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Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, Transcription, Training
Specializes in:
Education / Pedagogy
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Law (general)
Cooking / Culinary
Poetry & Literature
Tourism & Travel
Also works in:
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Medical: Health Care
French to English - Rates: 0.07 - 0.10 USD per word / 35 - 45 USD per hour English to French - Rates: 0.07 - 0.09 USD per word / 35 - 45 USD per hour Spanish to English - Rates: 0.07 - 0.09 USD per word / 30 - 35 USD per hour English to Spanish - Rates: 0.07 - 0.09 USD per word / 30 - 35 USD per hour
French to English: Recipe for Duck Breast with Apples General field: Other Detailed field: Cooking / Culinary
Source text - French Descriptif
Pour : 4 personnes Durée : 50 minutes Difficulté : Facile
• 2 magrets de canard (400 g chacun)
• 2 grosses pommes
• 50 g de cerneaux de noix hachés
• 50 g de beurre
• 30 g de sucre
• 1 citron
• 1/2 cuillère à café de clous de girofle en poudre
• sel et poivre
• Avec un couteau pointu bien aiguisé, retirez partiellement la peau grasse des magrets (n'en laisser qu'une fine couche). Entaillez la peau restante en croisillons, en allant jusqu'à la chair. Salez et poivrez.
Réservez à température ambiante.
• Pelez les pommes à l'aide d'un économe, puis évidez-les et entaillez-les en petits dés. Faites fondre le beurre dans une casserole à fond épais, ajoutez les pommes, le sucre, la poudre de girofle, le zeste râpé et le jus de citron. Salez légèrement.
• Couvrez la casserole et laissez cuire à feu très doux pendant 20 minutes environ, jusqu'à l'obtention d'une purée épaisse.
• Pendant ce temps, faites chauffer le barbecue. Faites griller les magrets à chaleur modérée pendant 15 minutes en les retournant à mi cuisson : commencez par les saisir côté peau.
• Retirez les magrets quand ils sont croustillants, mais encore saignants à coeur. Laissez-les reposer à couvert pendant que vous incorporez les noix hachées dans la sauce aux pommes.
• Vous pouvez accompagner ce plat avec une salade d'endives.
• 2 duck breasts (400 gr. each)
• 2 large apples
• 50 gr. walnut halves, chopped
• 50 gr. butter
• 30 gr. sugar
• 1 lemon
• ½ teaspoon ground cloves
• Salt and pepper
• Using a sharp knife, partially remove the fat layer of the skin from the duck breasts, (leaving only the fine skin layer). Score the remaining skin in a criss-cross pattern, going all the way to the meat. Salt and pepper the duck breasts. Set aside at room temperature.
• Peel the apples using a vegetable peeler, then core and dice them. Melt the butter in a heavy sauce pan, add the apples, sugar, ground cloves, the lemon zest and juice. Lightly salt.
• Cover the pan and cook over very low heat for about 20 minutes until it reaches the consistency of a thick purée.
• In the meantime, heat the barbecue grill. Grill the duck breasts over medium heat for 15 minutes, turning them halfway through the cooking time: start grilling on the skin side.
• Remove the duck breasts when they are crispy, but still rare on the inside. Cover and let rest while you add the chopped nuts to the apple sauce.
• This dish may be served with an endive salad.
French to English: Translation for house exchange in Avignon General field: Other Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - French Notre quartier
Le quartier des Teinturiers [quartier historique du 14ème au 19ème siècles, avec des roues à aubes qui fonctionnent toujours] est l’un des plus pittoresques de la ville.
Avignon est situé à 30 minutes en train / 1H de voiture d’Aix en Provence, Marseille et des plages. La ville est à moins d’une heure de nombreux lieux remarquables tels :
des sites naturels avec possibilité de randonnées et promenades : Vallon Pont d’Arc , les Alpilles, le Luberon, le Mont Ventoux au pied duquel se situe notre cabanon, la Camargue, la Fontaine de Vaucluse, les Cévennes …
Les grands monuments historiques : Pont du Gard, Vaison la Romaine, le théâtre antique d’Orange, les arènes romaines d’Arles et de Nîmes, l’Abbaye de Sénanque …
Les villes et villages incontournables : les Saintes Maries de la Mer, Gordes, Roussillon, Villeneuve les Avignon, Les Baux de Provence, Saint Rémy de Provence, Nyons, Uzès, Nimes, Arles, Aix en Provence…
Les vignobles : les Côtes du Rhône, Châteauneuf du Pape, Gigondas, Tavel, les Côtes du Ventoux, les Côtes du Luberon, les Coteaux d’Aix …
Les lieux de baignade :
Les rivières : le Gardon, l’Ardèche, le Toulourenc.
La mer : les côtes rocheuses et les calanques de Marseille et les grandes plages de sable du Gard et de l’Hérault.
Translation - English Our neighborhood
Located in the historic city center, within a five minute walk to the main train station and the Palace of the Popes.
The historic “Teinturiers” district (The “Dyers” district from the 14 to the 19th centuries—with still functioning water wheels) is one of the most picturesque in the city.
Avignon is a 30 minute train ride or one hour drive from Aix-en-Provence, Marseille and the beaches. It is less than an hour from many remarkable sites, to name a few:
natural sites offering the opportunity for hikes and walks, such as Vallon Pont d’Arc, the Alpilles, the Luberon, Mount Ventoux (where our cabin is located), the Camargue, Fontaine de Vaucluse, the Cevennes Mountains…
Great historic monuments: the Pont du Gard, Vaison la Romaine, the ancient theater at Orange, the Roman arenas at Arles and Nimes, the Abbey of Senanque…
Must-see cities and villages: Saintes Maries de la Mer, Gordes, Roussillon, Villeneuve les Avignon, the Baux de Provence, Saint Remy de Provence, Nyons, Uzes, Nimes, Arles, Aix en Provence…
Wine-growing regions of Côtes du Rhône, Châteauneuf du Pape, Gigondas, Tavel, Côtes du Ventoux, Côtes du Luberon, and Côteaux d’Aix…
Places to swim:
Rivers: the Gardon, the Ardeche, the Toulourenc.
Seaside: the rocky shores and “calanques” (inlets) of Marseille and the great sand beaches of the Gard and Herault departments (counties).
Spanish to English: Maclovia General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Lo primero que le pregunté al anciano fue cuándo le habían puesto ese nombre, y me miró con ojos profundos, como escrutando el tiempo. “Fue hace muchos años”, me contestó, ladeando la cabeza y fijando la mirada en un punto distante como viendo desfilar la historia. Observé la piel aún firme de su rostro, con un leve asomo de arrugas alrededor de los ojos y en las comisuras de los labios, su cabello ceniciento y la vida contenida en todo el cuerpo, pero resaltaba en las manos fuertes, callosas, morenas, surcadas por cordones violeta en donde bullía sangre viril. Con todo cuidado ordenó la hilera de botellitas llenas de un líquido transparente, limpio, y las medallitas, candelas, veladoras y exvotos profanos que se vendían en su negocio y en los muchos más que flanqueaban la avenida prinicipal que servía de entrada al pueblo.
-Me acuerdo que cuando éramos patojos ya estaba allí, alborotándonos las ganas
-me explicó-; dicen que era hija de un peón que murió arrastrado por un burro en la cuesta de Las Cañas, pero a saber. Otros dicen que no murió así, pero cuando lo encontraron era un amasijo de carne y huesos rotos.
Translation - English The first thing I asked the elderly man was when she had been given that name, and he looked at me with deep, thoughtful eyes, as if searching back in time. “It was many years ago,” he answered, tilting his head and gazing at some distant point as though watching the story unfold. I observed the skin on his face, still firm, with just a slight hint of wrinkles around his eyes and the corners of his mouth, his graying hair and the vitality that his whole body held, but that showed most in his strong, callused, brown hands, criss-crossed by purple cords through which virile blood flowed. With the greatest of care he straightened the row of little bottles that held a pure, transparent liquid, the little medallions, candles, paraffin lamps and votive offerings that were sold in his store and in the many others that lined the main avenue leading into the town.
“I remember that when we were kids she was already there, getting us all riled up,” he explained; “they say she was the daughter of a farm worker who died by being dragged by a burro on the Las Cañas hillside, but no one really knows. Others say that’s not how he died, but when they found him he was a mass of flesh and broken bones.
French to English: Press release General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Source text - French A la veille du Sommet du G20 au Mexique et du Sommet Rio 20 au Brésil, plus de 600 décideurs économiques, financiers et politiques se sont réunis du 8 au 10 juin à Libreville, au Gabon, à l’occasion de la première édition du New York Forum AFRICA.
En l’espace de 30 heures de débats et de réunions de groupes de travail, les participants au New York Forum AFRICA ont débattu des questions clés qui se posent à propos du continent africain : la réalité du décollage de l'Afrique, les différents modèles économiques pouvant y prospérer, l'intégration régionale, les ressources naturelles, l'agriculture, l'innovation et l'entrepreneuriat, le capital humain, les relations entre l'Afrique et les Etats-Unis et la Chine, l'équation énergétique, les investissements étrangers, les impératifs de sécurité et de gouvernance, et le rôle de la prochaine génération de décideurs politiques et économiques de ce continent et de la diaspora africaine.
Translation - English On the eve of the G20 Summit in Mexico and the Rio 20 Summit in Brazil, over 600 economic, financial and political decision-makers met in Libreville, Gabon from June 8-10, for the first New York Africa Forum.
During the 30 hours of debates and work group meetings, the participants in the New York AFRICA Forum debated the key questions being asked about the African Continent: the reality of Africa’s rise, which economic models might prosper there, regional integration, natural resources, agriculture, innovation and entrepreneurship, human capital, relations among Africa, the United States and China, the energy equation, foreign investments, security and governance imperatives, and the role of the next generation of economic and governmental decision-makers from this continent and from the African diaspora.
Translation education
Graduate diploma - University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Years of experience: 24. Registered at Mar 2012.
French to English (Univ. of Wis-Milwaukee Grad. Cert. Translation) English to French (Univ. of Wis-Milwaukee Grad. Cert. Translation) Spanish to English (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Grad. Cert. Tran) English to Spanish (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Grad. Cert. Tran) French to English (Wisconsin State Courts)
Service area: southeastern Wisconsin, northern Illinois
I am the only state court certified interpreter for French in Wisconsin and Illinois. I am also a CHI™ (certified healthcare interpreter) for Spanish. I provide legal, medical, community, and conference interpreting (telephonic and in-person) and translation services in both French and Spanish.
Interpreting: community, legal, medical
Translation: cuisine, history, pedagogy, socio-economics, sustainable development (irrigation and drainage), tourism and travel
French/ English and Spanish/English freelance interpreter Legal, medical, and community interpreting for various Midwestern agencies and state courts, 2006-present
Conference interpreter Institute of World Affairs, Milwaukee, Wisconsin October 2007: Interpreted for Azarias Ruberwa, former Vice-President of DR of Congo, “Building a lasting peace in DR of Congo”
Spanish/ English conference interpreter: Simultaneous interpreter for conference on early childhood development
French/ English on-site interpreter: Two-day consecutive interpreting experience assisting French and English speaking technicians repairing large printing machine
Business/ in-service/ employee meetings: provided simultaneous team interpreting
Independent translator for two national research centers in Montpellier, France. Translation, editing, and proofing of articles dealing with socio-economics and sustainable development in irrigation, 2001-2007
The Colonists of Montreal from 1642 to 1667 (Genealogy by E.Z. Massicotte) Large genealogy project (French to English)
“Maclovia” (Spanish to English translation of short story by Norma Rosa García Mainieri—published in 2001 in The Town of the Silent People)
French software QA tester Robert Half Technology, Milwaukee, WI
Tested script for major international company, contract Aug-Sept. 2013
French Instructor Milwaukee Area Technical College, Spring 2013
Proficiency-based Licensing Coach CESA #1, (Cooperative Educational Services Agency) Pewaukee, WI: Mentor/coach teacher candidates seeking DPI licensing, September 2011 to present
Teacher-French and Spanish Greendale School District (middle school and high school) 1984-2011
CHI™ (Spanish) 2014
Wisconsin and Illinois State Certified Court Interpreter (French) 2012/ 2014
Graduate Certificate in Translation-French, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2001
M.A. Foreign Language/Literature (French, Spanish) University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
B.S. Secondary Education, French major, Spanish minor University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
ATA Annual Conference, Chicago 2014
Wisconsin Supreme Court Interpreter Training Program, Oct. 2011
MATI Annual meeting (T & I workshop), Sept. 2011-2014
ATA Legal Interpreting Seminar, Chicago 2008
Advanced Court Interpreting class (Spanish)
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, spring 2006
Spanish Immersion Program in Cuernavaca, Mexico
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Continuing Ed., July 9-19 2005
ATA Medical Translation and Interpreting Seminar, Chicago 2002
MATI (Midwest Association of Translators and Interpreters)
Keywords: certified court interpreter, sustainable development, medical interpreting, développement durable, French, Spanish, français, español