Working languages:
French to Serbian
Serbian to French
English to Serbian

Availability today:

March 2025

Mila Djurovic
Translating is Art


Native in: Serbian 
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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified site user
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Interpreting, Website localization, Editing/proofreading, Software localization, Subtitling, Voiceover (dubbing)
Specializes in:
Law: Contract(s)IT (Information Technology)
Law (general)Computers (general)
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVsBusiness/Commerce (general)
Government / PoliticsInternational Org/Dev/Coop
Chemistry; Chem Sci/EngFood & Drink


KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 262, Questions answered: 110, Questions asked: 57
Project History 2 projects entered

Blue Board entries made by this user  1 entry

Payment methods accepted Wire transfer
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 5
Glossaries Chimie, Droit, Fruits et légumes, Insectes, Internet, Médecine, Oiseaux, Plantes, Poissons, Technique
Translation education Bachelor's degree - Faculty of Philology, Belgrade
Experience Years of experience: 20. Registered at Oct 2009. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials French (University of Belgrade, verified)
French to Serbian (Multilingua Interpretation school, Belgrade, verified)
Serbian to French (Multilingua Interpretation school, Belgrade, verified)
French to Serbo-Croat (Multilingua Interpretation school, Belgrade)
Memberships N/A
Software Amara, Google Translator Toolkit, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Plunet BusinessManager, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Transifex
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Events and training
Professional practices Mila Djurovic endorses's Professional Guidelines.

Sworn-in-Court Translator and Interpreter for French/Serbian

Translator for English/Serbian

Working combinations: 

French, English > Serbian

Serbian > French, English

English > French

Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin > French, English

German > Serbian

Proficiency level:

Native: Serbian

Near-native: French

Advanced: English

Intermediate: German

Personal language background:

I was born in Geneva and raised as a bilingual child (learning French, as Geneva is in the French speaking part of Switzerland, and German, as my mother is Austrian). I moved to Belgrade, Serbia, at the age of five where I learned Serbian from my father and in school. I continued to study French during my entire education, starting from experimental elementary school "Vladislav Ribnikar" with French classes five times a week. I started learning English at the age of ten and spent several long periods in Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Turkey and Thailand.

Education and qualifications

Certified Court Interpreter and Translator for French/Serbian appointed by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia since November 2008

MA in Conference Interpreting, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, June 2022 

Certificate in simultaneous, consecutive and written translation, "Multilingua" school, Belgrade, March 2007

BA in French language and literature, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, January 2006

DALF certificate (Diploma of Advanced French Language Studies delivered by the French Ministry of Education), European levels B1 and B2, French Cultural Center, Belgrade, November 2003

Second prize at the French language competition for high school students, Novi Sad, Serbia, 1997

Professional experience

Full time work
January 2004–March 2012
Embassy of Belgium in Serbia, Belgrade
Translator and interpreter for French/Serbian

Freelance positions (among others) January 2008–December 2012
Translation agency "Alpha Team One d.o.o", Belgrade, Serbia
Translator and interpreter for French/Serbian

April 2008–February 2009
French Cultural Center, Belgrade
Simultaneous interpreter for French/Serbian

December 2007, June 2008
Association of Belgrade architects
Translator for English/Serbian

Published translations
September 2016
Publishing house "Paideia", Belgrade
French to Serbian translation of the monograph "Ivan Jevtic, itinéraire d'un musicien libre" (Serbian title "Ivan Jevtić, kompozitor na putevima slobode") by musicologist Sylvie Nicefor

November 2014
Publishing house "Paideia", Belgrade
French to Serbian translation of the novel "Billie" (Serbian title "Bili") by French author Anna Gavalda

August–November 2004
Publishing house "Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva", Belgrade
French to Serbian translation of eight children's books:

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Total pts earned: 276
PRO-level pts: 262

Top languages (PRO)
Croatian to French84
Serbian to French56
French to Serbian40
Serbo-Croat to French22
English to Serbian16
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Law (general)124
Finance (general)12
Cosmetics, Beauty12
Automotive / Cars & Trucks12
Medical (general)8
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters8
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Keywords: assermenté, assermentée, traducteur, traductrice, interprète, français, serbe, anglais, traduction, juridique. See more.assermenté, assermentée, traducteur, traductrice, interprète, français, serbe, anglais, traduction, juridique, droit, légal, relecture, relecteur, relectrice, acte, contrat, loi, attestation, diplôme, politique, commerce, chimie, industrie, alimentaire, agriculture, musique, tourisme, voyages, architecture, Serbie, Belgrade, Belgique, France, Suisse, prevodilac, francuski, srpski, engleski, prevod, sudski, tumac, tumač, overen, overeni, konsekutivno, simultano, prevodjenje, prevođenje, lektura, lektor, korektor, tehnicki, tehnički, izvod, ugovor, zakon, potvrda, diploma, politika, trgovina, hemija, bezbednosni, list, prehrambena, industrija, poljoprivreda, muzika, turizam, sport, arhitektura, Srbija, Beograd, Belgija, Francuska, Švajcarska, French, Serbian, English, translator, interpreter, court, certified, sworn, sworn-to-court, consecutive, simultaneous, interpreting, translating, legal, translation, proofreading, proofreader, review, reviewer, localization, IT, software, law, business, politics, trade, chemistry, document, contract, food, industry, music, tourism, sports, Serbia, Belgrade, Belgium, France, Switzerland, преводилац, превод, превођење, преводити, преводилаштво, француски, српски, енглески, српског, француског, судски, тумач, оверен, оверени, Француска, Белгија, Швајцарска, Србија, Београд, лекторисање, лектор, право, пресуда, извод, уговор, закон, политика, трговина, хемија, безбедносни, лист, диплома, потврда, прехрамбена, индустрија, музика, спорт, туризам. See less.

Profile last updated
Feb 11