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Sep 16 (posted Currently working on the translation from English to Indonesian of a 37000-word document on Information Technology....more, + 43 other entries »
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English to Indonesian: English to Indonesian Legal Translation: NDA General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
The Receiver agrees:
to ensure that all Confidential Information is protected with security measures and a degree of care that would apply to its own confidential information (which shall be no less than reasonable care), and not disclose such Confidential Information to any third Party unless expressly permitted under this NDA;
to ensure that all Confidential Information is only used for the Purpose;
to not remove any copyright, trademark, or confidentiality notice; reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble any of the Discloser’s Confidential Information; and
to promptly notify the Discloser in writing of any unauthorized use or disclosure of Confidential Information and take all commercially reasonable steps as requested by the Discloser to prevent, control, or remedy any such unauthorized use.
The Recipient must promptly notify the Discloser of any potential, suspected, or actual unauthorised misuse, disclosure, theft, or loss of the Confidential Information or breach of this NDA and take all reasonable steps as the Discloser may require in order to remedy the situation.
Translation - Indonesian JANJI KERAHASIAAN
Penerima setuju:
untuk memastikan bahwa semua Informasi Rahasia dilindungi dengan tindakan keamanan dan tingkat penjagaan yang berlaku pada informasi rahasianya sendiri (yang tidak kurang dari pejagaan yang wajar), dan tidak mengungkapkan Informasi Rahasia ini kepada Pihak ketiga kecuali jika diizinkan dengan jelas menurut PLP ini;
untuk memastikan bahwa semua Informasi Rahasia hanya digunakan untuk Tujuan;
untuk tidak menghapus pemberitahuan hak cipta, merek dagang, atau kerahasiaan; merekayasa balik, mengurai, atau membongkar Informasi Rahasia Pengungkap; dan
untuk segera memberi tahu Pengungkap secara tertulis mengenai penggunaan atau pengungkapan Informasi Rahasia tanpa izin dan mengambil semua langkah yang wajar secara komersial jika diminta oleh Pengungkap untuk mencegah, mengawasi, atau mengatasi penggunaan tanpa izin ini.
Penerima harus segera memberi tahu Pengungkap tentang kemungkinan, dugaan, atau kejadian penyalahgunaan, pengungkapan, pencurian, atau hilangnya Informasi Rahasia atau pelanggaran PLP ini dan mengambil semua langkah yang wajar yang mungkin diminta Pengungkap untuk mengatasi situasi tersebut.
English to Indonesian: English to Indonesian Legal Translation: Premarital Agreement General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English PREMARITAL AGREEMENT
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this ___ day of _____________, 200___ between A, (“A”) and B (“B”) (sometimes referred to as the parties) in contemplation of their marriage. It is to become effective upon their marriage to each other. The purpose of this agreement is to settle the rights and obligations of each of them, during their marriage, upon the death of either or both of them, or in case of dissolution of the marriage.
A, a citizen of the United States, business man, was born in Greece on . . ., previously divorced, living at . . ., the United States.
B, a citizen of Indonesia, currently unemployed, was born in Indonesia on . . ., living in Indonesia; have entered into this agreement through their mutual discussions.
The parties have previously agreed that, upon their marriage, the United States shall be the domicile of their marriage and they shall maintain their marital residence in the United States.
Both parties, as of this date, are individually possessed of certain separate property; both acknowledge that they played no role in the accumulation of the other's separate property.
The parties agree that matters of the classification and disposition of the parties' property and wealth acquired by either party, whether before or during the marriage, shall be determined solely by this Agreement.
Each party understands that the assets of the other may be increased during the marriage by reason of inheritance, gifts, business profits, realized or unrealized appreciation, accumulated income, personal efforts by one or both parties, and other increases or additions, and each acknowledges that he or she is entering into this Agreement regardless of any increases or decreases thereof.
Translation - Indonesian PERJANJIAN PRANIKAH
PERJANIAN INI dibuat dan disepakati pada tanggal _________ 200__ antara A, (“A”) dan B (“B”) (kadang-kadang disebut kedua pihak) sebelum pernikahan mereka. Perjanjian ini akan berlaku setelah mereka menikah. Tujuan perjanjian ini menetapkan hak dan kewajiban masing-masing dari mereka, selama pernikahan mereka, setelah kematian salah satu dari mereka atau mereka berdua, atau apabila terjadi perceraian.
A, warga negara Amerika Serikat, pengusaha, lahir di Yunani pada tanggal . . ., sebelumnya sudah bercerai, tinggal di . . ., Amerika Serikat.
B, warga negara Indonesia, sekarang menganggur, lahir di Indonesia pada tanggal . . ., tinggal di Indonesia; telah menyepakati perjanjian ini melalui diskusi di antara mereka berdua.
Kedua pihak sebelumnya telah sepakat bahwa, setelah pernikahan mereka, Amerika Serikat akan menjadi tempat tinggal mereka dan mereka akan tetap bertempat tinggal di Amerika Serikat.
Pada hari ini, kedua pihak masing-masing mempunyai harta tertentu yang terpisah; kedua pihak mengakui bahwa mereka tidak berperan dalam pemerolehan harta terpisah pihak lain.
Kedua pihak sepakat bahwa masalah klasifikasi dan pembagian harta dan kekayaan kedua pihak yang diperoleh oleh masing-masing pihak, baik sebelum ataupun selama pernikahan, akan diatur hanya oleh Perjanjian ini.
Masing-masing pihak memahami bahwa harta pihak lain bisa bertambah selama pernikahan karena warisan, hadiah, keuntungan usaha, pertambahan nilai yang terwujud dan yang tidak terwujud, pendapatan yang terkumpul, usaha pribadi oleh salah satu atau kedua pihak, dan peningkatan atau pertambahan lain, dan masing-masing mengakui bahwa ia menyepakati Perjanjian ini tanpa mempertimbangkan pertambahan atau pengurangan harta tersebut.
English to Indonesian: English to Indonesian Legal Translation: Memorandum on Forestry Regulation General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English MEMORANDUM
Regulatory Review of the Forestry Regulations Post Issuance of Job Creation Law and Its Implementing Regulations.
This Memorandum has been prepared with reference to our email correspondence and online meetings, in which ABC (Private) Limited (the “Client”) has sought our legal advice on the new forestry regulations following the issuance of Job Creation Law and its implementing regulations.
This Memorandum is divided into four sections and five annexes:
We understand that the Indonesian subsidiaries of the Client are engaged in the business activities in palm oil plantation and mills activities of the crude palm oil and crude palm kernel oil (“Business Activities”) (these subsidiaries, the “Indonesian Subsidiaries”).
In carrying out the Business Activities, the Indonesian Subsidiaries’ plantation area (including any area used for supporting activities such as transportation road) overlap with Forest Areas, namely Production Forest.
Translation - Indonesian NOTA KAJIAN
Kajian Regulasi Peraturan Kehutanan Pasca Penerbitan UU Cipta Lapangan Kerja dan Peraturan Pelaksanaannya.
Nota kajian ini dibuat sehubungan dengan korespondensi email dan pertemuan daring kami, di mana PT ABC ("Klien”) telah meminta nasihat hukum kami tentang peraturan kehutanan yang baru setelah diterbitkannya Undang-Undang Cipta Lapangan Kerja dan peraturan pelaksanaannya.
Nota kajian ini dibagi menjadi empat bagian dan lima lampiran:
Kami memahami bahwa anak perusahaan Klien di Indonesia melakukan kegiatan bisnis di perkebunan kelapa sawit dan kegiatan pabrik minyak sawit mentah dan minyak inti sawit mentah (“Kegiatan Bisnis”) (anak perusahaan ini, yaitu “Anak Perusahaan di Indonesia”).
Dalam melaksanakan Kegiatan Bisnis, areal perkebunan Anak Perusahaan di Indonesia (termasuk areal yang digunakan untuk menunjang kegiatan seperti jalan transportasi) tumpang tindih dengan Kawasan Hutan, yaitu Hutan Produksi.
Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, Bitdefender Total Security, Plunet BusinessManager, Powerpoint, Smartcat, Smartling, Subtitle Edit, Trados Studio, XTM, XTRF Translation Management System
English into Indonesian Subtitle Translator of Legal-Financial Courses
Hipyan Penerjemah Hukum Inggris-Indonesia
Hipyan Penerjemah Subtitel Inggris-Indonesia
Bachelor of Teaching English and Candidate Bachelor of Laws
Meticulous Strong Understanding of Legal Systems and Terminology of Both English Common Law and Indonesian Civil Law
I am an Indonesian native speaker and full-time freelance English to Indonesian translator with more than 33 (thirty three) years of experience specializing in legal translation.
In my initial years as a freelance translator, I had no academic degree altogether.
To enhance my professionalism and credibility as a freelance legal translator, I took the bachelor of education degree (S.Pd.) at the English Department of Bung Hatta University in Padang, West Sumatra.
To strengthen my legal translation skills, now I am doing my S.H. (equivalent to LL.B.) at the Open University of Padang, West Sumatra.
Moreover, I actively translate various legal courses on Coursera. Now I am translating video subtitles of the course entitled An Introduction to American Law. It covers tort law, contract law, property law, constitutional law, criminal law, and civil procedure.
I am also translating video subtitles of courses on finance, cryptocurrency, and machine learning.
The convenient combination of long full-time experience in translating legal documents, English as well as legal study backgrounds, and active participation in translating legal courses on Coursera, provides me with strong comprehensive mastery of English language and legal systems and terminology.
Nevertheless, because I also often translate numerous documents other than law for my local clients who are graduate students majoring in various disciplines, I can also translate agricultural, chemical, educational, financial, and other documents.
I am always available seven days a week, and no surcharge for weekend orders.
Some of the well-known company brands that I have handled their document translations for: Adobe, Ahold Delhaize, Baker Hughes, Cargill, Harley Davidson, Herbalife Nutrition, Hitachi, Idemitsu, Loreal, Mastercard, Novartis, Standard Chartered Bank, Stenn, Takeda, Tencent, Volvo, etc.
Untuk informasi lainnya mengenai data profesional saya sebagai penerjemah hukum Inggris-Indonesia, silakan kunjungi profil Linkedin saya di atas.
Untuk calon klien dan pengguna jasa penerjemah hukum Inggris-Indonesia dalam negeri, silakan klik tautan situs web Hipyan Penerjemah Hukum Inggris-Indonesia:
Keywords: english to indonesian legal translator specializing in law and finance, english to indonesian legal translation, indonesian to english legal translator, indonesian to english legal translation, english to indonesian subtitle translator, jasa penerjemah hukum inggris-indonesia, jasa penerjemah hukum indonesia-inggris, penerjemah subtitel inggris-indonesia, penerjemah subtitle inggris-indonesia, jasa penerjemah hukum. See more.english to indonesian legal translator specializing in law and finance, english to indonesian legal translation, indonesian to english legal translator, indonesian to english legal translation, english to indonesian subtitle translator, jasa penerjemah hukum inggris-indonesia, jasa penerjemah hukum indonesia-inggris, penerjemah subtitel inggris-indonesia, penerjemah subtitle inggris-indonesia, jasa penerjemah hukum, jasa penerjemah dokumen hukum, jasa penerjemah hukum terbaik, jasa penerjemah hukum terpercaya, bachelor in teaching english and candidate bachelor of laws, hipyan penerjemah hukum, hipyan nopri. See less.