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English to Slovak: sample of General Agreement translation General field: Bus/Financial
Source text - English INSURANCE
Supplier will secure and maintain insurance providing coverage for liabilities to third parties for bodily injury and damage to property in amounts, consistent with the level of coverage secured by suppliers engaged in the same industry, but in no case less than amounts sufficient to protect XXX in the event of such injury or damage, and will be in compliance with any and all laws, regulations or orders addressing the liabilities of an employer to its employees for injuries and disease suffered in connection with employment. Supplier further will maintain such additional types and limits of insurance as is customary for a company of similar size and similar operations to Supplier in the jurisdiction or jurisdictions in which Supplier’s operations take place.
Supplier will comply with all applicable local and national laws and regulations pertaining to its performance of its obligations under this Purchase Order. In particular and without limitation, Supplier shall not act in any fashion or take any action that will render XXX liable for a violation of any applicable anti-bribery legislation (including without limitation, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the UK Bribery Act 2010), which prohibits the offering, giving or promising to offer or give, or receiving, directly or indirectly, money or anything of value to any third party to assist Supplier or XXX in retaining or obtaining business or in providing the Products.
Translation - Slovak POISTENIE
Dodávateľ zabezpečí poistenie, ktoré pokrýva zodpovednosť voči tretím stranám za ublíženie na zdraví a poškodenie majetku vo výške zodpovedajúcej úrovni poistenia ostatných dodávateľov pôsobiacich v rovnakom odvetví, pričom táto výška musí byť dostatočná, aby ochránila XXX v týchto prípadoch ublíženia na zdraví a poškodenia majetku. Zároveň bude takéto poistné krytie dodržiavať platné zákony a právne predpisy ohľadne zodpovednosti zamestnávateľa za škodu pri pracovnom úraze a pri chorobe z povolania. Dodávateľ tiež zabezpečí dodatočné druhy a limity poistenia, ktoré sú zaužívané pre spoločnosti s rovnakou veľkosťou a v rovnakom odvetví v rámci všetkých jurisdikcií, kde Dodávateľ pôsobí.
Dodávateľ bude dodržiavať všetky platné miestne a štátne zákony a predpisy, ktoré sa vzťahujú na výkon jeho povinností na základe tejto Objednávky. Dodávateľ najmä nesmie konať tak, aby učinil XXX zodpovedným za porušenie platných protikorupčných zákonov (vrátane amerického Zákona o korupčných praktikách v zahraničí a britského Protikorupčného zákona z roku 2010), ktoré zakazujú priamo alebo nepriamo ponúkať, dávať alebo sľubovať či prijímať peniaze alebo hodnotné predmety vo vzťahu k tretím osobám s cieľom uľahčiť Dodávateľovi alebo XXX udržať si alebo získať zákazku či pomôcť si pri zabezpečovaní Produktov.
Translation education
Master's degree - Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
Years of experience: 13. Registered at May 2012.
English to Slovak (Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, verified) Russian to Slovak (Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, verified) Slovak to English (Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, verified) Slovak to Russian (Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, verified)
Across, Adobe Acrobat, Crowdin, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordbee, XTM
Thank you for visiting my profile!
I am a full-time freelance translator with over 7 years of professional experience (graduated in 2013) providing translations & proofreading from English and Russian to Slovak. I cooperate directly with small and medium-sized businesses and individuals, also regularly provide my services to translation agencies.
In my everyday work I stick to translator's alpha and omega values. Those are a high-quality translation, on-time delivery, swift and effective communication regarding the project (I usually respond within half an hour), consistency and keen eye for detail - after taking over the continuous project previously translated by different translator or from my proofreading experience, nothing can make me more uneasy than inconsistency in terms or style, therefore when translating I consider thoroughness to be my biggest perk. I maintain a long-term stable cooperation with my clients which represents an added value as I have the detailed knowledge of their issues, industry and demands. I am willing to learn any time - I quickly become familiar with new trends and software tools.
Areas of translation expertise: Software, IT, Automotive, UI strings, E-commerce, Technical texts, Marketing texts, Gaming, Tourism, Engineering, Enterprise resource planning, Human resource management, Customer relationship management
Recent big projects:
a 27,000-word CRM software localization
a 20,000-word UI string translation of an automotive software
a 47,200-word MT post-editing project of a technical manual
a 12,000-word marketing translation project for one of the biggest and renowned startups in the world
a 100,000-word IT/process management MTPE project
monthly regular volume of cca 20,000 translated words in UI and IT projects
Since I appreciate the confidence of my clients, I do not mention the names of companies I have worked for without their prior consent.
My LinkedIn profile: