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English to Slovenian: Intercompany Service Agreement General field: Other Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English In this Agreement:
(a) the table of contents and headings used in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and shall not be construed as having any substantive significance or as indicating that all the provisions of this Agreement relating to any topic are to be found in any particular Article;
(b) in the event of any conflict or inconsistency between any Article, any Schedule or other document incorporated by reference, the Articles override the Schedule and the Schedule override any other documents incorporated by reference to the extent of the inconsistency
(c) except as expressly otherwise provided in this Agreement, any reference to "writing" or "written" includes faxes, emails and any legible reproduction of words delivered in permanent and tangible form;
As agreed upon in this Agreement, the Service Provider shall provide the Service Recipient with services, as more particularly described under the Schedule 1 to this Agreement (the „Services“) in exchange for a service fee as specified under Article 4 of this Agreement.
2.1 Service Provider will perform the Services independently, by way of employing experienced and proficient staff in the sphere of particular Service.
2.2 As an exception from the above, Service Provider may, for particular activities and projects, according to its own assessment, engage external associates, individuals or legal entities from the territory of the Slovenia or from abroad.
2.3 In the course of performing Services, Service Provider shall be bind to the instructions of Service Recipient.
2.4 Upon the Service Recipient’s written request, within 15 working days from the day of the request, the Service Provider shall provide the Service Recipient with a written report summarizing the Services rendered in requested period.
3.1 Service Provider shall render the Services continuously, on a daily basis in the course of performing the regular business activities..
Translation - Slovenian V tej pogodbi:
(a) kazalo in naslovi v tej pogodbi so uporabljeni zgolj zaradi lažjega sklicevanja in nimajo nobenega vsebinskega pomena oz. ne označujejo, da so določbe te pogodbe v zvezi s katero koli temo navedene v katerem koli določenem členu;
(b) v primeru kakršnega koli nasprotja ali neskladja med katerim koli členom in katero koli prilogo ali drugim dokumentom, na katerega se sklicuje ta pogodba, imajo členi prednost pred prilogo, priloga pa ima prednost pred drugimi dokumenti;
(c) razen če je v pogodbi izrecno določeno drugače, vsako sklicevanje na »pisno obliko« vključuje pošiljanje po faksu ali prek elektronske pošte in katero koli čitljivo razmnoževanje besedil, dostavljeno v trajni in fizični obliki.
V skladu z dogovorom ponudnik storitev prejemniku storitev po tej pogodbi zagotavlja storitve, ki so natančneje opisane v Prilogi 1 te pogodbe (»storitve«), proti plačilu pristojbine za storitve, kot je navedeno v 4. členu te pogodbe.
2.1 Ponudnik storitev bo samostojno izvajal storitve, tako da bo zaposlil izkušeno in usposobljeno osebje s področja določene storitve.
2.2 Izjemoma lahko ponudnik storitev za določene dejavnosti in projekte na podlagi lastne presoje zaposli zunanje sodelavce, posameznike ali pravne osebe iz Slovenije ali iz tujine.
2.3 Pri opravljanju storitev je ponudnik storitev dolžan upoštevati navodila prejemnika storitev.
2.4 Na podlagi pisne zahteve prejemnika storitev mora ponudnik storitev v 15 dneh od datuma zahteve prejemniku storitev posredovati pisno poročilo s povzetkom opravljenih storitev v zahtevanem obdobju.
3.1 Ponudnik storitev neprekinjeno vsakodnevno opravlja storitve v okviru izvajanja rednih poslovnih dejavnosti.
Translation education
Graduate diploma - University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts
Years of experience: 17. Registered at Jul 2010. Became a member: Feb 2012.
English to Slovenian (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Catalyst, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
I was born in 1984, my native language is Slovenian. I have a BA in English language and sociology (2011).
My freelance career started in 2008. In 2010, I founded my own company, which is now my sole source of income.
I have gained experience in translating and proofreading/reviewing from English to Slovenian and vice versa in various fields and have translated approx. 2,800,000 words so far. I can guarantee a high-quality andaccurate translation within the agreed deadline.
My specialities include: - automotive industry (user guides, brochures, web content, marketing texts); - IT (software localisation, websites);
Keywords: english to slovenian translation, translator, slovenian to english translation, slovenian, IT, software, computing, localization, marketing, patents. See more.english to slovenian translation, translator, slovenian to english translation, slovenian, IT, software, computing, localization, marketing, patents, agreements, editing, proofreading, target language English, target language Slovene, language pair Slovene-English, Slovenian-English, English-Slovene, English-Slovenian, prevajanje iz angleščine v slovenščino, prevajanje iz slovenščine v angleščino. See less.