Working languages:
English to Hungarian

Duchess Sylvia
Magyar-Angol Tolmacs

Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Local time: 02:25 PST (GMT-8)

Native in: Hungarian Native in Hungarian
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I have been interpreting over a decade and worked with the top langauges interpretation and translation companies interpreting thousands of calls for various intdustries, legal, health care, banking, financials and much more. 

Tobb mint egy evtizede tolmacsolok es rengeteg vallalattal dolgoztam egyutt mielott a sajat allalatomat megalpitottam kimondottan a Magyar es hataron tul elo magyaroknak hogy segitsek. Azota tobb ezer tolmacsolast vegeztem es szeretettel varom hivsat es uzletet 702-275-7633

Profile last updated
Mar 22, 2020

More translators and interpreters: English to Hungarian   More language pairs