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My passion for languages and writing makes my work always exciting!
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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Romanian to English: Helsinki Report General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Romanian Programul a fost extrem de dens şi variat, stagiarii având oportunitatea de a intra în contact cu toate instituţiile care concură la înfăptuirea justiţiei în Finlanda – lato sensu – şi de a observa transparenţa „la ea acasă”, având în vedere faptul că Finlanda se poate mândri cu cea mai veche lege în acest domeniu – 1766.
Prezentul raport se doreşte a fi unul cât mai exhaustiv cu putinţă, toţi stagiarii apreciind că informaţiile obţinute pot fi utilizate ca şi un ghid de lucru şi multe dintre elementele ce vor fi prezentate pot fi însuşite cu titlu de „lege ferenda”.
Translation - English The agenda was extremely dense and diversified; the trainees had the opportunity to become acquainted with all the institutions which concur to the enforcement of justice in Finland – lato sensu – and to observe the transparency “at home”, taking into account the fact that Finland is pride itself with the oldest law in this domain – 1766.
The present report is intended to be as exhaustive as possible, all the trainees appreciating the fact that the obtained information can be used as a working guide and many of the elements to be presented can be taken over as a „lege ferenda”.
English to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) Romanian to English (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) English to Romanian (Chartered Institute of Linguists, verified) Romanian to English (Chartered Institute of Linguists, verified) English to Romanian (Dunarea de Jos University, Galati)
Romanian to English (Dunarea de Jos University, Galati)
Specialized in Marketing, Finance, Accounting, Law, Food Industry.
- Member of Chartered Institute of Linguists, Interpreting and translation divisions;
- Diploma in Public Service Interpreting (Chartered Institute of Linguistics);
- Authorised translator and interpreter by the Romanian Ministry of Justice;
- Translator for the Romanian Embassy and Consulate in London;
- Masters in Management Strategies and Policies, Major in Relationship Marketing
- BA in English and Romanian Language and Literature, Major in Sociolinguistics;
- 8 years professional translation work experience in the following fields:
marketing, economics & finance, accounting, human resources, education & learning and other general fields;
Other work experience:
Financial Assistant (Financial and Metallurgical areas) - analysing financial data, compiling data and narrative reports, presentations, management information system; stocks, production and receivables analysis
Keywords: Finance, Marketing, Business, Education, E-learning, Curriculum, Communication, Health, Medical, general. See more.Finance, Marketing, Business, Education, E-learning, Curriculum, Communication, Health, Medical, general, Certificates, Diplomas, Contracts, Leaflets, Product description, Contracts, English to Romanian, Romanian to English, Moldavian to English, English to Moldavian, translator, interpreter, translator in UK, interpreter in UK, translator in Alton, translator in Hampshire, Romanian translator in UK, sworn translator, brochure, web content, letter, letters, certificate, certificates, updates, financial updates, research, survey, customer satisfaction survey, financial reports, updates, annual plan, . See less.
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