court cases, appeals - these are usually for MT<EN. 


Trained by an agency and vetted by the same agency before onboarding. I have now translated a great amount of material used in new mobile apps launched for worldwide use for online shopping.
Apart from my specialist areas, I have translated a lot of these too: 

  1. Instructions for products, about safety and care including legislation concerning the type of items, a very great deal;
  2. Various types of certificates - birth, marriage, police conduct reports, residence certificates, Apostilles; 
  3. Government, politics, organisations - naturally because of my BA course in EU studies.
  4. Health and Safety.
  5. Clinical trials
  6. Subtitles


  • Business/finance/economics: 

Family business which meant involvement in family business and help in the day-to-day running. Therefore, I have hands-on experience.

I also keep up to date by reading Il Sole 24 ore, Les Echos, The Financial Times and I follow business news regularly. 

  • EU affairs:

University BA (Hons.) course, participation in EU meetings and activities, briefing sessions.

CPD 2019/2020

Taħriġ fil-Kitba tal-Malti (refresher course in Maltese writing) and will be doing Maltese for Lawyers next year after Covid19 hopefully

During Covid19

Translegal English course- Introduction to Legal English


"Great as always"                                                             

"Top notch. Thank you for doing such a great job"    

"Thank you for pointing out that X word on its own makes no sense in the target language"

"Thanks to Josephine's proofreading, the text is so much better now"

"Always clear and pleasant communication and high quality deliveries"

Well, if you want me to translate anything that is within my capabilities, I'm only an email away. (Just click on send email on top). 

I make sure I do a great job as I take great pride in my work and so that the expense is an investment for you.

I look forward to receiving your feedback about my work too. 

Don't hesitate to ask if you need further information.

This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 633
PRO-level pts: 565

Language (PRO)
Italian to French4
Pts in 4 more pairs >
Top general fields (PRO)
Social Sciences26
Pts in 6 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Finance (general)52
Business/Commerce (general)35
Education / Pedagogy18
Medical (general)8
Government / Politics8
Human Resources4
Pts in 24 more flds >

See all points earned >
Keywords: ENSee more.ENEnglish articles of association translator; Italian >English articles of association translator; atto costitutivo, articles of incorporation; statuto sociale; statuts; acte constitutif; contrat de compagnie d'assurance; FR>EN company contracts, IT>EN company contracts; FR>EN business translator; IT>EN business translator; FR>EN (Algeria, Madagascar, Tunisia) companies' articles of associations, FR>EN residence permits (Switzerland, Belgium), FR>EN (Geneva) birth certificates and residence permits, FR>EN (Algeria) birth certificates, FR>EN (Luxembourg) birth and marriage certificates, FR>EN (Luxembourg) companies' articles of association, EN>MT translator; EN>MT translator presently based in Malta; FR>EN divorce proceedings translator; IT>EN divorce proceedings translator; FR>EN subtitle translation and proofreading; IT>EN; regolamenti, direttivi, għajnuna mill-Istat, Stati membri, emenda, kompetizzjoni, selettiva, EN>MT translations; IT>EN subtitle translation and proofreading; EN>MT subtitle translation; FR>EN minutes of general meetings; FR>EN profit and loss accounts; IT>EN minutes of general meetings; FR>EN translator; IT>EN translator; FR>EN Profit and Loss accounts and financial statements; IT>EN Profit and Loss accounts, traductions du FR vers l'ANGLAIS, contract translator, business documents, contracts, patents-FR>EN, EN>MT-legal aspect, ENSee less.

Profile last updated
Mar 6