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Member since Dec '07

Working languages:
German to Italian
English to Italian
Russian to Italian
Spanish to Italian

Alessandro Zocchi
Bringing reality nearer

Local time: 04:45 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Italian Native in Italian
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Jan 29, 2018 (posted via ProZ.com):  15.000 words about dental instruments reprocessing. Great and interesting topic! ...more, + 1 other entry »
Total word count: 657

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Sono laureato in Scienze della Traduzione presso la Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori (SSLMIT) dell'Ateneo di Trieste con la combinazione linguistica Tedesco - Russo e una Tesi di Laurea sulla traduzione dello statuto BVR, Associazione Federale Tedesca delle Banche Popolari e Raiffeisen, e in possesso dell'attestato di bilinguismo della Provincia di Bolzano (Zweisprachigkeitsurkunde B) nonché del certificato Trinity College Examination Board grade 9.

Sono particolarmente attivo nel campo della traduzione di testi medici (studi clinici, manuali d'uso e manutenzione e software specialistici riguardanti dispositivi medici impiegati in clinica umana e veterinaria, consensi informati, bugiardini, second opinion).

Offro servizi anche nell'ambito delle traduzioni legali (contratti, rapporti peritali, statuti, pareri) e finanziari (bilanci aziendali, relazioni del collegio sindacale, note integrative).

Eseguo altresì traduzioni in campo tecnico (manuali d'uso e manutenzione, componentistica, web based training per Concessionarie e Officine), di brochure informative e materiale pubblicitario per importanti Case automobilistiche a livello internazionale.

Traduco inoltre materiale inerente la sostenibilità, la tutela dell'ambiente e il turismo.

Le mie passioni, oltre alla medicina umana e veterinaria, sono la musica, l'etimologia, la letteratura e la poesia.


I got my University Degree (MA) in Translation Sciences at the Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators of the University of Trieste (SSLMIT), Italy, in German and Russian. My final dissertation dealt with the By-Laws of the German Federal Association of Popular and Raiffeisen Banks (BVR). I am in possession of the Bilingualism Certificate of the province of Bolzano, Italy, and of the Trinity College Examination Board grade 9.

I am particularly active in the fields of medical translation regarding human and veterinary medicine (clinical studies, ICF's, information leaflets in medicine boxes, medical devices user manuals and software, and second opinions).

I offer translation services also in the field of law (contracts, surveys, by-laws, opinions, statements of views) and finance (balance sheets, auditors' reports, notes to the annual report).

I also translate technical texts (user manuals, spare parts lists, WBT's for car dealers and workshops), informative brochures and advertising material for important international Clients in the Automotive industry.

I have also the pleasure to translate texts and reports about sustainability, environment issues (alternative energy sources and global footprint reduction issues), environment protection and tourism.

My passions, apart from human and veterinary medicine are music, etymology, literature and poetry.


Professionista di cui alla Legge n.4 del 14 gennaio 2013, pubblicata nella GU del 26/01/2013.

I work with SDL Trados Studio 2017


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This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 838
PRO-level pts: 780

Top languages (PRO)
German to Italian448
Italian to English110
English to Italian83
Italian to German37
Italian to Spanish18
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Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 4 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Automotive / Cars & Trucks62
Finance (general)57
Engineering (general)47
Mechanics / Mech Engineering44
Medical (general)40
Law: Contract(s)31
Pts in 52 more flds >

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This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects1
With client feedback1
100% positive (1 entry)

Job type
Language pairs
German to Italian1
Specialty fields
Other fields
Engineering: Industrial1
Keywords: medicine, clinical studies, ICF, ICF's, user manual, user manuals, dictionary, dictionaries, information leaflet, veterinary. See more.medicine, clinical studies, ICF, ICF's, user manual, user manuals, dictionary, dictionaries, information leaflet, veterinary, veterinary medicine, medical device, devices, literature, poetry, e-banking, banking, accounting, automotive, WBT, WBTs, medicina, letteratura, poesia, banca, e-banking, banca on-line, contabilità, settore automobilistico, web based training, Medizin, Literatur, Dichtung, Bankwesen, Buchhaltung, PKW, Automobilbereich, literatura, poesìa, flexibility, accuracy, accuratezza, Flexibilität, flexibilidad, passione, Leidenschaft, passion, studi clinici, bugiardino, consenso informato, bugiardini, studio clinico, veterinaria, manuale, manuali, guida, borsa, Gebrauchsanweisung, Arzneimittel, Medikament, dispositivo medico, Medizinprodukt, prodotto medicinale, prodotti medicinali, dispositivi medici, medicamento, medicamenti, EMT, UFSP, ALT, BAG, Gesundheit, salute, health system, Arztpraxis, Tierheilkunde, Tierarzt, ETFS, Börsenwesen, Behandlung, trattamento, Therapie, terapia, terapía, estudio clínico, practitioner, software, medico, fitoterapia, IT, informatica, phytotherapy, Phytotherapie, Pflanzenheilkunde, dedication, target oriented, zielgerichtet, professionell, SDL Trados Studio 2015, STAR Transit NXT. See less.

Profile last updated
Oct 14, 2024