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Japanese to English: Earnings Report - 決算短信 General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Japanese (2)金融商品の内容及びそのリスク
Translation - English (2) Details of financial instruments and related risks
Trade receivables such as trade notes and accounts receivable are exposed to customer credit risk. All marketable securities are short-term, domestic certificates of deposit. Investment securities are exposed to market price fluctuation risk. Long-term loans receivable are loans to employees of the company and its consolidated subsidiaries.
Trade notes and accounts payable, which are operating payables, are mostly due within one year. All short-term loans payable are short-term debt within group companies. Long-term loans payable within one year and long-term loans payable are for fund raising related to capital expenditures.
Regarding derivatives transactions, the company enters into forward foreign exchange contracts for the purpose of hedging foreign currency exchange risk deriving from trade payables denominated in foreign currencies, currency swaps and interest rate swaps contracts for the purpose of hedging principal and interest rate fluctuation risk deriving from debt denominated in foreign currencies, and commodity futures contracts for the purpose of hedging raw material prices fluctuation risk deriving from material procurements.
Japanese to English: Earnings Report - 決算短信 General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Japanese 三菱地所株式会社(取締役社長:木村惠司)は、経営監督機能と業務執行機能の強化、経営の効率化及び意思決定の迅速化等を目的として執行役員制度を採用する一方で、取締役全12名中3名を社外取締役とし、取締役会の経営監督機能の強化を行っております。当社は、2007年5月10日開催の当社取締役会において、当社株式の大量取得行為に関する対応策(買収防衛策)(以下「本プラン」という)を導入することを決議しております。本プラン導入後であっても、新株予約権無償割当てが実施されていない場合、株主の皆様に直接具体的な影響が生じることはありません。他方、本プランが発動され、新株予約権無償割当てが実施された場合、割当期日の株主に対し、原則として、その保有する株式1株につき新株予約権1個の割合で新株予約権が無償にて割り当てられます。当連結会計年度より「棚卸資産の評価に関する会計基準」(企業会計基準第9号 2006年7月5日公表分)を適用し、主として個別法による原価法(貸借対照表価額については収益性の低下に基づく簿価切下げの方法)により算定しております。この変更により、従来の方法によった場合に比べて、当連結会計年度の営業利益、経常利益はそれぞれ17,392百万円減少し、税金等調整前当期純利益は25,468百万円減少しております。
Translation - English Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. (Keiji Kimura, Chairman & Representative Director) endeavors to strengthen the management supervisory function and business execution function, achieve more efficient management and accelerate decision making while introducing an executive officer system. The Company’s board of directors consists of 12 members, among whom three are non-executive directors and the company aims to enhance its supervisory functions. The Company’s board of directors resolved at its board of directors meeting held on May 10, 2007 to introduce the plan for countermeasures to large-scale acquisitions of the shares in the Company (takeover defense measures) (hereafter, the “Plan”). Even after introducing the Plan, assuming gratis allotment of stock acquisition rights has not been implemented, there is no direct or specific impact on shareholders. If the gratis allotment of stock acquisition rights has been implemented in accordance with the Plan, in principle, the Company will implement a gratis allotment of Stock Acquisition Rights to all registered shareholders of the Company as of the Record Date of Allotment at a ratio of one Stock Acquisition Right per share. Due to the adoption of “Accounting Standard for Measurement Inventories” (ASBJ Statement No. 9, issued on July 5, 2006) from the fiscal year under review, the cost method for individual items (in which book value is reduced in accordance with declines in profitability) was mainly used. This change resulted in decreases of 17,392 million yen each in the fiscal year’s operating profit and ordinary profit and decrease of 25,468 million yen in the net profit before income taxes and minority interests, compared to the previous method.
Japanese to English: Earnings Report - 決算短信 General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Japanese 1.経営成績・財政状態に関する分析
Translation - English 1. Analysis of Operating Results and Financial Position
(1) Analysis of Operating Results
Financial Results
Reviewing the economic environment for the current consolidated accounting period, with respect to the global economy, the U.S. economy has seen ongoing recovery due to increasing consumer spending, and the European economy as a whole has shown continuing signs of recovery. Meanwhile, some economies such as those of China and emerging countries have shown signs of weakness. With regard to the Japanese economy, though weakness was seen in consumer spending and other areas, moderate recovery has continued.
Japanese to English: Earnings Report - 決算短信 General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Accounting
Source text - Japanese 当連結会計年度の業績については、売上高は27兆2,345億円と、前連結会計年度に比べて1兆5,426億円 (6.0%) の増収となり、営業利益は2兆7,505億円と、前連結会計年度に比べて4,584億円 (20.0%) の増益となりました。営業利益の増減要因については、増益要因として、原価改善の努力が2,800億円、為替変動の影響が2,800億円、その他の要因が1,284億円ありました。一方、減益要因としては、諸経費の増加ほかが1,600億円、販売面での影響が700億円ありました。
また、税金等調整前当期純利益は2兆8,928億円と、前連結会計年度に比べて4,517億円 (18.5%)の増益、当社株主に帰属する当期純利益は2兆1,733億円と、前連結会計年度に比べて3,502億円(19.2%) の増益となりました。
Translation - English As for the financial results of the current consolidated accounting period, net revenues increased by 1,542.6 billion yen, or 6.0%, year on year to 27,234.5 billion, and operating income increased by 458.4 billion yen, or 20.0%, year on year to 2,750.5 billion yen. The factors that contributed to an increase in operating income were cost reduction efforts of 280.0 billion yen, the effects of exchange rate fluctuations of 280.0 billion yen, and other factors of 128.4 billion yen. On the other hand, the factors that contributed to a decrease in operating income were the increase in expenses and others of 160.0 billion yen, and the effects of sales activities of 70.0 billion yen.
Net income before taxes increased by 451.7 billion yen, or 18.5%, year on year to 2,892.8 billion yen. Net income attributable to the Company increased by 350.2 billion yen, or 19.2%, year on year to 2,173.3 billion yen.
Japanese to English: Annual Report - アニュアルレポート General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - Japanese 従来の企業内や社会におけるスタンダードにとらわれず、多様な属性(性別、年齢、国籍など)や価値・発想を取り入れることで、ビジネス環境の変化に迅速かつ柔軟に対応し、企業の成長と個人のしあわせにつなげようとする戦略。異質なものを内部に取り込み、新しい発想を柔軟に吸収していく企業風土へ。
Translation - English The strategy aims to promote company growth and the personal satisfaction of employees by rapidly and flexibly responding to changes in the business environment by accepting the ideas and values from diverse backgrounds (such as gender, age or nationality) instead of being influenced by traditional corporate or social standards. We will seek a corporate culture which embraces different things inside the company and absorbs new ideas flexibly.
Japanese to English: Earnings Report - 決算短信 General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Accounting
Source text - Japanese ・連結財務諸表作成のための基本となる重要な事項
最近の有価証券報告書 (2014年6月24日提出) における記載から重要な変更がないため開示を省略しています。なお、会計基準等の改正に伴う会計処理の原則・手続、表示方法等の変更は以下のとおりです。
Translation - English ・Significant Matters Based on Preparing Consolidated Financial Statements
Significant matters based on preparing consolidated financial statements have been omitted since there have been no significant changes from the description in the most recent Securities Report (filed on June 24, 2014). Changes in accounting principles, procedures, disclosures methods, etc. following amendments of accounting standards, etc. are set forth below.
English to Japanese: Earnings Report - 決算短信 General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English In light of the continuing weak capital markets and the resulting impact on the performance of the capital holdings and the banking business AAA is adjusting its profit outlook for fiscal 2002 to the changed environment. The previous forecast for the full fiscal 2002 of 3 billion euros (after 1 .62 billion euros for the year2001) was based on the assumption that the equity market would stabilize at the level reached at the start of the year. It is clear that in current market conditions the forecast cannot be achieved while maintaining the expected quality of earning.
In the first half-year of fiscal 2002 AAA has achieved a profit of around 1.6 billion euros. However, due to the weakness of the capital markets a loss of about350 million euros had to be registered in the second quarter.
Besides the investment portfolio, which had to absorb high write-downs, the banking segment was especially affected. Here the difficult condition of the capital markets resulted in a significant drop in earning; the cost reduction measures implemented and executed so far have not been able to compensate for the shortfall. Furthermore, a limited number of large-scale insolvencies and the ongoing difficulties in Latin America continue to weigh on the credit portfolio. It is to be expected that the result in this business segment will be clearly negative and therefore significantly below expectations.
The other core business segments of AAA have performed well. In property and casualty insurance as well as in life and health insurance the premium growth was significantly ahead of budget. The operational indicators improved as well. Thus it was possible to
reduce the combined ratio to around 102 percent. The asset management segment saw a
positive net asset inflow despite the difficult market situation and is therefore ahead of budget.
Translation - Japanese 資本市場は引き続き弱く、これに伴う財務状態と銀行業務への影響を受け、AAAは環境の変化に伴い、2002年度の利益見通しを調整する。2001年度の16億2,000万ユーロに続き、2002年度の改正前収益見通しは30億ユーロであった。改正前見通しの予想前提は、株式市場は年初のレベルに落ち着くということだった。現在の市場の状態を鑑みれば、予想収益の質を維持しながら予想を達成することが不可能なのは明らかである。
English to Japanese: Earnings Report - 決算短信 General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English Consolidated result
The result continued to improve during the fourth quarter with a pfofit of MSEK 3 (-31 including MSEK 14 in restructuring costs). Accordingly, the profit for the whole financial year was MSEK 11, .which is MSEK70 better than the previous year if restructuring costs, capital gains and other non-recurring items are eliminated.
The by far major part of the improvement in the result in 2001 was accounted for by the
Liner service between the Nordic countries and the Mediterranean The restructuring of the liner operations carried out the autumn of 2000, among other with formation of
SolNiver Lines, generated higher cargo volumes. Together with higher rates and a higher USD/SEK exchange rate, this means that freight revenues in this service rose 20%. However, only apportion of this increase can be seen in the consolidated income statement since SolNiver Lines is consolidated proportionally and the revenues for the RoRo vessels are partly in the form of time-charter hire. The higher cargo volume has also resulted in greater efficiency.
Cargo volumes transported by the subsidiary TransProCon, in the form of international project consignments, rose sharply during the year. This generated a substantial improvement in earnings, which means that TransProCon accounts for a large portion of the consolidated profit.
As a result of the worsening economy in South Afrca and the weak South African
currency, transport volumes in the container service to South Africa fell during the second half of the year. This, together with the subsequent higher cost of positioning empty containers, resulted in a lower surplus generated by this service. Freight volumes to West Africa, on the other hand, increased during the second half of the year.
Swedish Orient line's sale and charter-back of the four RoRo vessels at the end 01 2000
have resulted in lower overall costs for the vessels. Another consequence of this is that all the vessel costs are now shown as an operating cost, which means that cons1olidated
depreciation has decreased sharply at the same time as a positive net financial result has arisen due to the fact that all the ship loans were repaid during the last quarter of 2000.
English to Japanese: Fed Policy Statement - FRB政策声明 General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English Market Reaction – Market reaction to the Fed’s announcement was immediate and rather dramatic. However, markets did require a little bit of time to digest the implications.
Thus, the Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P 500), which had advanced to near 1,150 by late morning and strongly up from Monday’s close at 1,119.46, broke sharply into negative territory on the news. But the S&P 500 subsequently reversed upward to close the day up 53.07 index points at 1,172.53.
Note that domestic equities are now in negative territory for the year 2011 with volatility, as measured by the S&P 500 VIX volatility index, rising sharply into the 40-50% level over the past week or so.
Investors continued to flock to Treasuries as a “safe haven” with advancing prices and sharply falling yields. Note that two-year yields declined 8 basis points to 19 basis points by the conclusion of the day.
This “flight to quality” into Treasuries ostensibly seems counter-intuitive in light of S&P’s action to downgrade long-term U.S. sovereign debt from AAA to AA+ last Friday, August 5. Still, Treasuries remain a large and highly liquid market while the risk of a default remains extremely unlikely. And, significantly, general economic weakness as articulated by the FOMC announcement generally detracts from investors’ inclination to seek out riskier investments.
Translation - Japanese 市場の反応 – FRBの発表に対する市場の反応は、即時と言うよりむしろ急激なものでしたが、市場がインプリケーションを織り込むまでには少し時間がかかりました。
English to Japanese: Trading the TUT Spread - 限月間スプレッド取引 General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English Structuring a TUT Spread
With a properly constructed TUT spread, gains or losses on the spread should be the result of changes in the yield curve as opposed to changes in the direction of interest rates. To filter out this directional effect, you can ratio a yield curve spread using the dollar value of a basis point (DV01) for each contract to assure that each leg will respond equally, in dollar terms, to a given yield change.
On December 31, the 2-Year T-Note futures contract was trading at 105-04 and had a DV01 of $38.77. This indicates that a 1 bp shift in the yield of the underlying Treasury note will move the price of one 2-Year T-Note futures contract $38.77 in the opposite direction. (Note that the 2-Year T-Note contract has $200,000 notional value, whereas other Treasury futures, including the flagship 10-Year T-Note contract, have $100,000 notional value.)
English to Japanese: FX market technical analysis - FX市場テクニカル分析 General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English For the USDJPY, traders are watching the 100 day MA/100 hour MA
The USDJPY moved above and closed above the 100 day MA on Thursday of last week (blue line in the chart above). The price high post that break was reached yesterday at the 98.69 level. The price decline off that high has moved to the low today of 96.958 which was just below the 100 day MA line at 95.98. No sellers below that line and the pair has rebounded back higher. The line is an important technical level (witness the support off of the 100 day MA on the EURUSD today). Holding above the level is important if the bears are to take back control.
Looking at the hourly chart, the price is testing the topside trend line off the recent highs (at 97.71), and has moved above the 100 hour MA (blue line in chart below at the 97.358 level). These are the technical levels that should determine bullish/bearish in trading today. The bulls are move in control for the time being with the 100 day MA and 100 hour MA being taken back. However the move above the trend line will help keep that momentum going with the highs from today and yesterday, the next obvious targets on the topside.
Translation - Japanese USDJPYについては、トレーダーは100日移動平均線および100時間足移動平均線を見ている
English to Japanese: Unix migration - UNIXマイグレーション General field: Other Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - English Unix migration is certainly not a new phenomenon, and it continues to occur across all industries and sizes of organizations. Rapid technological advances and ever-changing business conditions are driving companies to continually evaluate their server infrastructure, including which server platforms will support specific workloads. Companies want to better leverage their IT investments for performance and efficiency, as well as to drive down hardware and software spending, along with management costs. In order to achieve these performance goals and economic goals, many companies continue to consolidate and standardize their IT infrastructures and often consider platform migration as part of this drive toward IT simplification in the datacenter. While it is rare for any one operating system to predominate in a datacenter environment, reducing the number of server platforms that must be supported, going forward, can reduce ongoing operational costs.
Translation - Japanese UNIXマイグレーションは新しい現象ではない。あらゆる業種、あらゆる規模の企業で起こり続けていることである。急速なテクノロジーの進化と変化し続ける業況を受けて、企業は自社のサーバー インフラストラクチャの価値を見直すことが常に求められている。これには、どのサーバープラットフォームでどのワークロードを処理するかということも含まれる。企業は、業績と効率のためにIT投資を一層活用したいと考えている。また、管理コストに加え、ハードウェアやソフトウェアに対する支出を引き下げたいとも考えている。こういった業績目標や経費削減目標を達成する目的で、多くの企業はITインフラの統合と標準化を継続的に行っている。データセンターでは、IT簡略化の一環としてプラットフォームの移行を検討することが多い。1つのデータセンター環境を1種類のオペレーティングシステムで統一することは稀だが、サポート対象とするサーバープラットフォームの種類を減らすと、将来的には運用コストの削減につなげることができる。
English to Japanese: Automation - オートメーション General field: Other Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - English WinCC flexible Runtime is a high-performance and comprehensive software for the visualization of processes in projects you created with the WinCC flexible Advanced programming software.
Modern automation concepts are extremely demanding on process visualization. Process control close to machines must in particular meet the demands for simple, high-performance control of the processes. The goal is to present process data to the operator quickly and clearly in a form that can be easily understood, such as a trend display. This increasingly requires process displays that simplify understanding of the actual process. It is also becoming more important to be able to archive the data, e.g. for quality control. This makes it necessary to log process data at machine level.
WinCC flexible Runtime is designed for visualization and operation of machines and small systems. The Runtime software has a window-based user interface. Due to its short response times, the software features secure process operation, jogging at the machine and secure data acquisition.
Translation - Japanese WinCC flexible RuntimeはWinCC flexible Advancedプログラミングソフトウェアで作成したプロジェクトのプロセスをビジュアル化する高性能総合ソフトウェアです。
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