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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member This person previously served as a moderator.
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Translation, Interpreting
Specializes in:
Business/Commerce (general)
International Org/Dev/Coop
IT (Information Technology)
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Tourism & Travel
Law: Contract(s)
Environment & Ecology
Also works in:
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Computers (general)
Education / Pedagogy
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Government / Politics
Human Resources
Internet, e-Commerce
Media / Multimedia
Poetry & Literature
Wine / Oenology / Viticulture
Volunteer / Pro-bono work
Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
24 projects entered 9 positive feedback from outsourcers
Project Details
Project Summary
Translation Volume: 115000 words Duration: Aug 2006 to Dec 2006 Languages: French to English
SAP functional specifications
Translation of SAP functional specifications in the following areas: Finance, Logistics (Transport, Storage), Sales, Supply Chain, Purchasing and Production
Finance (general), SAP, Transport / Transportation / Shipping
Interpreting Volume: 36 hours Completed: Oct 2005 Languages: English to French
Intepreting for the executive council meeting of an INGO
EN>FR for the organization's Vice-President for Africa, with retour
International Org/Dev/Coop, Government / Politics, Finance (general)
positive DCI International: No comment.
Interpreting Volume: 60 hours Completed: Jul 2005 Languages: English to French
Interpreting at an INGO's general assembly & child rights conference
Primarily EN>FR intepreting, with retour
International Org/Dev/Coop, Government / Politics, Finance (general)
positive DCI International / Palestine Section: I was impressed by Ms. Clausen´s professionalism, her attitude and her performance. I would recommend her services to others.
Translation Volume: 13546 words Completed: May 2005 Languages: French to English
Translation of a graphic novel storyline
Slang, Poetry & Literature
positive Sanjin Cosabic: great understending of a project, she cared about all subtilities and the meening of a project. Very profesional atitude and excelent result!
Interpreting Volume: 60 hours Completed: Aug 2004 Languages: French to English
Chuchotage interpreting for theology course
FR>EN with retour
Religion, Education / Pedagogy
positive Emmanuelle Community: very good work with a real great ability of adaptation
Sample translations submitted: 3
French to English: Reputation and Legitimacy in the Context of Sustainable Development
Source text - French L’environnement est devenu une préoccupation publique et désormais “ Les entreprises souhaitent s’emparer de la problématique du développement durable afin d’améliorer leur image de marque auprès d’un public de plus en plus sensibilisé à ces questions. ”
Le développement durable possède différentes définitions. L’une des plus répandue se trouve dans le “ rapport Brundtland ”, issu de la Commission mondiale pour l’environnement et le développement, de 1987. Il le définit comme “ un développement qui répond aux besoins des générations présentes sans compromettre la capacité des générations futures à répondre aux leurs ” . Ainsi, cette approche défend un nouveau système de management industriel et propose l’idée d’une meilleure maîtrise de la consommation des énergies et des ressources naturelles, l’équilibre entre la croissance économique et l’écosystème. Cette notion de développement durable est œcuménique dans le sens où nul ne peut nier le besoin d’une préservation des ressources de la planète tout en assurant un développement économique juste au service d’une amélioration des conditions sociales du plus grand nombre. Selon Nicole D’ALMEIDA la notion de développement durable contient une “ promesse magique de réconciliation : réconciliation de ces dimensions contraires que sont l’économique, le social et l’environnemental, mais aussi réconciliation des acteurs qui reprennent cette notion à leur compte et la déclinent à leur manière. ”
Translation - English The environment has become a question of public concern and nowadays “companies wish to tackle problems of sustainable development in order to improve their image, given a public that is more and more aware of these issues.”
Sustainable development has various definitions. One of the most widespread is that contained in the Brundtland Report, issued by the World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987, which defines it as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. Thus, this approach advocates a new system of industrial management and offers the idea of a better control of the consumption of energy and of natural resources, and of a balance between economic growth and the ecosystem. This concept of sustainable development is ecumenical in the sense that no one can deny the need for safeguarding the planet’s resources, while ensuring fair economic development in the interest of improving social conditions for all. According to Nicole D’Almeida, the concept of development sustainable contains a “magical promise of reconciliation: that is to say, reconciliation of the contradictory dimensions that are economic, social and environmental, but also reconciliation of the actors who take up this concept and develop it in their own particular way.”
Spanish to English: Geometry of a Butterfly
Source text - Spanish El vidrio es un material que no deja de maravillar desde los tiempos antiguos hasta el presente. Sus cualidades y ductilidad ofrecen una gama infinita de posibilidades. “Geometría de una mariposa” es un buen ejemplo de ello.
“Esta hermosa pieza del artista mexicano Xavier Meléndez, diseñada en 1994, simboliza la abstracción de una forma orgánica, una mariposa, en dos representaciones geométricas”, explica Gina Ulloa, Directora General del Museo del Vidrio.
Una de las principales características de esta obra, que desde 1995 forma parte de la colección permanente del Museo del Vidrio, es pretender detener la luz.
La obra se exhibe en el ático del Museo del Vidrio junto con la colección de arte contemporáneo. También ha formado parte de algunas participaciones externas en las que el Museo ha estado presente.
La pieza está elaborada con cristal trabajado en frío, técnica que consiste en la utilización de bloques de cristal de plomo para trabajarla con cortes y pulidos hasta lograr la forma deseada.
“México cuenta con grandes talentos que han utilizado esta técnica, entre los que destacan Pedro Ramírez Vázquez y Xavier Meléndez, ambos arquitectos”, agrega Ulloa.
Nacido en Torreón, Coahuila, Meléndez estudió arquitectura. Al descubrir las amplias posibilidades que tiene el vidrio como medio de expresión, decide viajar a Europa, en donde se especializa en el trabajo de este fascinante material.
Su talento le ha permitido ejercer una influencia determinante en la cultura artística del vidrio en Monterrey así como la obtención de varios reconocimientos nacionales e internacionales.
Translation - English From ancient times through to the present, glass has never ceased to amaze. Its various qualities and malleability offer artists an infinite range of possibilities, of which “Geometría de una mariposa” is an excellent example.
“This beautiful work, designed in 1994 by Mexican artist Xavier Meléndez, symbolizes the abstraction of an organic form – that of a butterfly – into two geometric representations”, explains Gina Ulloa, General Director of the Museo del Vidrio.
One of the main characteristics of this piece, which has been a part of the Museo del Vidrio’s permanent collections since 1995, is its attempt at capturing light.
The work is displayed in the attic of the Museo del Vidrio, as part of the museum’s collection of contemporary art. It has also been present in several of the external exhibitions in which the Museo has participated.
The piece was created through the cold glassworking of crystal, a technique which consists in the cutting and polishing of blocks of lead crystal until the desired form has been achieved.
“Mexico has a number of great talents who have employed this technique; among these, Pedro Ramírez Vázquez and Xavier Meléndez – both architects – stand out in particular,” adds Ulloa.
Meléndez, a native of Torreon, Coahuila, began by studying archictecture. Once he discovered the prolific possibilities available through the use of glass as a means of expression, he decided to travel to Europe, where he specialized in the manipulation of this fascinating material.
His talent has allowed him to exert a defining influence on the artistic culture of glassworking in Monterrey and has also won him numerous national and international awards.
French to English: Lula da Silva, Man of the Hour
Source text - French L’escapade française du président brésilien lui aura au moins laissé quelque répit. Car l’hôte d’honneur des cérémonies du 14 Juillet, qui devait être reçu aujourd’hui par Jacques Chirac et Dominique de Villepin, est plutôt en mauvaise posture dans son pays. Confronté à une grave crise politique, sur fond de scandale d’achat de voix et de financement illégal, il a déjà dû endurer la démission d’importants dirigeants du Parti des travailleurs (PT), dont il est l’un des fondateurs. L’affaire, débutée en juin suite à la dénonciation d’un député du Parti travailliste brésilien (PTB, droite), allié du gouvernement, a déjà coûté sa tête à José Dirceu (PT), son bras droit, ministre de la Maison civile et coordinateur du gouvernement. « C’est vrai, j’affronte actuellement de fortes turbulences mais tout se passe dans le cadre d’une démocratie qui sortira renforcée par cette épreuve », se plaît à espérer l’ancien métallo, qui conserve tout de même une popularité satisfaisante (59,9 %). Mais, au-delà des scandales, c’est sa politique sociale et économique qui est largement critiquée, notamment par les partisans du Mouvement des sans-terre et les pauvres qui ont largement contribué à son élection. Aujourd’hui, ils font partie des déçus de la présidence Lula, quand les milieux aisés se montrent eux plutôt satisfait, par la bonne santé de l’économie brésilienne. « C’est un honneur d’avoir un président ouvrier qui a réussi à renverser les élites », déclarait mercredi soir le chanteur Jorge Ben Jor. Il a raison, mais il s’agit maintenant de nourrir le peuple.
Translation - English The Brazilian president’s French escapades will at least have afforded him a brief respite, at a time when the guest of honour at the Bastille Day ceremonies – scheduled to meet today with French President Jacques Chirac and Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin – finds himself in a rather bad position in his own country. Faced with a serious political crisis based on scandals around vote-buying and illegal financing, he has already had to endure the resignation of several important leaders within the Workers’ Party (PT), of which he was a founder. The affair began in June, following the denunciation of a Brazilian Labour Party (PTB, right-wing) Member of Parliament allied with the government, and has already cost Lula’s right-hand man, Chief-of-Staff and Minister of Civil Affairs José Dirceu (PT), his head. “It’s true that I am currently facing a period of heavy turbulence, but all this is taking place in the framework of a democracy that will emerge reinvigorated from this ordeal,” the former metalworker likes to believe, and Lula has, indeed, managed to maintain the satisfactory approval rating of 59.9%.
However, looking beyond the current scandals, it is his socio-economic policies that are widely criticised, especially by those who contributed most to his election: the partisans of the MST (Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement) and the poor. Today, they constitute one segment of those who have been disappointed by the Lula presidency; whereas the wealthier circles remain fairly satisfied, thanks to the health of the Brazilian economy. “It is an honour to have a working-class president who has managed to overturn the elite,” singer Jorge Ben Jor stated Wednesday evening. He’s right, but now it’s time to think of feeding his people.
Translation education
Master's degree - Heriot-Watt University
Years of experience: 19. Registered at Jun 2005. Became a member: May 2006.
French to English (Heriot Watt University, verified) English to French (Heriot Watt University, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, DejaVu, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Wordfast
I am a native English speaker, bilingual in French, and hold a Masters degree in Translation and Conference Interpreting. I am experienced in a wide variety of fields, including IT/SAP, finance, art, business, politics, graphic novels, religion and human rights, among others. I am an efficient translator and take pride in being reliable and conscientious in my work.
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