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English to Indonesian - Rates: 0.07 - 0.10 USD per word / 25 - 35 USD per hour Indonesian to English - Rates: 0.07 - 0.10 USD per word / 25 - 35 USD per hour Malay to English - Rates: 0.07 - 0.10 USD per word / 25 - 35 USD per hour
English to Indonesian: Procurement Tender of Airport System General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English Masing-masing pihak setuju dan menjamin bahwa setiap dan semua informasi yang diterima oleh satu Pihak dari Pihak lainnya sehubungan dengan Kontrak ini (baik yang diperoleh dengan cara dan dalam bentuk apapun) merupakan Informasi Rahasia dan pihak penerima tidak dapat mengungkapkan semua atau setiap bagian dari informasi tersebut ke Pihak Lain atau berupaya mengeksploitasi semua atau setiap bagian dari informasi tersebut tanpa izin tertulis sebelumnya dari Pihak lainnya.
Translation - Indonesian Each party agrees and certifies that all information received by one Party from the other Party in connection with this Contract (obtained in whatever way or in whatever form) is Confidential Information and recipient parties cannot disclose any portion of this information without written permission in advance from the other Party.
Indonesian to English: Oil Reserves Certification Report General field: Science Detailed field: Geology
Source text - Indonesian 2.2. STRATIGRAFI
Runtunan stratigrafi di Lapangan Talang Akar-Pendopo terdiri atas endapan pra-Tersier
dan Tarsier. Unit stratigrafi berumur pra-Tersier disusun oleh endapan vulkanik dari
Formasi Saling berumur Yura Akhir hingga Kapur Awal. Terendapkan diatas Formasi
Saling adalah endapan sungai-delta dan Formasi Lingsing berumur Kapur Awal.
Stratigrafi Tersier diawali oleh pengendapan Iapisan tebal breksi vulkanik andesitan, tuff,
aliran lava dan endapan batupasir kuarsa dari Formasi Lahat berumur Eosen-Oligosen
Awal yang mendominasi pengendapan pada umur tersebut. Suatu variable kompleks
dari pengendapan sediment klastik Formasi Talang Akar terendapkan secara selaras di
atas Formasi Lahat, yang terdiri dari konglomerat, batupasir kasar, dan perlapisan tipis
serpih dan lanau di bagian bawah dan perlapisan batulempung, serpih carbonatan,
batupasir ukuran sedang, den sisipan tipis batubara dan batulampung bioklastik di
bagian atas formasi. Endapan terurnbu yang diendapakan selama awal Miosen Awal
merupakan Formasi Baturaja. Endapan lempung berwarna abu-abu gelap dengan
lapisan tipis plankton foraminifera berwama putih, tuff berwama keputihan, andesit
tuffaan, dan nodul-nodul calcareous berumur Miosen Awal-Tengah dari Formasi Telisa
terendapkan secara selaras di atas Formasi Baturaja. Bersamaan dengan fase regresi
Miosen Tengah terjadi pengendapan endapan laut dangkal dad Formasi Air Benakat
yang secara selaras ditutupi oleh Formasi Muara Enim berumur Miosen Akhir pada
lingkungan trans.'s'. Fase regresi akhir di Cekungan Sumatra Selatan ditandai dengan
pengendapan pumice tuff, batupasir kasar berstruktur silang-siur dan batuiempung
tuffaan dari Formasi Kasai yang berumur Pliosen Akhir-Pleistosen.
Batuan induk utama di Lapangan Talang Akar-Pendopo berasal dad serpih hitam
Formasi Talang Akar bagian atas, terutama yang terendapkan dicialam Daiaman
Lematang. TOC batuan induk di Lapangan Talang Akar-Pendopo berkisar antara 0,1-0,2%, dengan kecenderungan menghasilkan minyak den gas (Tipe II & III). Tmax
berkisar antara 432°C-435°C (awal matang), = 0,36-0,68 clan Ro = 0,57-0,66, Target
reaservoir utama di Lapangan Talang Akar-Pendopo adalah batupasir bagian bawah
dan atas dari Formasi Talang Akar. Batupasir bagian bawah diketahui sebagai Gritsand
Member (GRM) memiliki nilai porositas sebesar 30% dan permeabilitas berkisar antara
200-1500 mD, sementara batupasir bagian atas yang lebih dikenal sebagai
Transgressive member (TRM) memiliki nirai porositas berkisar antara 18-20%.
Translation - English 2.2. STRATIGRAPHY
The stratigraphic sequences in Talang Akar-Pendopo Field are composed of pre-Triassic and Triassic deposits. Pre-Triassic age stratigraphic units are composed of
volcanic deposits from the Saling Formation that dates from the Late Jurassic until the
Early Cretaceous. Deposited above the mutual formation are a river delta deposit and
Lingsing Formations from the Early Cretaceous age. Triassic stratigraphy begins with a
thick sedimentation of andesitic volcanic breccia, tuff, lava flows, and quartz sandstone
deposits from the Lahat Formation dated to the Early Eocene- Oligocene that dominates
the sedimentation of that age. One complex variable from the clastic sedimentation of
the Talang Akar formation deposited congruently above the Lahat Formation, which is
composed of conglomerate, coarse sandstone, and a thin stratum of shale and silt below
and a stratum of claystone, shale-carbonate, medium-grained sandstone, and thin
deposits of coal and bioclastic limestone in the upper part of the formation. Coral
sediments that were deposited since the beginning of the Early Miocene the Baturaja
Formation. Dark gray clay deposits with thin layers of white foraminifera plankton, whitish
tuff, andesitic tuff, and calcareous nodules from the Early-Middle Miocene from the
Telisa Formation deposited congruently above the Baturaja Formation. Simultaneously
with the regression phase of the Middle Miocene occured a sedimentation of shallow
marine deposits from Air Benakat Formation which is covered congruently by the Muara
Enim Formation from the Late Miocene in a transitional environment. The late regression
phase in Cekungan, Sumatra Selatan is marked by sedimentation of pumice tuff,
crisscross structured coarse sandstone and tuff claystone from the Kasai Formation from
the late Pliocene- Pleistocene Epoch.
The primary host rock in the Talang Akar-Pendopo Field is derived from the black shale
of the upper Talang Akar Formation, particularly that which is deposited inside the
Dalaman Lematang. The TOC of the host rock in the Talang Akar-Pendopo Field ranges
between 0.1 – 0.2%, with a tendency to produce oil and gas (Type II & III). The Tmax
ranges between 432°C–435°C (early maturation), S1 S2 = 0.36 – 0.68 and Ro = 0.57 –
0.66. The primary target reservoir in the Talang Akar-Pendopo Field is sandstone in the
upper and lower sections of the Talang Akar Formation. The sandstone of the lower
section, known as the Gritsand Member (GRM), has a porosity value as high as 30%
and a permeability ranging from 200 – 1500 mD, while the sandstone of the upper
section which is better known as the Transgressive Member (TRM) has a porosity value
ranging from 18-20%.
Indonesian to English: Abstract of Master's Thesis General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Indonesian ABSTRAKSI
Tesis berjudul Representasi Identitas dalam Berjuang Karya Liem Khing Hoo dan Drama di Boven Digul Karya Kwee Tek Hoay ini mengkaji masalah identitas. Penelitian ini melihat karya dari perspektif sejarah yang melingkupinya dengan menggunakan teori Pascakolonial. Teori Pascakolonial yang digunakan adalah Liminalitas dan Hibriditas milik Homi K. Bhabha. Selain teori yang dikemukakan oleh Bhabha tersebut, untuk memperkuat analisis representasi identitas yang terdapat pada kedua objek penelitian, digunakan pula teori identitas Stuart Hall. Kedua objek penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya representasi terhadap identitas tertentu, yang spesifik dan khusus. Berjuang merepresentasikan identitas Tionghoa, sedangkan Drama di Boven Digul merepresentasikan identitas Tionghoa dan pribumi Indonesia. Cara kedua karya merepresentasikan identitas ditunjukkan dengan memasukkan unsur kenangan atau kejayaan masa lampau yang dialami oleh orang Tionghoa melalui migrasi, perjalanan, atau pelayaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa identitas Tionghoa dalam Berjuang adalah identitas hibrid, golongan tengah, golongan liminal. Sementara itu, dalam Drama di Boven Digul identitas Tionghoa telah menyatu dan
harmonis dalam hubungannya dengan masyarakat pribumi. Kedua objek penelitian ini juga menunjukkan adanya pandangan utopis, yakni memimpikan adanya suatu tatanan masyarakat dan politik yang dianggap ideal. Utopia ditunjukkan melalui adanya perpindahan dari suatu daerah ke daerah lain yang dianggap ideal, serta diterapkannya tatanan masyarakat politik ideal pada koloni baru. Utopia dalam kedua karya pada akhirnya juga menunjukkan adanya persoalan nasionalisme. Dalam Berjuang, nasionalisme yang ditunjukkan adalah nasionalisme etnisitas. Sementara itu, Drama di Boven Digul menunjukkan adanya nasionalisme Indonesia.
Translation - English ABSTRACT
This thesis, entitled The Representation of Identity in Struggling by Liem Khing Hoo and Drama in Boven Digul by Kwee Tek Hoay, examines the problem of identity. This study examines these works from a historical perspective that incorporates postcolonial theory, namely Homi Bhabha's notions of liminality and hybridity. Besides employing the theory proposed by Bhabha, in order to strengthen the analysis of the representation of identity which is present in both objects of research, this study also utilizes Stuart Hall's theory on identity. Both objects of research that are used in this study represent specific identities. Struggling represents Chinese identity, while Drama in Boven Digul represents Chinese as well as indigenous Indonesian identity. The way in which both these works represent identity is revealed through the incorporation of memories and triumphs of times past, which were experienced by the Chinese through migrations, journeys, and sea voyages. The results of this study indicate that Chinese identity in Struggling is a hybrid identity, a middle category, a liminal category. Meanwhile, in Drama in Boven Digul, Chinese identity has achieved unity and harmony in its relationship to indigenous Indonesian society. Both objects of research also display a utopian outlook; namely, they are dreams yearning for some kind of social and political order which is considered ideal. Utopia is revealed through the migration from one region to another that is regarded as more ideal, along with the implementation of an ideal social political order in the new colony. The utopia in both of these works finally also highlights the issue of nationalism. Struggling displays ethnic nationalism, whereas Drama in Boven Digul displays Indonesian nationalism
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Cornell University
Years of experience: 16. Registered at Jul 2012.
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
JNO Marbros is a professional team of three freelance translators.
Justin Weinstock studied Cultural Anthropology and Southeast Asian Studies at Cornell University with a focus on Indonesian Studies. He first started translating while working as a collections assistant for the John M. Echols Collection on Southeast Asia in the Cornell University Library. Having lived in Indonesia for 7 years, he is culturally competent and proficient in both formal language and the vernacular. Justin has the most experience dealing with texts related to the humanities, law, and the earth, biological, and social sciences, but is happy to service any requests for translation from Bahasa Indonesia into English.
Nila Pratidiena and Okie Nagari graduated from STIKOM Surabaya with bachelors degrees in Information Systems IT. Nila has been actively working between English and Indonesian in e-commerce. Okie has extensive experience interpreting between English and Indonesian in a customer service capacity, with specialties in the tourism, entertainment, and marketing industries. Nila and Okie both are pleased to service requests for translation from English into Bahasa Indonesia.
It cannot be stressed enough that every project we accept becomes a bilingual team effort, and this we consider one of our greatest assets. Having both English and Indonesian native speakers on the team enables us to provide back-to-back translation and more accurate proof reading than other solo freelancers or monolingual teams.