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Translation, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Cooking / Culinary
Law: Contract(s)
Government / Politics
Ships, Sailing, Maritime
Tourism & Travel
International Org/Dev/Coop
Law (general)
Also works in:
Business/Commerce (general)
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Internet, e-Commerce
Education / Pedagogy
Finance (general)
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Medical (general)
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Spanish to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.06 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour French to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.06 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour
Project History
9 projects entered 2 positive feedback from outsourcers
Project Details
Project Summary
Translation Volume: 4428 words Completed: Apr 2007 Languages: Spanish to English
Wedding Buffet/Cocktail Reception Menus
Cooking / Culinary
positive Unlisted : Excellent translation, good communication and very reliable.
Translation Volume: 7000 words Completed: Mar 2007 Languages: Spanish to English
7,000 word document; Supreme Court Judgments
Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2127 words Completed: Feb 2007 Languages: Spanish to English
Document on the Voluntary Sector
A series of proposals with regard to monitoring and administrative procedures within the voluntary sector.
Translation Volume: 2208 words Completed: Nov 2006 Languages: Spanish to English
Service Level Agreement
Law: Contract(s)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2500 words Completed: Nov 2006 Languages: Spanish to English
Law: Contract(s)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 253 words Completed: Oct 2006 Languages: Spanish to English
Academic Letter
Credit transfer confirmation
Education / Pedagogy
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2405 words Completed: Oct 2006 Languages: Spanish to English
Recipe Collection
Cooking / Culinary
No comment.
Payment methods accepted
Wire transfer
Sample translations submitted: 5
Spanish to English: Newspaper Article Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - Spanish Afirma el Ministro del Interior y de Justicia, Sabas Pretelt de la Vega que, "el problema radica en que hay que fumigar varias veces los mismos lugares, los cultivos se expanden y se corren y los bandidos se modernizan". De ello estábamos advertidos hace rato; distintos estudios muestran los estragos del "efecto globo", que no es más que el desplazamiento de los cultivos a consecuencia de las fumigaciones, que migran de unas regiones a otras dentro de un mismo país, como ha ocurrido en Colombia o entre unos y otros países de la región. Según Sergio Calvani, representante en Colombia de la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito, el 65% de los cultivos que se erradican se vuelve a sembrar, muchas veces con variedades resistentes al glifosato.
Translation - English Colombian Interior and Justice Minister, Sabas Pretelt de la Vega, maintains that "the problem lies in having to repeatedly fumigate the same areas, whilst crops continue to multiply and criminals become increasingly sophisticated in their methods". Recent studies have warned of the havoc wreaked by the “balloon effect”: that is, when crops are eradicated as a result of fumigation, they simply migrate to other regions of Colombia and neighbouring countries. According to Sergio Calvani, Colombian representative for the UN Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, 65% of eradicated crops are being resown and often mutate to form a higher resistance to glyphosate.
Spanish to English: Patent Case Judgment Detailed field: Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
Source text - Spanish ANTECEDENTES DE HECHO
PRIMERO.-El Procurador don [nombre], en nombre y representacion de la entidad mercantil «[nombre de empresa]», promovio demanda de juicio declarativo de menor cuantia, turnada al Juzgado de Primera Instancia num. 10 de Zaragoza en fecha 4 de marzo de 1992, por violacion de derechos de propiedad industrial y de consiguiente indemnizacion de danos y perjuicios, contra la mercantil «[nombre de empresa]», en la que, tras alegar los hechos y fundamentos de derecho que estimo de aplicacion, suplico al Juzgado que: «En su dia se dicte sentencia por la que: l.-Se declare que la demandada ha violado los derechos exclusivos de propiedad industrial que corresponden a «[nombre de empresa]», como titular de la patente de invencion numero [numero del patente] titulada "[nombre del patente]", al haber fabricado y comercializado la demandada, sin la autorizacion de aquella, potenciometros que incorporan las caracteristicas esenciales de la expresada patente.
Translation - English BACKGROUND FACTS
ONE.-The Procurator Mr. [insert name], acting on behalf and in representation of “[insert company name]”, commenced a minor claims declaratory judgment, assigned to the Court of First Instance, no. 10, Zaragoza on 4 March 1992 for infringement of intellectual property rights and compensation for damages and loss resulting therefrom against the company “[insert company name]”, and in which, upon establishing the facts and fundamental principles of law to be enforced, petitioned the Court “to issue a ruling in due course for: 1. violation by the defendant of the exclusive itellectual property rights corresponding to “[name of company]” as owner of the invention patent no. [patent number], titled “[name of patent]”, the defendant having manufactured and marketed without prior consent, potentiometers incorporating basic characteristics of the patent in question.
Spanish to English: Company Profile Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Spanish Con más de 130.000 personas trabajando en más de 40 países, [nombre del banco], ha tenido un beneficio atribuido en el 2006 de 7596 millones de euros, lo que lo convierte en el primer grupo financiero de la zona euro y Latinoamérica y en la décima entidad financiera del mundo por capitalización bursátil.
La gestión del [nombre del banco] está orientada a mantener relaciones estables y duraderas con los accionistas, clientes, empleados y las comunidades en las que esta presente. Las principales áreas de negocio del Grupo son: Banca Comercial, Banca Mayorista Global, Gestión de Activos y Seguros.
Translation - English With over 130,000 professionals employed across more than 40 countries, [insert name of bank] saw an allocated profit of 7,596 million euros in 2006, ranking it first among financial groups operating within the Euro Zone and Latin America, and the tenth largest financial entity in the world in terms of market capitalisation.
[insert name of bank]'s management is geared towards maintaining stable, long-term relationships with shareholders, clients, employees and the communities within which it operates. The Group's core business activities comprise: Commercial Banking, Global Wholesale Banking, Insurance and Asset Management.
Spanish to English: Clinical Discharge Report Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Spanish
Paciente varón de 57 años. Es remitido a Urgencias desde el Centro de Salud [XXX] tras un politraumatismo con afectación craneal frontal, sin pérdida de conocimiento. A su llegada el paciente se encuentra consciente, orientado, sin focalidad neurológica. Hemodinámicamente estable. FC 94 lpm y sat 88 % con O2 ambiente. Analíticamente destaca etanol de 0,9. Los otros hallazgos analíticos son compatibles con hepatopatía y enolismo crónico. En la Rx tórax existen varios callos de fractura en arcos costales sin líneas de fractura agudos. Infiltrado lóbulo medio derecho. Afebril. Leucocitos 8000; PCR 69,9. De forma brusca coincidiendo con la ingesta de agua, el paciente presenta tiritona con diaforesis intensa, hipertensión y desaturación. Ingresa en UCI.
Paciente consciente, sin obedecer órdenes, inquieto. Diaforesis profusa, mala perfusión periférica. Taquipneico. TA 160/90; FC 150 lpm. Sat 93 % con mascarilla reservorio.
Auscultación pulmonar: crepitantes bilaterales. Hipertenso (TA 160/90) en taquicardia a 150 lpm. Auscultación cardiaca: RsCsRs; no se aprecian soplos. Abdomen: ruidos intestinales presentes; sin otros hallazgos reseñables. Pulsos periféricos presentes y simétricos.
Translation - English
Male patient aged 57 years. Referred to emergency unit from [XXX] Health Centre after suffering polytraumatism affecting the front cranial segment without loss of consciousness. Patient conscious on arrival, fully-orientated, showing no sign of neurological focality. Haemodynamically stable. HR 94 bpm and 88% O2 saturation. Analysis results show 0.9 ethanol level. Other findings consistent with hepatopathy and chronic enolism. Chest x-ray reveals various fracture calluses on the costal arches with no acute fracture lines. Right middle lobe infiltrate. Feverless. Leukocytes 8000; CRP 69.9. Onset of shivering, intense diaphoresis, hypertension and desaturation in patient coinciding heavily with water intake. Admitted to ICU.
Patient conscious, uncooperative, restless. Profuse diaphoresis, poor peripheral perfusion. Tachypneic. BP 160/90; HR 150bpm. Oxygen saturation 93% with reservoir mask.
Pulmonary auscultation: bilateral crackles. Hypertense (BP 160/90) and tachycardic at 150bpm. Cardiac auscultation: regular rhythm and rate; no murmurs. Abdomen: intestinal noises present; no other significant findings.
Peripheral pulses present and symmetric.
Spanish to English: Web Content; Mission Statement Detailed field: Marketing
Source text - Spanish Valores y misión
La misión de AECS es poner de relieve el diálogo intercultural para contribuir a una sociedad variada y dinámica. Más allá de lo económico, en relación con los procesos identitarios y con la diversidad cultural, creemos en el diálogo entre culturas y civilizaciones que hoy más que nunca desempeña un papel crucial en el contexto mundial de cooperación política, social y cultural internacional.
AECS elabora respuestas a necesidades de carácter educativo, cultural y comunicativo, aunando la multidisciplinaridad, la flexibilidad, la motivación y el conocimiento del mercado nacional e internacional.
Translation - English Core Values and Mission Statement
Our mission is to bring greater prominence to intercultural dialogue as a means to creating a dynamic, diverse society. Financial motivations aside, and in advocacy of identitary processes and cultural diversity, we value the dialogue between different cultures and civilisations, which today plays a more crucial role than ever in the global context of political, social and cultural worldwide cooperation.
AECS provides solutions in response to education, communication and cultural needs, drawing on multidisciplinarity, flexibility, motivation and knowledge of domestic and international markets.
Since graduating, I have undertaken various translation assignments in addition to my full-time profession as an Internal Reviser for London-based translation and localisation company Wordbank. Prior to university, I gained experience in a number of industries, working predominantly in the hospitality and tourism sectors. I have a thorough understanding of the English language and pride myself on my ability to translate accurately without compromising on style.
Keywords: spanish español english ingles sitio web web site legal translation law contracts traducción jurídica contratos terms and conditions condiciones generales european union europea government gobierno embassy embajada politics politica marketing tourism turismo sailing vela
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