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Sample translations submitted: 3
Turkish to English: Türk Borçlar Hukuku / Turkish Code of Obligations General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Turkish B.K. 258. massesi hükmü uyarınca kiralananı tamir yükümlülüğü kiralayana aittir. Davacı, kiracı davalıyı kiralayana çektiği 23.3.1992 günlü ihtarname ile kiralananı 7 gün içinde tamir etmesi gerektiğini bildirmiş ve buna rağmen davalı kiralayan kendisine düşen tamir edimini yerine getirmemiştir.
Öte yandan davacı kiracısının tamir eylemini de çatıya çıkan kapıyı davalı kapatmak suretiyle engellemiştir. Borçlar Kanunun genel hükümlerine göre bu nevi tamirler kiralayanın yükümlülüğü altındadır.
Translation - English According to Article 258 of the Code of Obligations, repairs of rental properties shall be undertaken by the landlord. The claimant requested that the landlord have the property repaired within 7 days by means of the notification dated 23.3.1992, but the defendant landlord did not fulfill his repair duty despite this request.
On the other hand, the defendant prevented the claimant tenant from repairing the property by blocking access to the roof. According to the general provisions of the Code of Obligations, such repair duties belong to the landlord.
Turkish to English: Serebellar Beyaz Cevher Tutulumu ile Sınırlı Organik Asidemi olgusunda MR ve Diffüzyon MR Bulguları General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Turkish ÖZET:
Organik asidemiler amino asit, lipit ve karbonhidrat metabolizmalarının farklı yollardan etkilenmeleri sonucu gelişen bir grup doğumsal metabolik hastalıklardır.
Çoğunluğu doğumdan hemen sonra veya ilk birkaç gün içerisinde bulgu verir.
Çeşitli organik asidemiler MRG’deki değişik anormal görünümleri ile tarif edilmişlerdir.
Bunlardan bazıları BT veya MRG de simetrik dansite/sinyal değişikliği şeklinde izlenebilir.
Hipotoni ve konvülsiyonları olan 14 aylık hastamızın MRG’sinde simetrik serebellar beyaz cevher tutulumu mevcut olup olgumuzu organik asidemi açısından sunmayı amaçladık.
Keywords: Serebellar beyaz cevher, difüzyon MRG, Organik Asidemi
Translation - English ABSTRACT:
Organic acidemias are a group of congenital metabolic disorders caused by the interaction of amino-acids, lipids, and carbohydrate metabolisms in different ways.
Most of these disorders can be detected right after birth or in a couple days after birth.
Various organic acidemias are described with their abnormal appearances in MRI scans.
Some of these may be observed in MRI or CT scans as fluctuations in symmetric density/signal changes.
Since symmetric cerebellar white matter lesions are present in the MRI scans of our 14-month old patient with hipotonia, we decided to present this case from the viewpoint of organic acidemia.
Keywords: Cerebellar white matter, diffusion-weighted MRI, Organic Acidemia
Turkish to English: BİYOGÜVENLİK KANUNU TASARISI / BIOSAFETY FRAMEWORK DRAFT LAW General field: Other Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - Turkish MADDE 4- (1) Bu Kanuna göre yapılan her bir başvuru için bilimsel esaslara göre risk değerlendirmesi ve sosyo-ekonomik değerlendirme ayrı ayrı yapılır. Başvuruda verilen bilgilerin yeterli görülmemesi durumunda başvuru sahibinden yeniden deney, test, analiz ve araştırma yapılması talep edilebilir. Risk değerlendirmesi ve sosyo-ekonomik değerlendirme işlemleri ile ilgili masraflar başvuru sahibi tarafından karşılanır.
(2) Yapılan başvurularda her bir başvuru için ayrı risk değerlendirmesi yapılır. Risk değerlendirmesinde laboratuvar, sera ve tarla testlerini içeren alan denemeleri ile gıda analizleri, toksisite ve alerji testleri yanında gerekli görülen diğer testlerin sonuçlarının başvuru sahibi tarafından verilmesi zorunludur.
Translation - English ARTICLE 4- (1) According to this law, risk assessment and socio-economic evaluation of each application shall be conducted according to scientific methods and procedures on a case-by-case basis. In case the information in the application is deemed insufficient, the applicant may be requested to re-conduct some of the tests, analysis, experiments, or research. The cost of risk assessment and socio-economic evaluation shall be paid for by the applicant.
(2) Risk assessment shall be conducted separately for each application submitted. The applicant is obligated to submit the results of all tests carried out in the risk assessment, including tests conducted in laboratories, field tests in green houses, and crop fields; and food tests, toxicity and allergy analyses, and other tests that are deemed necessary.
I currently work as a senior translator & editor and language quality inspector for several global translation agencies in the USA and Europe. I am an educator by training (certified in Turkey and the USA) with flawless command of both English and Turkish. I have 22 years of translation experience.
Below is a list of the services I offer:
Tender consultancy for projects announced by Public Procurement Authority in Turkey and translation of the tender documents from Turkish into English
Translation from Turkish into English
Translation from Ottoman Turkish into English
Translation from English into Turkish
Subtitling (both in English and in Turkish)
Real-time captioning for webcasting and other live events (both in English and in Turkish)
Consecutive and Escort Interpreting
OPI (Over the Phone Interpreting)
Video Interpreting
Website/software/game localization (TR>EN and EN>TR)
Review/Editing from English into Turkish
Preparation of language instruction materials and teaching
Transcription and Translation of Turkish audio files into English
Transcription and Translation of English audio files into Turkish
Website and software localization and testing
My Expertise:
Most academic fields
Movies and TV shows
Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
Education & Pedagogy
IT (Information Technology)
Computer Science
Social Sciences
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
Keywords: law, medicine, science, IT, information systems, philosophy, education, pedagogy, computer science, patents. See, medicine, science, IT, information systems, philosophy, education, pedagogy, computer science, patents, government, contracts, patents, politics, journalism, legal translation, medical translation, scientific translation, technical translation, business translation, translation into Turkish, translation into English, Turkish, English, Physics, computer programming, mathematics, calculus, chemistry, software, open source, android, python, linux, php,, java, software localization, website localization, Turkish to English, English to Turkish, translation, interpretation, interpreting, consecutive interpretation, consecutive interpreting, transcription, subtitling, dubbing, voice-over, Turkish>English, English>Turkish, voiceover, Turkish to English translator, English to Turkish translator, Turkish interpreter, turkish into english, english into turkish, turkish to english legal translation, english to turkish legal translation, turkish to english medical translation, english to turkish medical translation, turkish to english engineering translation, english to turkish engineering translation, turkish to english academic translation, english to turkish academic translation, turkish to english scientific translation, english to turkish scientific translation, turkish to english marketing translation, english to turkish marketing translation, . See less.